
Defines functions step1_rearrange_facets remove_min is_rev get_split_stars_dim add_used_vars update_grp_vars

# function to update the levels fl per facet dimension
update_grp_vars = function(lev = NULL, m = NULL) {
	vl = get("vl", envir = .TMAP)
	vn = get("vn", envir = .TMAP)

	if (!missing(lev)) {
		m = length(lev)
		if (m == 1L && vn == 1L) {
			if (is.null(vl)) {
				vl = lev
				vn = length(lev)
		} else if (m > 1L && vn > 1L && m != vn) {
			stop("Inconsistent number of aesthetic variables.", call. = FALSE)
		} else if (m > vn) {
			vl = lev
			vn = length(lev)
	} else if (!missing(m)) {
		if (m > 1L && vn > 1L && m != vn) {
			stop("Inconsistent number of aesthetic variables.", call. = FALSE)
		} else if (m > vn) {
			vn = m
			vl = NULL
	assign("vl", vl, envir = .TMAP)
	assign("vn", vn, envir = .TMAP)

add_used_vars = function(v, convert2density = FALSE) {
	if (convert2density) {
		c2d_vars = get("c2d_vars", envir = .TMAP)
		c2d_vars = unique(c(c2d_vars, v))
		assign("c2d_vars", c2d_vars, envir = .TMAP)
	used_vars = get("used_vars", envir = .TMAP)
	used_vars = unique(c(used_vars, v))
	assign("used_vars", used_vars, envir = .TMAP)

get_split_stars_dim = function(lst) {
	if (length(lst)) {
		y = vapply(lst, function(x) x$split_stars_dim, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
		if (any(y != "")) y[which(y != "")[1]] else ""
	} else {

is_rev = function(x) !is.null(x) && substr(x, 1, 1) == "-"
remove_min = function(x) substr(x, 2, nchar(x))

# ## estimate number of facets
step1_rearrange_facets = function(tmo, o) {
	#o = tmap_options_mode()
	dev = getOption("tmap.devel.mode")
	# get the final tm_faets object (ignoring group specific args: is.wrap, by, rows, columns, pages)
	#fl = list(1L, 1L, 1L)
	#assign("fl", fl, envir = .TMAP)
	#assign("fl", list(NULL, NULL, NULL), envir = .TMAP)
	#assign("fn", c(1L, 1L, 1L), envir = .TMAP)

	tmo = lapply(tmo, function(tmg) {
		shp = tmg$tms$shp
		smeta = tmapGetShapeMeta1(shp, c(o, tmg$tmf))

		if (dev) timing_add(s3 = "get_shape_meta1")
		assign("vl", NULL, envir = .TMAP)
		assign("vn", 1L, envir = .TMAP)
		assign("used_vars", character(0), envir = .TMAP)
		assign("c2d_vars", character(0), envir = .TMAP)
		precheck_aes = function(a, layer, shpvars, args) {
			within(a, {
				if (inherits(value, "tmapDimVars")) {
					if (!(value$x %in% smeta$dims)) stop("Unknown dimension in tm_dim_vars", call. = FALSE)
					split_stars_dim = value$x
					if (!all(value$values %in% smeta$dims_vals[[split_stars_dim]])) stop("Unknown values in tm_dim_vars", call. = FALSE)
					update_grp_vars(lev = value$x)
					# redefine value for step 2
					value = structure(list(as.character(value$values)), names = value$x, class = "tmapVars")
					data_vars = TRUE
					geo_vars = FALSE
				} else {
					split_stars_dim = ""
					if (length(value) && is.na(value[[1]][1])) {
						# NA -> value.blank
						value = tmapVars(getAesOption("value.blank", o, aes = aes, layer = layer))
					if (inherits(value, "tmapOption")) {
						value_orig = getAesOption(value[[1]], o, aes = aes, layer = layer)
						if (!is.list(value_orig)) value = list(value_orig)
						names(value) = sapply(value, "[", 1)
					} else if (inherits(value, "tmapShpVars")) {
						value = as.list(shpvars)
					} else {
						value_orig = value
						#value = lapply(value_orig, make.names)
						names(value) = value_orig
						if (inherits(value_orig, "tmapAsIs")) {
							if (inherits(scale, "tm_scale_auto")) {
								class(scale) = c("tm_scale_asis", "tm_scale", "list")
								scale$FUN = tmapScaleAsIs
					nvars = length(value) #m
					nvari = vapply(value, length, integer(1))
					vars = unlist(value)
					data_vars = all(vars %in% shpvars)
					geo_vars = all(vars %in% c("AREA", "LENGTH", "MAP_COLORS")) && !data_vars
					convert2density = "convert2density" %in% names(scale) && scale$convert2density 
					nflvar = nvars
					if (data_vars) {
						flvar = names(value)
						update_grp_vars(lev = flvar)
						add_used_vars(vars, convert2density = convert2density)
					} else if (geo_vars) {
						flvar = names(value)
						update_grp_vars(lev = flvar)
					} else {
						mfun = paste0("tmapValuesSubmit_", aes)
						if (exists(mfun)) {
							value = do.call(mfun, list(x = list(value_orig), args = args))[[1]]
						} else {
							value = value_orig
						nvars = length(value)
						nflvar = nvars
						nvari = vapply(value, length, integer(1))
						#value = 
						#value = value_orig
						update_grp_vars(m = nflvar)
		# preprocess layers: check aes values
		tmg$tmls = lapply(tmg$tmls, function(tml) {
			within(tml, {
				if (length(trans.aes)) trans.aes = lapply(trans.aes, precheck_aes, layer = tml$layer, shpvars = smeta$vars, args = trans.args)
				if (length(mapping.aes)) mapping.aes = lapply(mapping.aes, precheck_aes, layer = tml$layer, shpvars = smeta$vars, args = mapping.args)
				# get first non-empty split_stars_dim, the dimension specificied by tm_vars_dim
				split_stars_dim = get_split_stars_dim(mapping.aes)


