#' Calculate distances between a given set of stops
#' @param gtfs_stops gtfs stops table either as data frame (with at least `stop_id`,
#' `stop_lon` and `stop_lat` columns) or as `sf` object.
#' @return Returns a data.frame with each row containing a pair of stop_ids (columns
#' `from_stop_id` and `to_stop_id`) and the `distance` between them (in meters)
#' @note The resulting data.frame has `nrow(gtfs_stops)^2` rows, distances calculations
#' among all stops for large feeds should be avoided.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(dplyr)
#' nyc_path <- system.file("extdata", "nyc_subway.zip", package = "tidytransit")
#' nyc <- read_gtfs(nyc_path)
#' nyc$stops %>%
#' filter(stop_name == "Borough Hall") %>%
#' stop_distances() %>%
#' arrange(desc(distance))
#' #> # A tibble: 36 × 3
#' #> from_stop_id to_stop_id distance
#' #> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#' #> 1 423 232 91.5
#' #> 2 423N 232 91.5
#' #> 3 423S 232 91.5
#' #> 4 423 232N 91.5
#' #> 5 423N 232N 91.5
#' #> 6 423S 232N 91.5
#' #> 7 423 232S 91.5
#' #> 8 423N 232S 91.5
#' #> 9 423S 232S 91.5
#' #> 10 232 423 91.5
#' #> # … with 26 more rows
#' }
#' @export
stop_distances = function(gtfs_stops) {
stopifnot(nrow(gtfs_stops) > 1)
from_stop_id <- NULL
if(!inherits(gtfs_stops, "data.frame")) {
stop("Please pass a stops data.frame (i.e. with gtfs_obj$stops)")
if(inherits(gtfs_stops, "sf")) {
dist_matrix = sf::st_distance(gtfs_stops)
} else {
dist_matrix = geodist::geodist(gtfs_stops[,c("stop_id", "stop_lon", "stop_lat")])
rownames(dist_matrix) <- gtfs_stops$stop_id
colnames(dist_matrix) <- gtfs_stops$stop_id
dist_matrix_df = dplyr::as_tibble(dist_matrix, rownames = "from_stop_id")
# replace gather (no dependency on tidyr)
# dists_gathered = gather(dplyr::as_tibble(dist_matrix_df), "to_stop_id", "dist", -from_stop_id)
dists = reshape(as.data.frame(dist_matrix_df), direction = "long",
idvar = "from_stop_id", timevar = "to_stop_id", v.names = "distance",
varying = dist_matrix_df$from_stop_id)
dists$to_stop_id <- rep(dist_matrix_df$from_stop_id, each = length(dist_matrix_df$from_stop_id))
dists$distance <- as.numeric(dists$distance)
geodist_list = function(lon, lat, names = NULL) {
# second fastest measure after cheap
dists = geodist::geodist(data.frame(lon, lat), measure = "haversine")
if(!is.null(names)) {
colnames(dists) <- rownames(dists) <- names
geodist_list_sf = function(pts) {
dists = sf::st_distance(pts)
dists <- matrix(as.numeric(dists), nrow = nrow(dists), ncol = ncol(dists))
colnames(dists) <- rownames(dists) <- NULL
prep_dist_mtrx = function(dist_list) {
mtrx = dist_list[[1]]
diag(mtrx) <- NA
v = c(mtrx)
#' Calculates distances among stop within the same group column
#' By default calculates distances among stop_ids with the same stop_name.
#' @inheritParams stop_distances
#' @param by group column, default: "stop_name"
#' @returns data.frame with one row per group containing a distance matrix (distances),
#' number of stop ids within that group (n_stop_ids) and distance summary values
#' (dist_mean, dist_median and dist_max).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(dplyr)
#' nyc_path <- system.file("extdata", "nyc_subway.zip", package = "tidytransit")
#' nyc <- read_gtfs(nyc_path)
#' stop_group_distances(nyc$stops)
#' #> # A tibble: 380 × 6
#' #> stop_name distances n_stop_ids dist_mean dist_median dist_max
#' #> <chr> <list> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#' #> 1 86 St <dbl [18 × 18]> 18 5395. 5395. 21811.
#' #> 2 79 St <dbl [6 × 6]> 6 19053. 19053. 19053.
#' #> 3 Prospect Av <dbl [6 × 6]> 6 18804. 18804. 18804.
#' #> 4 77 St <dbl [6 × 6]> 6 16947. 16947. 16947.
#' #> 5 59 St <dbl [6 × 6]> 6 14130. 14130. 14130.
#' #> 6 50 St <dbl [9 × 9]> 9 7097. 7097. 14068.
#' #> 7 36 St <dbl [6 × 6]> 6 12496. 12496. 12496.
#' #> 8 8 Av <dbl [6 × 6]> 6 11682. 11682. 11682.
#' #> 9 7 Av <dbl [9 × 9]> 9 5479. 5479. 10753.
#' #> 10 111 St <dbl [9 × 9]> 9 3877. 3877. 7753.
