
#' simSeqfromSp2: Modified function of simSeqfromSp from R package "phybase". Please cite:XXX
#' The function simulates sequences from a species tree.
#' @param sptree A species tree which must be a rooted tree.
#' @param spname species names
#' @param ntaxasp	a vector of the number of individuals in each species
#' @param ngene	number of genes
#' @param theta	population size
#' @param noclock	0: clocklike species tree 1: nonclocklike species tree
#' @param simsequence	1: simulate sequences and gene trees, 0: simulate gene trees
#' @param murate distribution of mutation rates
#' @param alpha	the shape parameter of dirichlet distribution
#' @param seqlength	the number of nucleotides along the sequences
#' @param model	substitution model
#' @param kappa	transition/transversion ratio
#' @param rate	rates
#' @param frequency	nucleotide frequency
#' @param outfile	the full path of the output file
#' @param format	either "phylip" or "nexus"
#' @keywords phybase
#' @export

################ Modified phybase function simSeqfromSp2 #########################

simSeqfromSp2 <- function (sptree, spname, ntaxasp, ngene, theta = 0, noclock = 0, 
													simsequence = 1, murate = "Dirichlet", alpha = 5, seqlength = 100, 
													model = 1, kappa = 2, rate = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), frequency = c(1/4, 
																																													1/4, 1/4, 1/4), outfile, format = "phylip") 
	if (!is.rootedtree(sptree)) 
		stop("the species tree must be rooted!")
	nspecies <- length(spname)
	ntaxa <- sum(ntaxasp)
	if (length(ntaxasp) != nspecies) {
		stop("The number of species in ntaxasp does not match the number of species in sptree!")
	rootnode <- nspecies * 2 - 1
	taxaname <- rep("", ntaxa)
	index <- 1
	for (i in 1:nspecies) {
		for (j in 1:ntaxasp[i]) {
			if (ntaxasp[i] > 1) 
				taxaname[index] <- paste(spname[i], "s", j, sep = "")
			else taxaname[index] <- spname[i]
			index <- index + 1
	species.structure <- matrix(0, nspecies, ntaxa)
	index <- 1
	for (i in 1:nspecies) {
		for (j in 1:ntaxasp[i]) {
			species.structure[i, index] <- 1
			index <- index + 1
	nodematrix <- read.tree.nodes(sptree, spname)$nodes
	if (theta > 0) 
		nodematrix[, 5] <- theta
	tree <- rep("", ngene)
	dnaseq <- matrix("", nrow = ntaxa, ncol = seqlength * ngene)
	partition <- matrix(0, nrow = ngene, ncol = 2)
	for (i in 1:ngene) {
		if (noclock == 0) 
			tree[i] <- sim.coaltree.sp(rootoftree(nodematrix), 
																 nodematrix, nspecies, ntaxasp, name = spname)$gt
		else if (noclock == 1) {
			tree[i] <- sim.coaltree.sp.mu(sptree, spname, ntaxasp, 
																		1, method = murate, alpha = alpha)$gt
		else stop("noclock could be 0 or 1!")
		if (simsequence) {
			treenode <- read.tree.nodes(tree[i], taxaname)$nodes
			treenode[2 * ntaxa - 1, 4] <- -9
			dna <- sim.dna(treenode, seqlength, model = model, 
										 kappa = kappa, rate = rate, frequency = frequency)
			dna[dna == 1] <- "A"
			dna[dna == 2] <- "C"
			dna[dna == 3] <- "G"
			dna[dna == 4] <- "T"
			dnaseq[, (1 + (i - 1) * seqlength):(seqlength * i)] <- dna
			if (tolower(format) == "phylip") {
				if (i == 1) 
					write.dna(dna, taxaname, file = outfile, format = format, 
										append = FALSE)
				else write.dna(dna, taxaname, file = outfile, 
											 format = format, append = TRUE)
			partition[i, ] <- c(1 + (i - 1) * seqlength, seqlength * 
	if (tolower(format) == "nexus") 
	z <- list(gt = "")
	z$gt <- tree
radamsRHA/GppFst documentation built on Nov. 9, 2019, 7:08 p.m.