				if (isTRUE(popup.vars)) {
					popup.vars = smeta$vars
				} else if (isFALSE(popup.vars)) {
					popup.vars = character(0)
				} else if (is.na(popup.vars[1])) {
					popup.vars = setdiff(get("used_vars", envir = .TMAP), c("AREA", "LENGTH", "MAP_COLORS"))
					if (!length(popup.vars)) popup.vars = smeta$vars
				popup.format = process_label_format(popup.format, o$label.format)
				if (!all(popup.vars %in% smeta$vars)) {
					rlang::arg_match(popup.vars, values = smeta$vars, multiple = TRUE)
				if (length(popup.vars)) add_used_vars(popup.vars)

				if (hover != "" && !hover %in% smeta$vars) rlang::arg_match0(hover, smeta$vars, "hover label", error_call = NULL)
				if (hover != "") add_used_vars(hover)
				if (id != "" && !id %in% smeta$vars) rlang::arg_match0(id, smeta$vars, arg_nm = "id", error_call = NULL)
				if (id != "") add_used_vars(id)
		vl = get("vl", envir = .TMAP)
		vn = get("vn", envir = .TMAP)
		# split stars if needed (dimension -> attributes)
		split_stars_dim = get_split_stars_dim(tmg$tmls)
		shp = tmapSplitShp(shp, split_stars_dim)
		if (split_stars_dim != "") {
			smeta = tmapGetShapeMeta1(shp, o)
			if (dev) timing_add(s3 = "get_shape_meta1_2")
		nrsd = length(smeta$dims) # number of required shape dimensions
		nrvd = as.integer(vn > 1L) # number of required variable dimensions (0 or 1)
		nrd = nrsd + nrvd # number of required by-dimensions

		tmg$tmf = within(tmg$tmf, {
			#fl = flvar
			#nfl = nflvar
			if (is.na(type)) type = if (nrd <= 1L) "wrapstack" else "grid"
			if (type %in% c("wrapstack", "wrap", "stack", "page")) {
				rev1 = is_rev(by)
				rev2 = FALSE
				rev3 = FALSE

