
Defines functions agg_year_to_cal_year get_pattern_flow_data_df check_sim_num knnst_get_disagg_data as.data.frame.knnst print.knnst knnst_index_years knnst_nsim validate_knnst is_knnst

Documented in as.data.frame.knnst is_knnst knnst_get_disagg_data knnst_index_years knnst_nsim

#' `knnst` Class
#' The `knnst` class contains all output after performing the knn space-time
#' streamflow disaggregation
#' The knn space-time disaggregation is performed by [knn_space_time_disagg()].
#' The `knnst` object contains all of the monthly data for the specified
#' number of simulations. The `index_years` that were selected for each
#' simulation are also stored in the `knnst` object.
#' The data in the `knnst` object can be accessed through the following
#' functions:
#'   - [knnst_get_disagg_data()] returns the disaggregated data
#'   - [knnst_nsim()] will return the number of simulations, while
#'   - [knnst_index_years()] will return all of the selected index years.
#' `knnst` objects can be converted to a `data.frame`: [as.data.frame.knnst()]
#' @seealso [knn_space_time_disagg()], [knnst_nsim()], [knnst_index_years()],
#' [knnst_get_disagg_data()]
#' @name knnst

#' Test if the object inherits from  `knnst` class
#' @param x An object
#' @return `TRUE` if the object inherits from the `knnst` class.
#' @export

is_knnst <- function(x)
  inherits(x, "knnst")

validate_knnst <- function(x)
    length(x) == 5,
    msg = "Should have length == 4"

  disagg_names <- c("disagg_sims", "index_data", "mon_flow", "start_month",
    all(names(x) %in% disagg_names),
    msg = paste(
      "Object should only have these named entries:",

        function(ii) length(x$disagg_sims[[ii]])
      ) %in% 2
    msg = "Each disagg_flow entry should only have a length of 2."

  knnst_names <- c("disagg_flow", "index_years")
        function(ii) names(x$disagg_sims[[ii]])
      ) %in% knnst_names
    msg = "Unexpected names in knnst object's `disagg_sims` list were found."

  # check that each matrix has 12*number of index years
  nmonths <- sapply(
    function(i) nrow(x$disagg_sims[[i]]$disagg_flow)
  nyears <- sapply(
    function(i) length(x$disagg_sims[[i]]$index_years)

    all(nyears * 12 == nmonths),
    msg = "Months in `disagg_flow` should equal 12 * number of `index_years`"


#' Get the number of disaggregation simulations from `knnst` objects
#' @param disagg A `knnst` object
#' @return The number of diaggregation simulations
#' @examples
#' flow_mat <- cbind(c(2000, 2001, 2002), c(1400, 1567, 1325))
#' # made up historical data to use as index years
#' ind_flow <- cbind(1901:1980, rnorm(80, mean = 1500, sd = 300))
#' # make up monthly flow for two sites
#' mon_flow <- cbind(
#'   rnorm(80 * 12, mean = 20, sd = 5),
#'   rnorm(80 * 12, mean = 120, sd = 45)
#' )
#' x <- knn_space_time_disagg(
#'   flow_mat, ind_flow, mon_flow, start_month = 1, scale_sites = 1:2, nsim = 5
#' )
#' # will return 5
#' knnst_nsim(x)
#' @export
knnst_nsim <- function(disagg)
    msg = "`disagg` should be a `knnst` object"


#' Get all the index years from `knn_st` objects
#' `knnst_index_years()` gets all of the index years from all of the
#' disaggregation simulations.
#' @inheritParams knnst_nsim
#' @return A matrix where each column is the index years selected for that
#' simulation, i.e., there are [knnst_nsim()] columns.
#' @examples
#' flow_mat <- cbind(c(2000, 2001, 2002), c(1400, 1567, 1325))
#' # made up historical data to use as index years
#' ind_flow <- cbind(1901:1980, rnorm(80, mean = 1500, sd = 300))
#' # make up monthly flow for two sites
#' mon_flow <- cbind(
#'   rnorm(80 * 12, mean = 20, sd = 5),
#'   rnorm(80 * 12, mean = 120, sd = 45)
#' )
#' x <- knn_space_time_disagg(
#'   flow_mat, ind_flow, mon_flow, start_month = 1, scale_sites = 1:2, nsim = 5
#' )
#' # will be a 3 x 5 matrix:
#' knnst_index_years(x)
#' @export
knnst_index_years <- function(disagg)
    msg = "`disagg` should be a `knnst` object"

      function(x) disagg$disagg_sims[[x]]$index_years

#' @export
print.knnst <- function(x, ...)
  nsim <- knnst_nsim(x)
  nyears <- nrow(knnst_index_years(x))
  nsites <- ncol(knnst_get_disagg_data(x, 1))

    paste("  ", nsim, "disaggregation simulations"),
    paste("  ", nsites, "sites"),
    paste("  ", nyears, "years of disaggregated data"),
    sep = "\n"


