
Defines functions TSCplot

Documented in TSCplot

#' Create a plot for the TSC report
#' Creates a plot of catch and spawning biomass from the output of
#' [SS_output()] for the NOAA TSC report.
#' It creates a plot on the current graphics device, in a pdf file, or as a png
#' image of the figure used in the TSC report produced by the NWFSC.  It
#' expects the SS results read in by [SS_output()].  If MCMC results
#' are to be plotted, a 'mcmc' list element should be added using the
#' [SSgetMCMC()] function. See the examples below.
#' @param SSout The output from [SS_output()]
#' @param yrs The vector of years to plot
#' @param ylimBar y-axis limits for catch barplot
#' @param ylimDepl y-axis limits for depletion line
#' @param colBar colors of the bars
#' @param cexBarLabels character expansion for the labels underneath the bars
#' (years)
#' @param cex.axis character expansion for the axis labels
#' @param space space between bars (see space argument of `barplot`)
#' @param pchDepl character type for points on the depletion line
#' @param colDepl color of the points on the depletion line
#' @param lwdDepl width of the depletion line
#' @param shiftDepl shift from beginning of the year for the points on the
#' depletion line. Helps to guide the eye for exactly which year it corresponds
#' to.
#' @param pchSpace number of years between points on the depletion line. Higher
#' numbers help tidy up the plot when plotting many years.
#' @param ht Height of the plot in inches
#' @param wd Width of the plot in inches
#' @param labelLines line argument for `mtext` to move the axis labels
#' @param makePDF filename for a pdf file. If NULL it does not make a pdf.  Can
#' specify a pdf filename or a png filename. Not both at the same time.
#' @param makePNG filename for a png image. If NULL it does not make a png.
#' Can specify a pdf filename or a png filename. Not both at the same time.
#' @param MCMC If TRUE, will use mcmc results. It needs a list element called
#' 'mcmc' on SSout.
#' @return Returns a data frame with the years, spawning biomass, depletion,
#' and total dead catch.
#' @author Allan Hicks
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_output()] [SSgetMCMC()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # define directory
#' directory <- "C:\\NOAA2011\\Dover\\Models\\base_20110701"
#' # read model output
#' base <- SS_output(dir = directory, covar = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
#' # show the plot in R
#' TSCplot(base)
#' TSCplot(base, yrs = 2000:2011, pchSpace = 1)
#' # Create the plot as a PNG file
#' TSCplot(base, makePNG = "C:\\NOAA2012\\Assessments\\TSCdover.png")
#' # Create the plot as a PDF file
#' TSCplot(base, makePDF = "C:\\NOAA2012\\Assessment\\TSCdover.pdf")
#' # Model with MCMC results
#' directory <- "C:/Models"
#' base <- SS_output(dir = directory, dir.mcmc = "mcmc")
#' TSCplot(base, ylimDepl = c(0, 1.25), pchSpace = 1, MCMC = TRUE)
#' }
TSCplot <- function(SSout,
                    yrs = "default",
                    ylimBar = "default",
                    ylimDepl = c(0, 1.025),
                    colBar = "yellow",
                    cexBarLabels = 1.1,
                    cex.axis = 1.1,
                    space = 0.0,
                    pchDepl = 19,
                    colDepl = "red",
                    lwdDepl = 3,
                    shiftDepl = 0.25,
                    pchSpace = 5,
                    ht = 4, wd = 7,
                    labelLines = 2.8,
                    makePDF = NULL,
                    makePNG = NULL,
                    MCMC = FALSE) {
  ### Plots the barchart of catches and depletion trajctory for the TSC report

  if (!is.null(makePDF) & !is.null(makePNG)) {
    stop("Cannot specify both makePDF and makePNG. Choose only one.\n")

  indVirgin <- which(SSout[["timeseries"]][["Era"]] == "VIRG")
  ind <- which(SSout[["timeseries"]][["Era"]] == "TIME")
  ind <- c(ind, max(ind) + 1)
  if (yrs[1] == "default") yrs <- unique(sort(SSout[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]][ind]))

