
#' Mixed Logistic Random Forest for Binary Data
#' @param Y The outcome variable.
#' @param x A formula string contains the predictors.
#' @param random A string in lme4 format indicates the random effect model.
#' @param data The data set as a data frame.
#' @param initialRandomEffects The initial values for random effects.
#' @param ErrorTolerance The tolerance for log-likelihood.
#' @param ErrorTolerance0 The tolerance for eta (penalized quasi-likelihood, PQL).
#' @param MaxIterations The maximum iteration times for each run of PQL.
#' @param MaxIterations0 The maximum iteration times for PQL.
#' @param verbose The option to monitor each run of PQL or not.
#' @return A list contains the random forest, mixed model, and random effects.
#' See the example below for the usage. A predict() function is also available below.
#' @examples
#' # example data (http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/70783/how-to-assess-the-fit-of-a-binomial-glmm-fitted-with-lme4-1-0)
#' dat <- read.table("http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=vRy66Bif")
#' library(party)
#' library(lme4)
#' source('MixRFb.r')
#' system.time(tmp <- MixRFb(Y=dat$true, x='factor(distance) + consequent + factor(direction) + factor(dist)', random='(1|V1)',
#'                           data=dat, initialRandomEffects=0,
#'                           ErrorTolerance=1, MaxIterations=200,
#'                           ErrorTolerance0=0.3, MaxIterations0=15, verbose=T))
#' # tmp$forest
#' # tmp$MixedModel
#' # tmp$RandomEffects
#' # eta
#' pred1 = predict.MixRF(tmp, dat, EstimateRE=TRUE)
#' prob = 1/(1+exp(-pred1))
#' res = (prob>.5)
#' # classification
#' table(res,dat$true)

MixRFb <- function(Y, x, random, data, initialRandomEffects=0,
                   ErrorTolerance=0.001, MaxIterations=200,
                   ErrorTolerance0=0.001, MaxIterations0=15, verbose=FALSE) {

  # Condition that indicates the loop has not converged or run out of iterations
  ContinueCondition0 <- TRUE
  iterations0 = 0

  # Get initial values

  mu = rep(mean(Y),length(Y))
  eta = log(mu/(1-mu))
  y = eta + (Y-mu)/(mu*(1-mu))
  weights = mu*(1-mu)

  AdjustedTarget <- y - initialRandomEffects

  f1 = as.formula(paste0('AdjustedTarget ~ ', x))
  f0 = as.formula(paste0('resi ~ -1 + ', random))

  # mimic randomForest's mtry
  ncol = length(strsplit(x,split="[+]")[[1]])
  mtry = if (!is.null(y) && !is.factor(y))
    max(floor(ncol/3), 1) else floor(sqrt(ncol))

  oldLogLik = oldEta = -Inf

  # PQL
  while(ContinueCondition0) {

    iterations0 <- iterations0 + 1

    iterations = 0
    ContinueCondition <- TRUE

    # random forest + lmer
    while(ContinueCondition) {

      iterations <- iterations + 1

      # random Forest
      data$AdjustedTarget = AdjustedTarget
      rf = cforest(f1, data=data, weights = weights, control = cforest_unbiased(mtry = mtry))

      # y - X*beta (out-of-bag prediction)
      pred = predict(rf, OOB = TRUE)
      resi = y - pred

      ## Estimate New Random Effects and Errors using lmer
      lmefit <- lmer(f0, data=data, weights=weights)

      # check convergence
      LogLik <- as.numeric(logLik(lmefit))

      ContinueCondition <- (abs(LogLik-oldLogLik)>ErrorTolerance & iterations < MaxIterations)
      oldLogLik <- LogLik

      # Extract (the only) random effects part (Zb) to make the new adjusted target
      AllEffects <- predict(lmefit)

      #  y-Zb
      AdjustedTarget <- y - AllEffects

      # monitor the change the of logLikelihood
      if(verbose) print(c(iterations0,iterations,LogLik))

    eta = pred + AllEffects
    mu = 1/(1+exp(-eta))
    y = eta + (Y-mu)/(mu*(1-mu))
    AdjustedTarget <- y - AllEffects
    weights = as.vector(mu*(1-mu))

    print(c(iter = iterations0, maxEtaChange=max(abs(eta-oldEta))))

    ContinueCondition0 <- (max(abs(eta-oldEta))>ErrorTolerance0 & iterations0 < MaxIterations0)
    oldEta <- eta

  result <- list(forest=rf, MixedModel=lmefit, RandomEffects=ranef(lmefit),


# predict the link transformed response (eta)

predict.MixRF <- function(object, newdata, EstimateRE=TRUE){

  forestPrediction <- predict(object$forest,newdata=newdata,OOB=T)

  # If not estimate random effects, just use the forest for prediction.

  RandomEffects <- predict(object$MixedModel, newdata=newdata, allow.new.levels=T)

  completePrediction = forestPrediction + RandomEffects

randel/MixRF documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:59 p.m.