#' @name plot
#' @title Plot `s2ts` object
#' @description Plot a `s2ts` time series, using `{ggplot2}` routines.
#' @param x Object of class `s2ts` to be plotted.
#' @param pheno (optional) Output of `cut_cycles()`
#' @param fitted (optional) Output of `fit_curve()`
#' @param plot_points (optional) Logical: should raw point values be plotted?
#' Default: only if `pheno` and `fitted` are not provided.
#' @param plot_rawline (optional) Logical: should lines connecting raw points
#' be plotted? Default: yes.
#' They are represented as dark grey lines, or as almost transparent lines
#' if smoothed values exist and are represented.
#' @param plot_smoothed (optional) Logical: should lines connecting smoothed
#' values be plotted? Default: yes (if exist).
#' They are represented as dark grey lines.
#' @param plot_fitted (optional) Logical: should double logistic curves be
#' plotted? Default: yes, if provided. They are represented as red curves.
#' @param plot_cuts (optional) Logical: should cuts between cycles be plotted?
#' Default: yes, if provided in `pheno` or in `fitted`.
#' They are represented as black vertical lines.
#' @param plot_cycles (optional) Logical: should existing cycles be highlighted?
#' If TRUE (default), existing cycles are highlighted with yellow bands.
#' @param plot_dates (optional) Logical or character:
#' if TRUE, plot the dates of cycle cuts and phenology metrics;
#' if FALSE (default), do not plot anything;
#' if `"cycles"` or `"pheno"`, plot only cycle cuts or phenology metrics.
#' @param pheno_metrics (optional) Character vector containing the names of
#' the phenological metrics to be plotted.
#' If not provided or if `pheno_metrics = "all"`, all available metrics
#' are plotted.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, PhD (2020) \email{luigi@@ranghetti.info}
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes facet_wrap geom_line geom_point geom_rect
#' geom_segment geom_text geom_vline ggplot scale_colour_brewer
#' scale_fill_viridis_c scale_x_date scale_y_continuous theme_light
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Plot raw time series
#' data(ts_raw) # sample raw time series
#' plot(ts_raw)
#' plot(ts_raw, plot_rawline = FALSE) # show only points
#' # Plot smoothed or filled time series
#' data(ts_smoothed) # sample smoothed time series
#' data(ts_filled) # sample filled time series
#' plot(ts_smoothed)
#' plot(ts_filled)
#' plot(ts_filled, plot_rawline = FALSE) # avoid plotting raw line
#' plot(ts_filled, plot_smoothed = FALSE) # plot only raw line
#' # Add phenological information
#' data(dt_cycles) # sample data frame with cycle cuts
#' data(cf) # sample object with curve fitting
#' data(dt_pheno) # sample data frame with phenological
#' plot(ts_filled, pheno = dt_cycles) # default plot with cycle cuts
#' plot(ts_filled, pheno = dt_cycles, plot_points = TRUE) # show also points
#' plot(ts_filled, pheno = dt_cycles, plot_dates = TRUE) # print dates
#' plot(ts_filled, pheno = dt_cycles, plot_cycles = FALSE) # avoid highlighting cycles
#' plot(ts_filled, fitted = cf) # default print with cycles (cuts and curves)
#' plot(ts_filled, fitted = cf, plot_cuts = FALSE) # show only curves
#' plot(ts_filled, fitted = cf, pheno = dt_pheno) # plot curves and metrics
#' plot(ts_filled, pheno = dt_pheno, plot_dates = TRUE) # print all dates
#' plot(ts_filled, pheno = dt_pheno, plot_dates = "cycles") # print only cut dates
