#' @title Fill not equally-spaced time series
#' @description Fill temporal gaps in a time series smoothed with function
#' [`smooth_s2ts()`] to obtain homogeneous values (daily or with a regular
#' time step).
#' @param ts Time series in `s2ts` format (generated using `smooth_s2ts()`).
#' @param frequency (optional) One of the followings:
#' - `daily`: daily frequency (default);
#' - `dop` (Days Of Passage): values are returned corresponding to
#' the theoretic Sentinel-2 dates of passage.
#' @param method (optional) Argument passed to `spline()`.
#' @param max_na_days (optional) maximum number of consecutive days with missing
#' values which can be filled (in case of longer time windows with missing data,
#' NA are returned).
#' Default is to fit everything (unless this could lead to errors in case of
#' long NT time windows, currently it is the only way to get subsequent functions
#' working).
#' @param max_extrapolation (optional) Numeric: maximum allowed extrapolation
#' out of original range (relative value).
#' Default is 0.1 (+10%). Set to Inf in order not to set any constraint.
#' @return The output time series in tabular format (see `extract_ts()`).
#' @importFrom stats spline
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, PhD (2020) \email{luigi@@ranghetti.info}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #' # Load input data
#' data("ts_smoothed")
#' # Gap filling using default parameters (daily)
#' ts_filled <- fill_s2ts(ts_smoothed)
#' ts_filled # standard print
#' head(as.data.frame(ts_filled)) # see content
#' plot(ts_filled)
#' # Generate a regular time series using the minimum number of required records
#' ts_filled_2 <- fill_s2ts(ts_smoothed, frequency = "dop")
#' print(ts_filled_2, topn = 5) # standard print
fill_s2ts <- function(
frequency = "daily",
method = "fmm",
max_na_days = Inf,
max_extrapolation = 0.1
) {
# Avoid check notes for data.table related variables
id <- orbit <- sensor <- interpolated <- value <- NULL
## Define Greater Common Divisor
gcd <- function(x) {
if (length(x) == 2) {
ifelse(x[2]==0, x[1], gcd(x[2], x[1] %% x[2]))
} else {
gcd(c(x[1], gcd(x[2:length(x)])))
## Check arguments
## Check s2ts format
# (must contain date, id, orbit, sensor, value, opt. quality)
if (!inherits(ts, "s2ts")) {
type = "error",
"Argument 'ts' is not in the right format."
ts_dt <- as.data.table(ts)
ts_list <- list()
for (sel_id in unique(ts_dt$id)) { # cycle on IDs
# Create filled datatable
ts_dop <- sen2r::s2_dop(
s2_orbits = ts_dt[id == sel_id, unique(orbit)],
timewindow = ts_dt[id == sel_id, range(date)],
mission = ts_dt[id == sel_id, unique(sensor)]
# Define output dates
ts_dt_out0 <- data.table(
"date" = if (frequency == "dop") {
} else if (frequency == "daily") {
seq(min(ts_dop$date), max(ts_dop$date), by = 1)
} else if (frequency == "gcd") {
diffdate <- gcd(as.integer(diff(ts_dop$date)))
seq(min(ts_dop$date), max(ts_dop$date), by = diffdate)
# ts_dt_out1 <- merge(ts_dt_out0, ts_dop, by = "date", all = TRUE)
# ts_dt_out2 <- merge(
# ts_dt[id == sel_id,], ts_dt_out1,
# by.x = c("date", "sensor", "orbit"), by.y = c("date", "mission", "orbit"),
# all = TRUE
# )
ts_dt_out2 <- merge(
ts_dt[id == sel_id,], ts_dt_out0,
by = "date",
all = TRUE
ts_dt_out2[,interpolated := is.na(value)]
ts_dt_out2[,id := sel_id]
# Interpolate (without extrapolating)
valid_dates <- ts_dt[id == sel_id,][!is.na(value), date]
valid_yrange <- ts_dt[id == sel_id, range(value, na.rm=TRUE)]
valid_xrange <- as.Date(character(0))
for (i in seq(length(valid_dates)-1)) {
if (diff(valid_dates[i:(i+1)]) <= max_na_days) {
valid_xrange <- c(valid_xrange, seq(valid_dates[i], valid_dates[i+1], 1))
valid_xrange <- unique(valid_xrange)
sel_spline <- spline(
ts_dt[id == sel_id & date %in% valid_xrange, date],
ts_dt[id == sel_id & date %in% valid_xrange, value],
xout = ts_dt_out2[date %in% valid_xrange, date],
method = method
# sel_spline$x <- as.Date(sel_spline$x, origin = "1970-01-01")
ts_dt_out2[date %in% valid_xrange, value := sel_spline$y]
# Coerce to original min/max ranges
if (max_extrapolation < Inf) {
ts_dt_out2[,value := sapply(value, max, valid_yrange[1] - diff(valid_yrange) * max_extrapolation), by = id]
ts_dt_out2[,value := sapply(value, min, valid_yrange[2] + diff(valid_yrange) * max_extrapolation), by = id]
ts_list[[sel_id]] <- ts_dt_out2
} # end of id FOR cycle
ts_out <- as(rbindlist(ts_list), "s2ts")
attr(ts_out, "gen_by") <- "fill_s2ts"
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