
#' ws_metadata_by_date_2_pgdb() stores NOAA information into local or remote database server
#' This function uses the metadata returned from all_coor_ws which in turn uses the rnoaa API 
#' to retrieve NOAA data. Metadata includes the mindate, and maxdate dates. 
#' Given a particular variable (i.e. TMAX, TMIN, PRCP, etc), we are interested 
#' to retrieve the number of weather stations whose time window defined by the 
#' interval [mindate, maxdate] intersects and the length of the time window is maximum. 
#' Searching for answers online,the solution is a hard computing problem. 
#' It belongs to the set of problems defined as the 'Maximum Subset Intersection' problem 
#' which are close-related to the set cover problem studied in graph theory. The following 
#' function computes a resulting set using an heuristic described through the comments 
#' in the body of the function. It starts with the current year and the span variable defines
#' the threshold for the algorithm to search for the answers. 
#' @param geoid  FIPS number from census tables (tiger files)
#' @param type   Variable under investigation i.e. TMAX, TMIN, PRCP
#' @param stations The universe of stations from the rnoaa API from where the new subset will be computed.
#' @param ssDate    Staring date from interval to retrieve weather data
#' @param ffDate    Final   date from interval to retrieve weather data
#' @return Returns the name of the new table of the subset of weather stations with intersecting data 
#' @examples
#' stations <- as.data.frame(all_coor_ws( ghcnd = 'GHCND', geoid = '48113', type = 'TMAX'))
#' ssDate <- '2000-01-01'
#' ffDate <- '2001-01-01'
#' ws_metadata_by_date_2_pgdb( geoid = '48113', type = 'TMAX', stations, ssDate, ffDate) 
#' @note Remember that all_coor_ws() returns a set of stations.
#' @export
ws_metadata_by_date_2_pgdb <- function( geoid, type, stations, ssDate, ffDate) {

  file   <- base::paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "/", "pg_config.yml", sep = "")
  config <- yaml::yaml.load_file(file)
  conn <- RPostgreSQL::dbConnect( drv = "PostgreSQL", 
                                  host = config$dbhost, 
                                  port = config$dbport, 
                                  dbname = config$dbname,
                                  user = config$dbuser, 
                                  password = config$pwd

  sDate  <- gsub("-", "", ssDate)
  fDate  <- gsub("-", "", ffDate)

  if (as.integer(geoid) < 100) {
    q1    <- base::paste("select NAME from cb_2013_us_state_20m where GEOID='", geoid, "'", sep = "")
    res   <- RPostgreSQL::dbSendQuery(conn, q1)
    state <- RPostgreSQL::fetch(res)
    tableName <- base::paste(state, "_", geoid, "_ws_metadata_from_", sDate, "_to_", fDate, sep = "")

  } else {

    q2    <- base::paste("select NAME from cb_2013_us_county_20m where GEOID='", geoid,"'", sep = "")
    res   <- RPostgreSQL::dbSendQuery(conn, q2)
    county<- RPostgreSQL::fetch(res)

    q3    <- base::paste("select NAME from cb_2013_us_state_20m where GEOID='", substr(geoid, 1, 2), "'", sep = "")
    res   <- RPostgreSQL::dbSendQuery(conn, q3)
    state <- RPostgreSQL::fetch(res)
    tableName<- base::paste(state, "_", county, "_", geoid, "_ws_metadata_from_", sDate, "_to_", fDate, sep = "")

  }# endIF/ELSE

  varTable  <- tolower(tableName)
  type      <- tolower(type)
  tableName <- base::paste(varTable, "_", type, sep = "")      
  tableName <- gsub(" ", "_", tableName)

  if (RPostgres::dbExistsTable(conn, tableName)) {

    msg <- base::paste("\nDone - Table ", tableName, " exists.\t\t\t\t\t\n", sep = "")

  } else {

    df<- stations[, c("id", "mindate", "maxdate", "longitude", "latitude")]
    # Keep stations with maxdate year greater or equal to ffDate year 
    subMaxIntervalYear <- subset(df, (lubridate::year(as.Date(maxdate)) >= lubridate::year(base::as.Date(ffDate))))

    # Update date to the beginning of ffDate year  
    subMaxIntervalYear$maxdate <- base::as.Date( lubridate::ymd(ffDate))  	
    # Keep stations with mindate year less or equal to ssDate year
    subMinIntervalYear <- subset(subMaxIntervalYear, (lubridate::year(as.Date(mindate)) <= lubridate::year(base::as.Date(ssDate))))

    # print(subMinIntervalYear)
    startDate <- base::as.Date(lubridate::ymd(ssDate))

    # Update dates to startDate value to all elements in the array
    subMinIntervalYear$mindate <- base::as.Date(startDate)
    # Simplistic naming return this data structure
    station.df <- subMinIntervalYear                                  
    msg <- base::paste("Creating ", tableName, " table of ", type, "\n", sep = "")    
    pts   <- as.data.frame(station.df[, c("longitude","latitude")])
    coord <- sp::SpatialPoints(pts)
    spdf  <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(coord, pts)
    proj  <- "+init=epsg:4269"
    sp::proj4string(spdf) <- proj #CRS(proj)

    # Insert attributes into the SpatialPointsDataFrame 
    spdf$name	   <- station.df$id
    spdf$mindate <- station.df$mindate
    spdf$maxdate <- station.df$maxdate
    spdf$ogc_fid <- seq.int(nrow(station.df))
    rpostgis::pgInsert(conn, name = c("public", tableName), data.obj = spdf, geom = "geom")
    cat("Finished. Check Postgres table\n")
  }# endIF/ELSE
rabravo/ws2pgdb documentation built on May 26, 2019, 8:51 p.m.