
#' Apply functions over each column
#' Apply a function over each column of a "\code{zoocat}" object
#' and return a data frame.
#' @name apply_col
#' @rdname apply_col
#' @export
#' @param x A object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.
apply_col <- function (x, ...) {

#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(1 : 20, nrow = 5)
#' colAttr <- data.frame(month = c(2, 3, 5, 6), name = c(rep('xxx', 3), 'yyy'))
#' zc <- zoocat(x, order.by = 1991 : 1995, colattr = colAttr)
#' apply_col(zc, FUN = mean, col.as = 'vector')
#' apply_col(zc, FUN = max, col.as = 'vector')
#' @export
#' @return a data frame.
#' @rdname apply_col
#' @param FUN The function apply for each column.
#' @param col.as If vector, each column will be treated as a vector. If 
#' zoo, each column will be treated as a zoo object.
apply_col.zoocat <- function (x, FUN, col.as = 'vector', ...) {
    if (! (col.as %in% c('vector', 'zoo'))) {
        stop('col.as must be \'vector\' or \'zoo\'.')
    colAttr <- cattr(x)
    if (col.as == 'vector') {
        x <- as.matrix(x)
    } else if (col.as == 'zoo') {
        x <- as.zoo(x, add.colname = FALSE)
    ret1 <- FUN(x[, 1])
    if (!is.vector(ret1)) {
        ret1 <- as.vector(ret1)
    outnames <- names(ret1)
    if (is.null(outnames)) {
        if (length(ret1) == 1 ) {
            outnames <- 'output'
        } else {
            outnames <- paste('output', 1 : length(ret1), sep = '.')
    outmat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(colAttr), ncol = length(ret1))
    colnames(outmat) <- outnames
    outmat[1, ] <- ret1
    for (i in 2 : ncol(x)) {
        vecnow <- FUN(x[, i])
        if (!is.vector(vecnow)) {
            vecnow <- as.vector(vecnow)
        outmat[i, ] <- vecnow 
    ret <- data.frame(colAttr, outmat)
ran-ran/zoocat documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:56 p.m.