				if (rev1) by = remove_min(by)
				by1 = by
				by2 = NULL
				by3 = NULL

				nsbd = as.integer(!is.null(by1) && !by1 == "VARS__" && !(by1 %in% smeta$dims)) # number of required by="varX" dimensions (0 or 1)
				if (nrd > 1L) {
					if (nrsd > 1L) stop("Cannot use tm_facets_wrap/tm_facets_stack, because there are several dimensions. Pleae use tm_facets_grid instead", call. = FALSE)
					# so there is exactly 1 shape dim
					nrvd = 0L
					nrd = 1L
					if (nsbd == 1L) {
						warning("by variable specified and multiple variables while there is a shape dimensions which cannot be ignored. The by variable will therefore be ignored. Also, only the first variable is shown. Use tm_facet_grid to show multiple variables", call. = FALSE)
					by1 = NULL
					limitvars = TRUE
				} else if (nrd == 1L) {
					if (nrsd == 1L) {
						if (nsbd == 1L) {
							warning("by variable specified while there is a shape dimension which cannot be ignored. The by variable will therefore be ignored", call. = FALSE)
						by1 = NULL
						limitvars = FALSE
					} else {
						if (nsbd == 1L) {
							warning("by variable specified while there are multiple variables. Therefore, only the first variable is taken. Please use tm_facet_grid to combine multiple variables with a 'by'-variable", call. = FALSE)
							nrvd = 0L
							limitvars = TRUE
						} else {
							limitvars = FALSE
				} else {
					limitvars = FALSE
				if (is.null(by1)) {
					by1 = if (nrsd == 1L) {
					} else {
			} else {
				by1 = rows
				by2 = columns
				by3 = pages
				rev1 = is_rev(by1)
				rev2 = is_rev(by2)
				rev3 = is_rev(by3)
				if (rev1) by1 = remove_min(by1)
				if (rev2) by2 = remove_min(by2)
				if (rev3) by3 = remove_min(by3)
				if (nrd > 3L) {
					if (nrsd > 3L) stop("The shape object has more than 3 dimensions, so even tm_facets_grid cannot be used.", call. = FALSE)
					nrvd = 0L
					nrd = 3L
					limitvars = TRUE
				} else {
					limitvars = FALSE
					if (nrvd == 1L && !identical(by1, "VARS__") && !identical(by2, "VARS__") && !identical(by3, "VARS__")) {
						if (is.null(by1)) {
							by1 = "VARS__"
						} else if (is.null(by2)) {
							by2 = "VARS__"
						} else if (is.null(by3)) {
							by3 = "VARS__"
				unsigned = setdiff(smeta$dims, c(by1, by2, by3))
				if (length(unsigned)) {
					if (is.null(by1)) by1 = unsigned[1] else if (is.null(by2)) by2 = unsigned[1] else by3 = unsigned[1] 
					if (length(unsigned) > 1) {
						if (is.null(by2)) by2 = unsigned[2] else by3 = unsigned[2] 	
					if (length(unsigned) == 3) {
						by3 = unsigned[3]
			bys = c(by1, by2, by3)
			if (length(bys)) {
				byvars = intersect(smeta$vars, bys)
				if (length(byvars)) add_used_vars(byvars)
			if (!all(bys %in% c("VARS__", smeta$vars, smeta$dims))) stop("unknown facet variables", call. = FALSE)
			if (is.na(na.text)) na.text = o$label.na

		smeta$vars = get("used_vars", envir = .TMAP)
		convert2density = get("c2d_vars", envir = .TMAP)
		smvars = if (length(convert2density)) unique(c(smeta$vars, "AREA")) else smeta$vars
		shp = tmapSubsetShp(shp, smvars)
		if (length(convert2density)) {
			for (v in convert2density) {
				sunit = tmg$tms$unit
				if (is.null(sunit)) sunit = o$unit
				shape.unit <- ifelse(sunit=="metric", "km", ifelse(sunit=="imperial", "mi", sunit))
				u = paste(shape.unit, shape.unit)
				if (is.numeric(shp[[v]])) shp[[v]] = shp[[v]] / units::set_units(shp$AREA, u, mode = "standard")
		if (dev) timing_add(s3 = "subset_shp")
		smeta = tmapGetShapeMeta2(shp, smeta, c(o, tmg$tmf))
		if (dev) timing_add(s3 = "get_shape_meta2")

		tmg$tmf = within(tmg$tmf, {
			gl = list(NULL, NULL, NULL)
			gn = c(1L, 1L, 1L)

			for (i in 1L:3L) {
				byi = get(paste0("by", i))
				if (!is.null(byi)) {
					if (byi == "VARS__") {
						gl[i] = list(vl)
						gn[i] = vn
					} else if (byi %in% smeta$vars) {
						gl[i] = list(smeta$vars_levs[[byi]])
						gn[i] = length(gl[[i]])
					} else if (byi %in% smeta$dims) {
						gl[[i]] = smeta$dims_val[[match(byi, smeta$dims)]]	
						gn[i] = length(gl[[i]])

			if (is.na(free.coords)) {
				if (type %in% c("wrapstack", "wrap", "stack", "page")) {
					free.coords = rep(!any(c(by1, by2, by3) == "VARS__"), 3)
				} else {
					free.coords = c((!is.null(rows) && (rows != "VARS__")), (!is.null(columns)) && (columns != "VARS__"), (!is.null(pages)) && (pages != "VARS__"))
			} else {
				free.coords = rep(free.coords, length.out = 3)
			v = which(c(by1, by2, by3) == "VARS__")
			b = setdiff(which(!vapply(list(by1, by2, by3), is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))), v)
			#n = length(v) + length(b)
			by123 = paste0("by", 1L:3L) 
			by123__ = paste0("by", 1L:3L, "__")
			var__ = by123__[v]
			by__ = by123__[b]
			#fl1 = 
		tmg$tms$shp = shp
		tmg$tms$smeta = smeta


	tmf = get_tmf(lapply(tmo, function(tmoi) tmoi$tmf))
	tmo$tmf_global = tmf
r-tmap/tmap documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:58 a.m.