#' plot(ts_filled, pheno = dt_pheno, plot_dates = "pheno") # print only phenological dates
#' }
plot.s2ts <- function(
x, pheno, fitted,
plot_points, plot_rawline, plot_smoothed, plot_fitted, plot_cuts,
plot_cycles = TRUE, plot_dates = FALSE, pheno_metrics,
) {
# Avoid check notes for data.table related variables
value <- rawval <- id <- begin <- end <-
Value <- Phenology <- cycle <- QA <- NULL
# Determine plot mode
plot_mode <- if (any(!missing(pheno), !missing(fitted))) {
} else if (is.null(attr(x, "gen_by"))) {
} else if (attr(x, "gen_by") %in% c("smooth_s2ts")) {
} else if (attr(x, "gen_by") %in% c("fill_s2ts")) {
} else { # including attr(x, "gen_by") == "extract_s2ts"
plot_elements <- list()
plot_elements$points <- if (!missing(plot_points)) {
} else {
# by default, plot points if both `pheno` and `fitted` are missing
all(!"background" %in% plot_mode)
plot_elements$rawline <- if (!missing(plot_rawline)) {plot_rawline} else {TRUE}
plot_elements$smoothedline <- if (!missing(plot_smoothed)) {
} else {
# by default, plot smoothed line in all cases except "base"
any(c("smoothed", "filled", "background") %in% plot_mode)
plot_elements$fitted <- if (!missing(fitted) & !missing(plot_fitted)) {
} else {
plot_elements$cuts <- if (!missing(plot_cuts)) {
} else {
TRUE # meaning to plot if existing
plot_elements$pheno_method <- if (!missing(pheno)) {
attr(pheno, "info")$method
# Change "plot_dates" value
if (plot_dates == TRUE) {
plot_dates <- c("pheno", "cycles")
# Extract input data.table
x_dt <- as.data.table(x)
setnames(x_dt, "qa", "QA", skip_absent = TRUE)
if (any(c("filled", "background") %in% plot_mode)) {
x_dt_smooth <- x_dt
} else {
x_dt_smooth <- x_dt[!is.na(value),]
if ("base" %in% plot_mode || is.null(x_dt$rawval)) {
x_dt_raw <- x_dt[!is.na(value),]
} else {
x_dt_raw <- x_dt[!is.na(rawval),]
x_dt_raw[,value := rawval]
# Extract additional data
if (!missing(fitted)) {
fitted_dt <- s2fit_to_s2ts(fitted)[id %in% x_dt$id,]
if (!missing(pheno)) {
pheno_dt <- pheno[id %in% x_dt$id,]
pheno_dt <- pheno_dt[,c("date","value") := list(as.Date(NA),Inf)] # to plot geom_rect()
} else if (!missing(fitted)) {
pheno_dt <- fitted_dt[
,list("begin" = min(date), "end" = max(date), "date" = as.Date(NA), "value" = Inf),
by = c("id", "year", "cycle")
# TODO add maxval
if (!is.null(plot_elements$pheno_method)) {
# Define which metrics are quantitative (y) and which refer to dates (x)
metrics_y <- c(
if (plot_elements$pheno_method %in% c("trs", "derivatives")) {
c("mgs", "peak", "msp", "mau")
} else if (plot_elements$pheno_method %in% c("gu")) {
c("maxline", "baseline")
metrics_x <- c(
"maxval", #"begin", "end",
if (plot_elements$pheno_method %in% c("trs", "derivatives")) {
c("sos", "eos", "pop")
} else if (plot_elements$pheno_method %in% c("gu")) {
c("UD", "SD", "DD", "RD")
} else if (plot_elements$pheno_method %in% c("klosterman")) {
c("Greenup", "Maturity", "Senescence", "Dormancy")
if (!missing(pheno_metrics) &&
!(length(pheno_metrics) == 1 && "all" %in% pheno_metrics)) {
metrics_x <- metrics_x[metrics_x %in% pheno_metrics]
metrics_y <- metrics_y[metrics_y %in% pheno_metrics]
if (length(metrics_y) > 0) {
pheno_dt_y <- melt(
id.vars = c("id", "year", "cycle", "begin", "end"),
measure.vars = metrics_y,
variable.name = "Value", value.name = "value"
if (length(metrics_x) > 0) {
pheno_dt_x <- melt(
id.vars = c("id", "year", "cycle"),
measure.vars = metrics_x,
variable.name = "Phenology", value.name = "date"
# Base plot
out <- ggplot(x_dt, aes(x = date, y = value))
