
#' Validate a Finnish personal identification number (HETU). 
#' @param hetu Finnish personal identification number as a string.
#' @return Is the given string a valid Finnish personal identification number, TRUE or FALSE.
#' @author Jussi Paananen \email{louhos@@googlegroups.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{hetu}} For extracting information from a Finnish personal identification number. 
#' @examples
#' valid_hetu("010101-0101") # TRUE
#' valid_hetu("010101-010A") # FALSE
#' @export

valid_hetu <- function(hetu) {
  # Try to create hetu-object from the given hetu, check if created object is of class "hetu"
  return(class(hetu(hetu)) == "hetu")

#' Extract information from a Finnish personal identification number
#' @param hetu Finnish personal identification number as a string
#' @return Finnish personal identification number object. 
#'         Returns NA if the given string is not a valid Finnish personal identification number.
#' \item{hetu}{Finnish personal identification number as a string.}
#' \item{gender}{Gender of the person. Male or Female.}
#' \item{personal.number}{Personal number part of the identification number.}
#' \item{checksum}{Checksum for the personal identification number.}
#' \item{date}{Birthdate.}
#' \item{day}{Day of the birthdate.}
#' \item{month}{Month of the birthdate.}
#' \item{year}{Year of the birthdate.}
#' \item{century.char}{Century of the birthdate: + (1800), - (1900) or A  (2000). }
#' @author Jussi Paananen \email{louhos@@googlegroups.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{valid_hetu}} For validating Finnish personal identification number.
#' @examples
#' hetu("111111-111C")
#' hetu("111111-111C")$date
#' hetu("111111-111C")$gender
#' @export

hetu <- function(hetu) {

  # Check general format
  match <- regexpr("^[0-9]{6}[\\+-A][0-9]{3}[0123456789ABCDEFHJKLMNPRSTUVWXY]$", hetu)
  if (match == -1 ) {
  # Check day
  day <- as.numeric(substr(hetu, start=1, stop=2))
  if (!((day >= 1) && (day <= 31))) {
  # Check month
  month <- as.numeric(substr(hetu, start=3, stop=4))
  if (!((month >= 1) && (month <= 12))) {
  # Check year
  year <- as.numeric(substr(hetu, start=5, stop=6))
  if (!((year >= 1) && (year <= 99))) {
  # Check century
  century <- substr(hetu, start=7, stop=7)
  if (!century %in% c("+", "-", "A")) {
  # Construct complete year from century character and 2-digit year
  ## Pad leading zero to a 2-digit year if needed
  year <- formatC(year, flag=0, width=2) 
  if (century == "+") {
    full.year <- as.numeric(paste("18", year, sep=""))
  if (century == "-") {
    full.year <- as.numeric(paste("19", year, sep=""))
  if (century == "A") {
    full.year <- as.numeric(paste("20", year, sep=""))
  # Check if date exists
  date <- as.Date(paste(day, "/", month, "/", full.year, sep=""), "%d/%m/%Y")
  if (is.na(date)) {
  # Check personal identification number
  personal <- as.numeric(substr(hetu, start=8, stop=10))
  if (!((personal >= 2) && (personal <= 899))) {
  # Check checksum character validity
  check <- substr(hetu, start=11, stop=11)
  checklist <- c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "H", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "P", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y")
  names(checklist) <- 0:30
  if (!check %in% checklist) {
  # Check checksum character
  mod <- as.numeric(paste(substr(hetu, start=1, stop=6), substr(hetu, start=8, stop=10), sep="")) %% 31
  if (check != checklist[as.character(mod)]) {
  # Check gender
  if ((personal %% 2) == 0) {
      gender <- "Female"
    } else {
      gender <- "Male"

  # Create hetu-object
  object <- list(hetu = hetu, gender=gender, personal.number=personal,  checksum=check, date=date, day=day, month=month, year=full.year, century.char=century)
  class(object) <- "hetu"

  return (object)
rOpenGov/template documentation built on May 26, 2019, 8:50 p.m.