
Defines functions read.fwf.microdata

# cjgb
# 20120305
# Reads a generic microdata file
# Changes:
#   20160806: changed workhorse to readr::read_fwf
#   20170427: some microdata files are read outside this function
#   20231124: improved error reporting

read.fwf.microdata <- function(
    fileEncoding = "UTF-8") {

  ## read metadata
  foo <- function(x)
               header = TRUE,
               sep = "\t",
               fileEncoding = fileEncoding,
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  mdat.1 <- foo(file.mdat.1)
  mdat.2 <- foo(file.mdat.2)

  ## read fixed file using mdat1 metadata file
  ## hides messages by read_fwf
  ## 20170427: some microdata files are read outside this function

  if (!is.data.frame(file)) {
      dat <- read_fwf(file, fwf_widths(mdat.1$width, col_names = mdat.1$var))
  } else {
    dat <- file

  # Replaces keys in raw data by actual column values
  assign.labels <-  function(colname) {
    v <- dat[[colname]]
    metadat <- mdat.2[mdat.2$var == colname, ]

    # happens!
    if (all(is.na(v)))

    if (nrow(metadat) == 0)
        stop("Column ", colname, " not found in metadata file.")

    tipo <- unique(metadat$tipo)

    if (length(tipo) > 1) {
      stop("Column ", colname, " has more than one type in metadata file.")

    if (!tipo %in% c("D", "N", "HHMM"))
      stop("Wrong type for column", colname, " in metadata file.")

    # special cases: numeric, etc.
    if (nrow(metadat) == 1 && tipo != "D"){
      if (!is.na(metadat$nulo) && any(v == metadat$nulo, na.rm = TRUE))
        v[v == metadat$nulo] <- NA

      if (tipo == "N")

      if(tipo == "HHMM"){
        v <- as.numeric(v)
        return(v %/% 100 + ( v %% 100 ) / 60)

    # Check whether keys are numbers (usual case)
    # Mind the double negation!
    # Then, format codes (maybe like "07") into codes such like "7"
    v <- factor(v)
    if (!grepl("[^0-9]", paste(levels(v), collapse = ""))){
      levels(v) <- as.character(as.numeric(levels(v)))

    # replace codes by descriptions (where available)
    # if no match, leave underlying code: it may correspond to municipality,
    # etc. indeed, in some cases (e.g., municipality) codes correspond to
    # municipalities and extra codes mark small size municipalities
    levels(v) <- sapply(levels(v), function(x) {
      if (length(where <- which(metadat$llave == x)) > 0)
      else x


  for(colname in colnames(dat))
    dat[[colname]] <- assign.labels(colname)

rOpenSpain/MicroDatosEs documentation built on Dec. 12, 2023, 10:47 a.m.