#' #> # … with 370 more rows
#' }
#' @export
stop_group_distances = function(gtfs_stops, by = "stop_name") {
distances <- n_stop_ids <- dist_mean <- dist_median <- dist_max <- NULL
if(!by %in% colnames(gtfs_stops)) {
stop("column ", by, " does not exist in ", deparse(substitute(gtfs_stops)))
if(inherits(gtfs_stops, "sf")) {
gtfs_stops <- sf_points_to_df(gtfs_stops, c("stop_lon", "stop_lat"), TRUE)
n_stops = table(gtfs_stops$stop_name)
gtfs_single_stops = gtfs_stops %>% filter(stop_name %in% names(n_stops)[n_stops == 1])
gtfs_multip_stops = gtfs_stops %>% filter(stop_name %in% names(n_stops)[n_stops != 1])
if(nrow(gtfs_multip_stops) > 0) {
gtfs_multip_stops <- gtfs_multip_stops %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(by) %>%
dplyr::summarise(distances = geodist_list(stop_lon, stop_lat, stop_id), .groups = "keep") %>%
dplyr::mutate(n_stop_ids = nrow(distances[[1]]),
dist_mean = median(prep_dist_mtrx(distances)),
dist_median = median(prep_dist_mtrx(distances)),
dist_max = max(prep_dist_mtrx(distances))) %>% ungroup()
# tidytable version
# gtfs_multip_stops <- gtfs_multip_stops %>%
# tidytable::summarise.(distances = geodist_list(stop_lon, stop_lat, stop_id), .by = by) %>%
# tidytable::mutate.(n_stop_ids = nrow(distances[[1]]),
# dist_mean = median(prep_dist_mtrx(distances)),
# dist_median = median(prep_dist_mtrx(distances)),
# dist_max = max(prep_dist_mtrx(distances)), .by = "stop_name")
gtfs_single_stops <- gtfs_single_stops %>%
select(stop_name) %>%
dplyr::mutate(distances = list(matrix(0)), n_stop_ids = 1, dist_mean = 0, dist_median = 0, dist_max = 0)
dists = dplyr::as_tibble(dplyr::bind_rows(gtfs_single_stops, gtfs_multip_stops))
dists[order(dists$dist_max, dists$n_stop_ids, dists[[by]], decreasing = TRUE),]
#' Cluster nearby stops within a group
#' Finds clusters of stops for each unique value in `group_col` (e.g. stop_name). Can
#' be used to find different groups of stops that share the same name but are located more
#' than `max_dist` apart. `gtfs_stops` is assigned a new column (named `cluster_colname`)
#' which contains the `group_col` value and the cluster number.
#' [stats::kmeans()] is used for clustering.
#' @param gtfs_stops Stops table of a gtfs object. It is also possible to pass a
#' tidygtfs object to enable piping.
#' @param max_dist Only stop groups that have a maximum distance among them above this
#' threshold (in meters) are clustered.
#' @param group_col Clusters for are calculated for each set of stops with the same value
#' in this column (default: stop_name)
#' @param cluster_colname Name of the new column name. Can be the same as group_col to overwrite.
#' @return Returns a stops table with an added cluster column. If `gtfs_stops` is a tidygtfs object, a
#' modified tidygtfs object is return
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @examples \donttest{
#' library(dplyr)
#' nyc_path <- system.file("extdata", "nyc_subway.zip", package = "tidytransit")
#' nyc <- read_gtfs(nyc_path)
#' nyc <- cluster_stops(nyc)
#' # There are 6 stops with the name "86 St" that are far apart
#' stops_86_St = nyc$stops %>%
#' filter(stop_name == "86 St")
#' table(stops_86_St$stop_name_cluster)
#' stops_86_St %>% select(stop_id, stop_name, parent_station, stop_name_cluster) %>% head()
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(stops_86_St) +
#' geom_point(aes(stop_lon, stop_lat, color = stop_name_cluster))
#' }
#' @export
cluster_stops = function(gtfs_stops,
max_dist = 300,
group_col = "stop_name",
cluster_colname = "stop_name_cluster") {
if(inherits(gtfs_stops, "tidygtfs")) {
gstops = gtfs_stops$stops
} else {
gstops = gtfs_stops
is_sf = inherits(gstops, "sf")
stops_clusters = lapply(unique(gstops[[group_col]]), function(sn) {
stop_name_set = gstops[gstops[[group_col]] == sn,]
stop_name_set[[cluster_colname]] <- sn
if(nrow(stop_name_set) == 1) return(stop_name_set)
dists = stop_distances(stop_name_set)
if(max(dists$distance) > max_dist) {
if(is_sf) {
stop_name_lonlat = do.call(rbind, sf::st_geometry(stop_name_set))
} else {
stop_name_lonlat = stop_name_set[,c("stop_lon", "stop_lat")]
stops_unique_coords = unique(stop_name_lonlat)
n_dists = min(length(unique(dists$distance)), nrow(stops_unique_coords))
n_clusters = min(n_dists, nrow(stop_name_set)-1)
kms = kmeans(stop_name_lonlat, n_clusters)
stop_name_set[[cluster_colname]] <- paste0(sn, " [", kms$cluster, "]")
stops_clusters = dplyr::bind_rows(stops_clusters)
if(inherits(gtfs_stops, "tidygtfs")) {
gtfs_stops$stops <- stops_clusters
} else {
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