#' Convert a `knnst` object to a `data.frame`
#' `knnst` objects can be converted to `data.frame`s. When doing so, the
#' disaggregated monthly data are combined with the simulation number, and
#' the index years, are repeated for each month. The rownames of the
#' disaggregated data (yyyy-mm) format are kept, and additional columns are
#' added for year and month, by themselves.
#' @param x A `knnst` object.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.
#' @export

as.data.frame.knnst <- function(x, ...)
  nsim <- knnst_nsim(x)
  index_yrs <- knnst_index_years(x)

    lapply(seq_len(nsim), function(i) {
      tmp_m <- knnst_get_disagg_data(x, i)

      # rownames are yyyy-mm
      ym <- rownames(tmp_m)
      rownames(tmp_m) <- NULL

      # get year and month by themselves
      yy <- simplify2array(strsplit(ym, "-"))
      mm <- as.numeric(yy[2,])
      yy <- as.numeric(yy[1,])

      # repeat the index year for each monthly entry
      tmp_iy <- as.vector(matrix(
        rep(index_yrs[,i], 12),
        ncol = nrow(index_yrs),
        byrow = TRUE

      # now create the data.frame
        ym = ym,
        year = yy,
        month = mm,
        as.data.frame(tmp_m, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
        simulation = i,
        index_year = tmp_iy,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

#' Get the disaggregated data
#' `knnst_get_disagg_data()` gets the disaggregated streamflow data from a
#' `knnst` object.
#' As `knnst` objects can contain multiple simulations of disaggregated data,
#' `sim_num` specifies which simulation of data to return.
#' @inheritParams knnst_nsim
#' @param sim_num The simulation number.
#' @return A matrix.
#' @export

# TODO: need to add tests for this function by itsefl
knnst_get_disagg_data <- function(disagg, sim_num = 1)
  check_sim_num(sim_num, disagg, "knnst_get_disagg_data")


check_sim_num <- function(sim_num, disagg_flow, called_from)
    length(sim_num) == 1 && is.numeric(sim_num) &&
      sim_num <= knnst_nsim(disagg_flow) && sim_num > 0,
    msg = paste0(
      "In `", called_from,
      "()`, `sim_num` should be a postivie numeric <= `knnst_nsim(x)`."

get_pattern_flow_data_df <- function(x, site)
  drop_cols <- c("ym", "year", "month", "simulation", "index_year")
  all_cols <- names(as.data.frame(x))

  tmp <- all_cols[!(all_cols %in% drop_cols)]

  # years in index_data are end of the agg_year
  # combine all months with all agg_years
  ym <- expand.grid(full_year(x$start_month), x$index_data[,1])
  mm <- ym[,1]
  agg_year <- ym[,2]
  # but need the calendar year so these are in correct order
  cal_year <- agg_year_to_cal_year(mm, agg_year, x$start_month)

  ym <- paste(
    formatC(mm, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0"),
    sep = "-"

  x_mon <- data.frame(
    ym = ym,
    cal_year = cal_year,
    agg_year = agg_year,
    month = mm,
    simulation = 1,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # as.numeric, in case the monthly index data is xts
  x_mon[[site]] <- as.numeric(x$mon_flow[, match(site, tmp)])


# given a month `m` and its `agg_year` (water year), and the start_month of the
# agg_year, compute the calendar year. Ex, October with agg_year = 2020, if
# October starts the agg_year would return 2019.
# As with the other conversion functions in this package, this assumes agg_year
# corresonds with the calendar year of the last month in the agg_year.
agg_year_to_cal_year <- function(m, agg_year, start_month)
  if (start_month == 1) {
    cal_year <- agg_year
  } else {
    adj <- rep(0, length(m))
    adj[m >= start_month] <- -1
    cal_year <- agg_year + adj

rabutler-usbr/knnstdisagg documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 2:47 p.m.