
Defines functions create_survey_diet

Documented in create_survey_diet

#' @title Create survey diet observations from Atlantis output

#' @details The function takes consumption-at-age data from an Atlantis scenario
#'   where the data was read in from Atlantis output using
#'    \code{\link{load_detailed_diet_comp}}. One does not need to use these functions
#'   to create \code{dat}, rather you must only ensure that the structure of
#'   \code{dat} is the same.
#'   Currently, the function subsets the data by polygon and time,
#'   and sums over layers.  An efficiency (\code{effic}) parameter is applied
#'   that determines that proportion of fully selected fish that are captured
#'   by the survey, then selectivity-at-age is applied.
#'   This function works for specific defined species, specific defined polygons,
#'   and specific defined time.

#' @author Poseidon
#' @export

#' @template dat
#' @param time    The timing of the survey (a vector indicating specific time steps, which are typically associated with years)
#'                    i.e., seq(365,10*3650,365) would be an annual survey for 10 years
#' @param species The predator species to sample in the survey (a vector)
##' @param spex    The specifications of Atlantis model (box-specific area, habitat, etc.)
##'                   for now, from load_boxarea a dataframe with polygon and area column names
#' @param boxes   A vector of polygon numbers that are sampled by survey
##' @param boxes A matrix with two columns:
##'		1) polygon:  box ID's that are sampled
##'		2) survArea: area sampled in that box
#' @param effic Efficiency for each species: a matrix with nrow=length(species). Columns:
#'                 species:    the species name. Matches names in species
#'				   efficiency:
#' @param selex Selectivity at age. A dataframe defining selectivity at age for each species. Columns are:
#'                 species: the species name. Matches names in species
#'                 agecl:   the age class that selectivity represents
#'                 selex:   the proportion selected relative to fully selected age classes (between 0 and 1)

#' @return Returns a matrix similar to the input matrix, with atoutput tons of prey consumed
#' columns: species, agecl, polygon, layer, time, atoutput
#' --will sum over layers, but enter NA as layer to indicate all layers

#Update: 12/10/2015, I'm making it more simple and removing the density stuff.
#This assumes that the survey simply samples from each polygon, and does not account for different amounts of effort in different polygons.
#This way, coastwide sampling can be done without worrying about differences in effort across polygons

#create_survey <- function(dat, time, species, spex, boxes, effic, selex) {
create_survey_diet <- function(dat, time, species, boxes, effic, selex) {

	#Do some vector length tests (species=effic, column names, )

	#first select the appropriate rows and
	#aggDat <- aggregateData(dat, time, species, boxes$polygon, keepColumns=c("species","agecl","polygon","time"))
	aggDat <- aggregateData(dat, time, species, boxes, keepColumns=c("species","agecl","polygon","time", "prey"))

	#now calculate density in each box from num-at-age and total area by habitat
	#dens <- merge(aggDat,spex[,c("polygon","area")],by="polygon",all.x=T)
	#dens$density <- dens$numAtAge / dens$area

	#Habitat? Atlantis is already modifying density? We assume that survey is acting homogenously across all habitats

	#Calculate numbers-at-age surveyed using area surveyed, efficiency, and selex-at-age
	##merge in surveyed area
	#surv <- merge(dens,boxes,by="polygon",all.x=T)
	surv <- aggDat   #this can be removed and uncomment density stuff above. Make sure to think how this plays into sampling
	#merge in efficiency
	surv <- merge(surv,effic,by="species",all.x=T)
	#merge in selex
	surv <- merge(surv,selex,by=c("species","agecl"),all.x=T)
	#should I change any missing selex to zero???
	#should I scale or check selex maximum at 1?

	#surv$numAtAgeSurv <- surv$density * surv$survArea * surv$efficiency * surv$selex
	surv$consAtAgeSurv <- surv$numAtAge * surv$efficiency * surv$selex

	#Should I be checking for NA's along the way to identify problems?

	#Create final dataframe in same format as input
	#put time (mean) and layers (NA) back in the dataframe for completeness
	out <- data.frame(species = surv$species,
		              agecl = surv$agecl,
		              polygon = surv$polygon,
		              layer = NA,
		              time = surv$time,
		              prey = surv$prey,
		              atoutput = surv$consAtAgeSurv)

	out <- out[order(out$species,out$time,out$polygon,out$agecl),]



if(F) {

	dat <- data.frame(species = c(rep("spec1",3*3),rep("spec2",5*3)),
		              agecl = c(rep(1:3,3),rep(3:7,3)),
		              polygon = c(rep(1:3,each=3),rep(1:3,each=5)),
		              layer = 1:2,
		              time = 365)
    dat$atoutput <- 10000/dat$agecl

	dat2 <- dat; dat2$time=365*2;
	dat2$atoutput <- 20000/dat2$agecl
	dat <- rbind(dat,dat2)

    spex <- data.frame(polygon=1:3,area=c(1000,2000,3000))

    boxes <- data.frame(polygon=1:2,survArea=c(10,200))

	effic <- data.frame(species=c("spec1","spec2"), efficiency=c(0.1,0.5))

	selex <- data.frame(species=c(rep("spec1",3),rep("spec2",7)),

	#tmp <- create_survey(dat=dat, time=c(365,2*365), species=c("spec1","spec2"), spex=spex, boxes=boxes, effic=effic, selex=selex)
	tmp <- create_survey(dat=dat, time=c(365,2*365), species=c("spec1","spec2"), effic=effic, selex=selex)
r4atlantis/atlantisom documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 2:59 a.m.