# Add background bands
if (exists("pheno_dt") & plot_elements$cuts == TRUE & plot_cycles == TRUE) {
out <- out +
data = pheno_dt,
aes(xmin = begin, xmax = end),
ymin = -Inf,
ymax = min(x_dt$value, na.rm=TRUE) - diff(range(x_dt$value, na.rm=TRUE))*.025,
fill = "yellow", alpha = 0.5
# Add raw line
if (plot_elements$rawline == TRUE) {
out <- out + geom_line(
data = x_dt_raw,
alpha = if (plot_elements$smoothedline == TRUE) {0.1} else {0.35}
# Add cycle cuts / peaks
if (exists("pheno_dt_y")) {
# for (sel_cycle in pheno[, unique(cycle)]) {
out <- out + geom_segment(
# data = pheno_dt_y[cycle==sel_cycle,],
data = pheno_dt_y,
x = begin, xend = end,
y = value, yend = value,
colour = Value
linetype = "dashed"
# }
if (exists("pheno_dt_x")) {
out <- out +
data = pheno_dt_x,
aes(xintercept = as.numeric(date), colour = Phenology)
if ("pheno" %in% plot_dates) {
out <- out +
data = pheno_dt_x,
aes(x = date, y = min(x_dt$value, na.rm=TRUE), label = date, colour = Phenology),
angle = 90, vjust = -0.25, hjust = 0, size = 3
if (exists("pheno_dt") & plot_elements$cuts == TRUE) {
out <- out +
data = pheno_dt,
aes(xintercept = as.numeric(begin)), colour = "black"
) +
data = pheno_dt,
aes(xintercept = as.numeric(end)), colour = "black"
if ("cycles" %in% plot_dates) {
out <- out +
data = pheno_dt,
aes(x = begin, y = max(x_dt$value, na.rm=TRUE), label = begin), colour = "black",
angle = 90, vjust = 1.25, hjust = 1, size = 3
) +
data = pheno_dt,
aes(x = end, y = max(x_dt$value, na.rm=TRUE), label = end), colour = "black",
angle = 90, vjust = -0.25, hjust = 1, size = 3
# Add fitted line
if (plot_elements$fitted == TRUE) {
for (sel_year in fitted_dt[,unique(year)]) {
for (sel_cycle in fitted_dt[year == sel_year, unique(cycle)]) {
out <- out + geom_line(
data = fitted_dt[year == sel_year & cycle == sel_cycle,],
colour = "red", alpha = 0.5
# Add smoothed line
if (plot_elements$smoothedline == TRUE) {
out <- out + geom_line(data = x_dt_smooth[!is.na(value),], alpha = 0.5)
# Add points
if (plot_elements$points == TRUE) {
if (is.null(x_dt$QA)) {
out <- out + geom_point(
data = x_dt_raw,
fill = "grey30", shape = 21, colour = "#00000000"
} else {
out <- out + geom_point(
data = x_dt_raw, aes(fill = QA),
shape = 21, colour = "#00000000"
# Facet in case of multiple IDs
if (length(unique(x_dt$id)) > 0) {
out <- out + facet_wrap(
ncol = round(sqrt(length(unique(x_dt$id))/2))
# ncol = max(1, round(length(unique(x_dt$id))/4))
# Format options
out <- out +
scale_x_date(name = "Date") +
scale_y_continuous(name = NULL) +
if (plot_elements$points == TRUE) {
out <- out + scale_fill_viridis_c(
option = "inferno", direction = -1
if (exists("pheno_dt")) {
out <- out + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set2")
# date_range <- range(x_dt$date)
# year_range <- as.integer(strftime(date_range,"%Y"))
# year_seq <- seq(year_range[1]-1, year_range[2]+1)
# dates_bands <- data.table(
# begin = as.Date(apply(expand.grid(year_seq,seq(1,10,3),1),1,paste,collapse="-")),
# end = as.Date(apply(expand.grid(year_seq,paste(seq(3,12,3),c(31,30,30,31),sep="-")),1,paste,collapse="-")),
# seas = rep(c("winter","spring","summer","autumn"), each = length(year_seq))
# )[order(begin),]
# dates_bands <- dates_bands[begin<=date_range[2] & end>=date_range[1],]
# dates_bands[1,begin:=date_range[1]]
# dates_bands[nrow(dates_bands),end:=date_range[2]]
# # TODO aggiungi bande con geom_rect, limiti Y a Inf, colore blu per winter e rosso per summer
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