
# =================
# = Load Packages =
# =================


# =============
# = Scripting =
# =============
lo <- matrix(rep(1, 9), ncol=3)
lo[1,1] <- 2

# ===========
# = options =
# ===========

radius_size <- 100
plot_convex_hull <- FALSE
plot_temp <- TRUE

uspp <- ebs_sppMaster[ce_categ=="both", unique(spp)]
# setwd("~/Documents/School&Work/pinskyPost/topoFish/notPkg")

# ======================
# = get annual cluster =
# ======================
comm_clust0 <- list()
for(us in 1:length(uspp)){
# for(us in 1:1){
	tspp <- uspp[us]
	treg <- 'ebs' # eastern bering sea
	col_yrs <- ebs_sppMaster[spp==tspp & col==1, sort(unique(year))]
	ext_yrs <- ebs_sppMaster[spp==tspp & ext==1, sort(unique(year))]
	spp_dat <- ebs_dat[spp==tspp]
	yr_range <- spp_dat[, range(year)]
	yr_dat <- ebs_dat[year>=yr_range[1] & year<=yr_range[2]]
	uy <- yr_dat[,sort(unique(year))]
	bg_dat <- yr_dat[!][!duplicated(paste(lon,lat))] # background data; unique lon-lat combinations, with bottom temperature
	spp_clust <- list()
		for(ty in 1:length(uy)){
			tyr <- uy[ty]
			tdat <- spp_dat[year==tyr] # data just for current year
				# layout(lo) # set up figure layout so can add images more easily
			# if(plot_temp){
# 				zlim <- bg_dat[,range(btemp, na.rm=TRUE)]
# 				bg_dat[year==tyr, plot_map(x=lon, y=lat, marks=btemp, map_owin=topoFish::mapOwin[[treg]], zlim=zlim)] # plot background colors
# 			}else{
# 			}
			nrtd <- nrow(tdat)
			if(nrtd > 1){
				combos <- CJ(1:nrtd, 1:nrtd)
				xdat <- tdat[combos[,V1], list(lon,lat)]
				ydat <- tdat[combos[,V2], list(lon,lat)]
				dists <- as.dist(matrix(geoDist(x=xdat, y=ydat), nrow=nrtd)) # geoDist is like Euclidean, but curvature of Earth
				clusts <- hclust(dists, method='single') # do hierarchical clustering
				groups <- cutree(clusts, h=radius_size) # h is the cutoff height from the dendrogram
			# tdat[,points(lon, lat, pch=19, col='black', cex=1.5)]
			if(ty==1){t1_dat <- tdat}
			# t1_dat[,drawRadius(lon, lat, rsize=radius_size/2, col='lightgray')]
				# t1_dat[,drawRadius(lon, lat, rsize=radius_size/2, border=NA, col=adjustcolor(clustColor, 0.1)),by='clustGroup']
				# tdat[,drawRadius(lon, lat, rsize=radius_size/2, border=clustColor, col=adjustcolor(clustColor, 0.25)),by='clustGroup']
				# tdat[,points(lon, lat, pch=21, bg=clustColor, cex=1.5)] # plot points where the species was observed
			t1_dat <- tdat
			spp_clust[[ty]] <- tdat
		comm_clust0[[us]] <- rbindlist(spp_clust)	
comm_clust <- rbindlist(comm_clust0)
comm_clust_short <- comm_clust[,list(reg, year, datetime, stratum, haulid, lon, lat, spp, common, btemp, stemp, depth, clustGroup)]
comm_clust_short[,c("clustCentroid_lon","clustCentroid_lat"):=list(clustCentroid_lon=mean(lon), clustCentroid_lat=mean(lat)), by=c("reg","spp","year","clustGroup")]
comm_clust_short[,c("centroid_lon","centroid_lat"):=list(centroid_lon=mean(lon), centroid_lat=mean(lat)), by=c("reg","spp","year")]
ccs_csv <- "../notPkg/results/comm_clust_short.csv"
write.csv(comm_clust_short, ccs_csv, row.names=FALSE)
zip(gsub("\\.csv","\\.zip",ccs_csv), ccs_csv)

