
Defines functions QueueDataWarehouse

Documented in QueueDataWarehouse

#' @details The QueueDataWarehouse function allows to access to Data WareHouse data
#' and returns either json or sends a csv to a ftp server.
#' Because of the Reporting API structure, this function requests the
#' report, then, if \code{enqueueOnly=FALSE}, checks the reporting queue to see if the report is completed,
#' and when the report returns as "done" pulls the report from the API (if ftp is not defined).
#' This checking process will occur up to the specified number of times (default 120),
#' with a delay between status checks (default 5 seconds). If the report does not
#' return as "done" or a "delivery_complete" after the number of tries have completed, the function will return
#' an error message. When \code{enqueueOnly=TRUE} and no ftp server is set, the report can be retrieved with Report.Get
#' using the reportId returned by the QueueDataWarehouse function.
#' Data Warehouse documentation:
#' https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/analytics/export/data-warehouse/data-warehouse.html
#' Data Warehouse (1.4) API documentation:
#' https://github.com/AdobeDocs/analytics-1.4-apis/blob/master/docs/reporting-api/data_warehouse.md
#' Multiple segments are supported as long as they are compatible with Data Warehouse.
#' Classifications are supported, and if supplied, must be equal in length to elements. Pad out classifications
#' with either a blank string or NA if and as necessary. 
#' The following element properties are not supported in Data Warehouse reports:
#'     - selected
#'     - search
#'     - top
#'     - startingWith
#'     - sortBy
#' Calculated metrics are not supported.
#' Results for data warehouse reports can be accessed in two ways: directly through the API and
#' through FTP delivery. Email delivery is not supported.
#' All data warehouse results are paged in chunks of 20 MB. Add "page": to \code{Report.Get} 
#' to determine the page returned. If no page is specified then the first page is returned.
#' @description A QueueDataWarehouse report is a report where metrics are
#' retrieved, broken down by an unlimited number of elements such as page, eVar, prop, etc, and
#' with or without temporal aggregation.
#' @title Queue a DataWarehouse Report
#' @param reportsuite.id Report suite id
#' @param date.from Start date for the report (YYYY-MM-DD)
#' @param date.to End date for the report (YYYY-MM-DD)
#' @param metrics List of metrics to include in the report
#' @param elements List of elements to include in the report
#' @param date.granularity Time granularity of the report (year/month/week/day/hour), default to 'day'. Pass
#' \code{NULL} if you do not want any time granularity.
#' @param segment.id Id of Adobe Analytics segment to retrieve the report for
#' @param data.current TRUE or FALSE - whether to include current data for reports that include today's date
#' @param expedite Set to TRUE to expedite the processing of this report
#' @param interval.seconds How long to wait between attempts
#' @param max.attempts Number of API attempts before stopping
#' @param validate whether to submit report definition for validation before requesting the data.
#' @param enqueueOnly only enqueue the report, don't get the data. returns report id, which you can later use to get the data
#' @param ftp FTP client parameters, only used if enqueueOnly=TRUE. Double check ftp parameters before requesting
#' a long report.
#' @param classification List of SAINT classifications for each element. If supplied, must be a character
#' vector of length equal to elements.
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON unbox
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @return Data frame or report id, if enqueueOnly is TRUE
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' report.data <- QueueDataWarehouse("your_report_suite",
#'                             "2014-01-01",
#'                             "2014-01-07",
#'                             c("visits", "pageviews","event10"),
#'                             c("page","geoCountry","geoCity"),
#'                             enqueueOnly=TRUE,
#'                             ftp = list(host = "myftpserver.com",
#'                                        port = "21",
#'                                        directory = "/fromDW/",
#'                                        username = "memyselfandirene",
#'                                        password = "valkilmer",
#'                                        filename = "myreport.csv")
#'                             )
#' @export
QueueDataWarehouse <- function(reportsuite.id, date.from, date.to, metrics, elements,
                               date.granularity='day', segment.id='', data.current=TRUE,
                               expedite=FALSE, interval.seconds=5, max.attempts=120, 
                               validate=TRUE, enqueueOnly=TRUE, ftp='',
                               classification = c()) {
  # checks are intentionally light; goal is to avoid not-very-helpful default error
  # messages under these likely scenarios
  if(enqueueOnly) {
    if(!is.list(ftp) || length(ftp) == 0L) {
      stop("FTP credentials need to be specified when enqueueOnly = TRUE")

  #RZ: move this out of public function interface
  format <- 'csv'
  # build JSON description
  # we have to use unbox to force jsonlite not put strings into single-element arrays
  report.description <- c()
  report.description$reportDescription <- c(data.frame(matrix(ncol=0, nrow=1)))
  report.description$reportDescription$dateFrom <- unbox(date.from)
  report.description$reportDescription$dateTo <- unbox(date.to)
  report.description$reportDescription$reportSuiteID <- unbox(reportsuite.id)
  report.description$reportDescription$dateGranularity <- unbox(date.granularity)
  #Hack in locale, every method calls ApiRequest so this hopefully works
  #Set encoding to utf-8 as well; if someone wanted to do base64 they are out of luck
  report.description$reportDescription$locale <- unbox(AdobeAnalytics$SC.Credentials$locale)
  report.description$reportDescription$elementDataEncoding <- unbox("utf8")
  #If segment is null, apply the standard segment unbox function
  #report.description$reportDescription$segments <- unbox(segment.id)
    #report.description$reportDescription$segment_id <- unbox(segment.id)
    report.description$reportDescription$segments <- unbox(segment.id)
  #If segment is not null, treat it like a list of metrics.
    report.description$reportDescription$segments <- data.frame( id = segment.id)
  if(expedite==TRUE) {
    report.description$reportDescription$expedite <- unbox(expedite)
  report.description$reportDescription$metrics = data.frame(id = metrics)
  report.description$reportDescription$metrics = data.frame(id = metrics)
  # bring over classifications; first instantiate the default df for elements
  elements_df <- data.frame(
    id = elements
  # if supplied, classification must be equal in length to elements
  # handle scenarios where classification is supplied as blank string, NA, 
  #  or a mix thereof
  classification_clean <- as.character(classification)
  classification_clean[is.na(classification_clean)] <- ""
  if(!all(classification_clean == "") || length(classification_clean) > 0L) {
    if(length(classification_clean) != length(elements)) {
          "When supplied, 'classification' must be a character vector equal", 
          "in length to 'elements'"
    elements_df[["classification"]] <- classification_clean
  report.description$reportDescription$elements <- elements_df
  report.description$reportDescription$source <- unbox("warehouse")
    report.description$reportDescription$ftp <- unbox(data.frame(ftp))

  #RZ: Override enqueueOnly here so that report id always returned
  #Then, based on what user actually passed, determine whether it was an FTP report or console
  report.id <- SubmitJsonQueueReport(toJSON(report.description),interval.seconds=interval.seconds,max.attempts=max.attempts,validate=validate,enqueueOnly=TRUE,format=format)
  #This hack pages over results until an error occurs, which Adobe signals as end of results
    result <- data.frame()
    counter <- 1
    keepgoing <- TRUE
    while (keepgoing){
      temp <- tryCatch(
                  interval.seconds = interval.seconds,
                  max.attempts = max.attempts,
                  format = format, 
                  print.attempts = TRUE,
                  page = counter), 
        error = function(w) data.frame()
      if(nrow(temp) > 0){
        result <- rbind.fill(result, temp)
        counter <- counter + 1
      } else {
        keepgoing <- FALSE
randyzwitch/RSiteCatalyst documentation built on May 11, 2020, 3:05 p.m.