  # get catches + discards summed over areas
  deadCatch <- SSplotCatch(SSout, plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)$totcatchmat
  if (ncol(deadCatch) > 2) { # sum over fisheries
    deadCatch <- cbind(apply(deadCatch[, -ncol(deadCatch)], 1, sum), deadCatch[, ncol(deadCatch)])
  deadCatch <- deadCatch[match(yrs, deadCatch[, 2]), ]
  rownames(deadCatch) <- yrs

  if (!MCMC) {
    SBzero <- SSout[["SBzero"]]
    SB <- SSout[["derived_quants"]][substring(SSout[["derived_quants"]][["Label"]], 1, 4) == "SSB_", ]
    SB <- SB[match(as.character(yrs), substring(SB[["Label"]], 5)), ]
    depl <- SSout[["derived_quants"]][substring(SSout[["derived_quants"]][["Label"]], 1, 7) == "Bratio_", ]
    depl <- depl[match(as.character(yrs), substring(depl[["Label"]], 8)), ]
    SP <- data.frame(Yr = yrs, SpawnBio = SB[, "Value"], Depl = depl[, "Value"], Dead_Catch = deadCatch[, 1])
  if (MCMC) {
    if (is.null(SSout[["mcmc"]])) {
        "There is no mcmc element on the model list.\n",
        "Set MCMC = FALSE or add in the mcmc element to the list.\n"
    SBzero <- median(SSout[["mcmc"]][["SSB_Virgin"]])
    SB <- SSout[["mcmc"]][, substring(names(SSout[["mcmc"]]), 1, 4) == "SSB_"]
    SB <- apply(SB[, match(as.character(yrs), substring(names(SB), 5))], 2, median)
    depl <- SSout[["mcmc"]][, substring(names(SSout[["mcmc"]]), 1, 7) == "Bratio_"]
    tmp1 <- match(as.character(yrs), substring(names(depl), 8)) # can have an NA in it and will cause an error
    tmp2 <- tmp1[!is.na(tmp1)] # remove NA's to get the medians
    depl <- apply(depl[, tmp2], 2, median)
    depl <- depl[match(as.character(yrs), substring(names(depl), 8))]
    SP <- data.frame(Yr = yrs, SpawnBio = SB, Depl = depl, Dead_Catch = deadCatch[, 1])

  if (ylimBar == "default") {
    ylimBar <- c(0, max(SP[["Dead_Catch"]], na.rm = TRUE) * 1.05)
  ind <- seq(1, nrow(SP), pchSpace)

  if (is.null(makePDF) & is.null(makePNG)) {
    dev.new(height = ht, width = wd)
  if (!is.null(makePDF)) {
    pdf(file = makePDF, width = wd, height = ht)
  if (!is.null(makePNG)) {
    png(filename = makePNG, width = wd, height = ht, units = "in", pointsize = 10, res = 300)
  par(mar = c(4, 5, 2, 5))
  barOut <- barplot(SP[["Dead_Catch"]],
    names.arg = SP[["Yr"]], ylim = ylimBar, ylab = "",
    col = "yellow", cex = cexBarLabels, cex.axis = cex.axis,
    space = space, xlim = c(0, nrow(SP)), axisnames = FALSE
  axis(1, at = barOut[ind, 1], labels = yrs[ind])
  par(new = TRUE)
  xpts <- (0:(nrow(SP) - 1)) + shiftDepl
  plot(xpts, SP[["Depl"]],
    yaxt = "n", yaxs = "i", xaxt = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "",
    ylim = ylimDepl, type = "l", lwd = lwdDepl, cex.axis = cex.axis, xlim = c(0, nrow(SP))
  points(xpts[ind], SP[["Depl"]][ind], pch = pchDepl, col = colDepl)
  axis(4, at = seq(ylimDepl[1], ylimDepl[2], 0.1), cex.axis = cex.axis)
  mtext(c("Year", "Total mortality catch (mt)", "Depletion"), side = c(1, 2, 4), line = labelLines, cex = 1.5)

  if (!is.null(makePDF)) {
    message("The plot is in pdf file ", makePDF)
  if (!is.null(makePNG)) {
    message("The plot is in png file", makePNG)

r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.