# ========================
# = plot annual clusters =
# ========================
old.wd <- getwd()
# for(us in 1:length(uspp)){
# # for(us in 1:1){
# 	tspp <- uspp[us]
# 	treg <- 'ebs' # eastern bering sea
# 	t_name <- paste0(treg, "_", gsub(" ", "_", tspp), ".gif") # file name
# 	col_yrs <- ebs_sppMaster[spp==tspp & col==1, sort(unique(year))]
# 	ext_yrs <- ebs_sppMaster[spp==tspp & ext==1, sort(unique(year))]
# 	spp_dat <- ebs_dat[spp==tspp]
# 	yr_range <- spp_dat[, range(year)]
# 	yr_dat <- ebs_dat[year>=yr_range[1] & year<=yr_range[2]]
# 	uy <- yr_dat[,sort(unique(year))]
# 	bg_dat <- yr_dat[!][!duplicated(paste(lon,lat))] # background data; unique lon-lat combinations, with bottom temperature
# 	animation::saveGIF(
# 		{
# 			animation::ani.options(inverval=0.0001)
# 			for(ty in 1:length(uy)){
# 				tyr <- uy[ty]
# 				tdat <- spp_dat[year==tyr] # data just for current year
# 				if(require("trawlData")){
# 					layout(lo) # set up figure layout so can add images more easily
# 				}
# 				if(plot_temp){
# 					zlim <- bg_dat[,range(btemp, na.rm=TRUE)]
# 					bg_dat[year==tyr, plot_map(x=lon, y=lat, marks=btemp, map_owin=topoFish::mapOwin[[treg]], zlim=zlim)] # plot background colors
# 				}else{
# 					plot(topoFish::mapOwin[[treg]], main="")
# 					map(add=TRUE, fill=TRUE, col='lightgray')
# 				}
# 				nrtd <- nrow(tdat)
# 				if(nrtd > 1){
# 					combos <- CJ(1:nrtd, 1:nrtd)
# 					xdat <- tdat[combos[,V1], list(lon,lat)]
# 					ydat <- tdat[combos[,V2], list(lon,lat)]
# 					dists <- as.dist(matrix(geoDist(x=xdat, y=ydat), nrow=nrtd)) # geoDist is like Euclidean, but curvature of Earth
# 					clusts <- hclust(dists, method='single') # do hierarchical clustering
# 					groups <- cutree(clusts, h=radius_size) # h is the cutoff height from the dendrogram
# 					tdat[,clustGroup:=groups]
# 					tdat[,clustColor:=viridis::viridis(max(groups))[groups]]
# 					if(plot_convex_hull){
# 						tdat[, j={
# 							ch <- chull(x=lon, y=lat)
# 							ch <- c(ch, ch[1])
# 							.SD[ch,lines(list(x=lon,y=lat), col=clustColor)]
# 						} ,by=c("clustGroup")]
# 					}
# 				}else{
# 					tdat[,clustColor:='black']
# 					tdat[,clustGroup:=1]
# 				}
# 				# tdat[,points(lon, lat, pch=19, col='black', cex=1.5)]
# 				if(ty==1){t1_dat <- tdat}
# 				# t1_dat[,drawRadius(lon, lat, rsize=radius_size/2, col='lightgray')]
# 				if(nrow(t1_dat)>0){
# 					# t1_dat[,drawRadius(lon, lat, rsize=radius_size/2, border=NA, col=adjustcolor(clustColor, 0.1)),by='clustGroup']
# 				}
# 				if(nrow(tdat)>0){
# 					tdat[,drawRadius(lon, lat, rsize=radius_size/2, border=clustColor, col=adjustcolor(clustColor, 0.25)),by='clustGroup']
# 					tdat[,points(lon, lat, pch=21, bg=clustColor, cex=1.5)] # plot points where the species was observed
# 				}
# 				mtext(tyr, side=1, line=-1, font=2, adj=0.1)
# 				mtext(tspp, side=3, line=0.1, font=3, adj=0.9)
# 				if(tyr%in%col_yrs & !tyr%in%ext_yrs){
# 					mtext("Colonization", side=1, line=-1, adj=0.9)
# 				}else if(!tyr%in%col_yrs & tyr%in%ext_yrs){
# 					mtext("Extinction", side=1, line=-1, adj=0.9)
# 				}else if(tyr%in%col_yrs & tyr%in%ext_yrs){
# 					mtext("Colonization & Extinction", side=1, line=-1, adj=0.9)
# 				}else{
# 				}
# 				if(require("trawlData")){
# 					trawlData::sppImg(tspp) # plot picture of critter
# 				}
# 				t1_dat <- tdat
# 			}
# 		},
# 		autobrowse=FALSE,
# 		ani.height=400,
# 		ani.width=400,
# 	)
# }
rBatt/topoFish documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:09 p.m.