
Defines functions safe_shortname

Documented in safe_shortname

#' @title Rename products using a shorten convention
#' @description This function renames a Sentinel-2 product in order to
#'  obtain shorten names. See the details for the structure of the
#'  adopted schema (named "sen2r naming convention").
#'  The function applies only to compact product names (not to single granule
#'  names), since it is thought to be applied to entire products.
#'  Old long names are no more supported.
#' @details [ESA Sentinel-2 naming convention](
#'  https://sentinels.copernicus.eu/web/sentinel/user-guides/sentinel-2-msi/naming-convention)
#'  is particularly long-winded.
#'  So, the convention here adopted, named "sen2r naming convention",
#'  follows this schema:
#'  `S2mll_yyyymmdd_rrr_ttttt_ppp_rr.fff`
#'  where:
#'  * `S2mll` (length: 5) shows the mission ID (`S2A` or `S2B`) and the product level
#'      (`1C` or `2A`);
#'  * `yyyymmdd` (length: 8) is the sensing date (e.g. `20170603` for 2017-06-03) ; the
#'      hour is skipped, since a single sensor can not pass two times in a
#'      day on the same tile);
#'  * `rrr` (length: 3) is the relative orbit number (e.g. `022`);
#'  * `ttttt` (length: 5) is the tile number (e.g. `32TQQ`);
#'  * `ppp` (length: 3) is the output product, being one of these:
#'      _for level 1C:_
#'      - `TOA`: 13-bands Top-Of-Atmosphere Reflectance;
#'      _for level 2A:_
#'      - `BOA`: 13-bands Bottom-Of-Atmosphere Reflectance;
#'      - `TCI`: True Colour Image (3-band RGB 8-bit image);
#'      - `AOT`: Aerosol Optical Thickness;
#'      - `WVP`: Water Vapour;
#'      - `SCL`: Scene Classification Map;
#'      - `CLD`: Quality Indicators for cloud probabilities;
#'      - `SNW`: Quality Indicators for snow probabilities;
#'      - `VIS`: TODO Visibility (used for AOT);
#'      _for both levels:_
#'      - `SZA`: Sun Zenith Angles;
#'      - `SAA`: Sun Azimuth Angles;
#'      - `OZA`: averaged Viewing Incidence Zenith Angles;
#'      - `OAA`: averaged Viewing Incidence Azimuth Angles.
#'  * `rr` (length: 2) is the original minimum spatial resolution in metres
#'      (10, 20 or 60);
#'  * `fff` (length: variable, generally 3) is the file extension.
#' @param prod_name Input Sentinel-2 product name (it is not required 
#'  that the file exists).
#' @param prod_type (optional) Output product (default: `TOA` for L1C, `BOA`
#'  for L2A); see the details for the list of accepted products.
#' @param ext (optional) Extension of the output filename (default: none).
#' @param res (optional) Spatial resolution (one between '10m', '20m' or '60m');
#'  default is '10m'. Notice that, choosing '10m' or '20m', bands with lower
#'  resolution will be rescaled to `res`. Band 08 is used with `res = '10m'`,
#'  band 08A with `res = '20m'` and `res = '60m'`.
#' @param tiles Deprecated (no more used).
#' @param force_tiles Deprecated (no more used).
#' @param full.name Logical value: if TRUE (default), all the input path
#'  is maintained (if existing); if FALSE, only basename is returned.
#' @param allow_duplicated Logical value: if TRUE, duplicated values are
#'  maintained; if FALSE (default), in case of duplicated value a suffix is
#'  added to the tile ID (see `add_tile_suffix()`).
#' @param set.seed Deprecated (no more used).
#' @param multiple_names Deprecated (no more used).
#' @param abort Logical parameter: if TRUE, the function aborts in case
#'  `prod_type` is not recognised; if FALSE (default), a warning is shown.
#' @return Output product name
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2019)
#' @references L. Ranghetti, M. Boschetti, F. Nutini, L. Busetto (2020).
#'  "sen2r": An R toolbox for automatically downloading and preprocessing 
#'  Sentinel-2 satellite data. _Computers & Geosciences_, 139, 104473. 
#'  \doi{10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104473}, URL: \url{https://sen2r.ranghetti.info/}.
#' @note License: GPL 3.0
#' @export

#' @examples
#' safe_shortname("S2A_MSIL1C_20170603T101031_N0205_R022_T32TQQ_20170603T101026.SAFE", ext="tif")

safe_shortname <- function(
  prod_type = NULL, 
  ext = NULL, 
  res = "10m", 
  tiles = NULL, # deprecated
  force_tiles = NULL, # deprecated
  full.name = TRUE, 
  allow_duplicated = FALSE,
  set.seed = NULL, # deprecated
  multiple_names = NULL,
  abort = FALSE
) {
  prodtype <- level <- mission <- level <- id_orbit <- id_tile <- prodtype <- 
    validname <- NULL # to avoid NOTE on check
  # elements used by the function
  needed_metadata <- c("validname","mission","level","sensing_datetime","id_orbit","id_tile")
  s2_metadata <- safe_getMetadata(
    prod_name, info = needed_metadata, 
    format = "data.table", simplify = TRUE, abort = abort
  # select default product type if missing
  s2_metadata$prodtype <- if (is.null(prod_type)) {
      s2_metadata$level == "1C", "TOA", 
      ifelse(s2_metadata$level == "2A", "BOA", NA)
  } else {
  # check prod_type
  prod_type_accepted_values <- list(
    "1C" = c("TOA","SZA","OZA","SAA","OAA","xxx"),
    "2A" = c("BOA","TCI","AOT","WVP","SCL","CLD","SNW","SZA","OZA","SAA","OAA","xxx"))
  message_type <- ifelse(abort==TRUE, "error", "warning")
  if (length(prod_type) > 1) {
      "\"prod_type\" must be of length 1 (only first element will be used)."
    prod_type <- prod_type[1]
  if (any(sapply(seq_len(nrow(s2_metadata)), function(i) {
    !s2_metadata[i,prodtype] %in% prod_type_accepted_values[[s2_metadata[i,level]]]
  }))) {
      "\"prod_type\" value is not recognised; ",
      "use 'xxx' for a generic string in order not to show this warning)."
  # check res
  if (!res %in% c("10m","20m","60m")) {
      "\"res\" value is not recognised (accepted values are '10m', '20m' ",
      "and '60m').")
  # compose name
  short_name <- s2_metadata[,paste0(
  short_name[s2_metadata[,!validname]] <- NA
  # check for duplicates
  if (allow_duplicated && any(duplicated(short_name))) {
    short_name <- add_tile_suffix(short_name)
  # # check name length
  # if (any(s2_metadata[,validname] & nchar(short_name)!=31)) {
  #   print_message(
  #     type="warning",
  #     "Length of shortname is wrong (probably \"prod_type\" or \"res\" ",
  #     "has wrong length).")
  # }
  # add dirname and extension
  out_name <- ifelse(
    dirname(prod_name)!="." & full.name, 
    file.path(dirname(prod_name), short_name), 
  if (!is.null(ext)) {
    out_name[s2_metadata[,validname]] <- 
ranghetti/fidolasen documentation built on March 27, 2024, 9:37 p.m.