
Defines functions mean.parameter l3_cops_gen

Documented in l3_cops_gen

#' Generate an AOPs data base derived from COPS light profiles for a list of directories
#' @description The AOPs (Kd_s, Rrs) derived from valid profiles are averaged.
#' IMPORTANT: only the cast selected in select.cops.dat will be average.
#' The extrapolation method for Rrs (Rrs.0p or Rrs.0p.linear) must be specified in the
#' third column of the select.cops.dat.
#' cops_processing_log is used to filter if a Station is kept (T or F).
#' @param project is the project path top level (i.e, where data_synthesis can be found) .
#' @param mission is a string for the name of the mission. It will be used for the file names of the output.
#' @param boat OPTIONAL: filter the selected boat, column Boat must be present in Cops_Processing_Log
#' @return It returns a list object named COPS.DB containing matrices of
#' mean and standard deviation
#' of Kd1p, Kd10p, Kdpd, Rrs, Ed0.0p,  Ed0.f.diff
#' and vectors for ID, date, lat, lon sunzen and waves
#' The object COPS.DB is saved in RData format. The data are also saved in ASCII (.csv)
#' and a report showing the spectrums of the data base is produced.
#' @author Simon BĂ©langer
#' @title generate_cops_db
#' @import rmarkdown
#' @import dplyr
#' @import stringr
#' @export

l3_cops_gen <- function(project, mission="", boat=c("")) {

  if (!exists("mission") || mission == "" ) {
    mission <- str_split(project,"/")[[1]]
    mission <- mission[length(mission)]
    message("mission name empty, taking name of the project: ",mission)


  ##### All available wavelenghts proposed by BIOSPHERICAL
  waves.DB=c(305, 313, 320, 330, 340, 380, 395, 412, 443, 465, 490, 510, 532, 555,
             560, 565, 589, 625, 665, 683, 694, 710, 765, 780, 875)

  L3 <- file.path(project,"L3")
  L2 <- file.path(project, "L2")

  # Check project before doing any manipulation
  #CheckList <- lighthouse::Check.project(project,L2,param="COPS")
  #if (CheckList["Proot"][[1]] == F) {stop("project path is not set at a project root folder")}

  # Read processing Log
  LogFile <- list.files(path = file.path(project,"ProLog"), pattern = "Cops_processing_log", full.names = T)

  if (length(LogFile) == 0) {
    stop("No Cops_processing_log found in: ",file.path(project,"ProLog"))
  } else if (length(LogFile) > 1) {
    stop("Multiple Cops_processing_log found in: ",file.path(project,"ProLog"),
         "\n",str_c(LogFile, collapse = "\n"))

  ProLog <- data.table::fread(file = LogFile, data.table = F, colClasses = "character")

  if (any(str_detect(names(ProLog), "Boat"))) {
    ProLog <- ProLog %>% mutate(Station = paste(Station_name,Boat,sep = "_"))
  if (any(str_detect(names(ProLog), "Date"))) {
    ProLog <- ProLog %>% mutate(Station = paste(str_replace_all(Date, "-", ""),Station_name,sep = "_"))

  # List available data point in L2
  dirs <- grep("/COPS(_[[:alpha:]]+)?$",list.dirs(L2,recursive = T), value = T)
  COPSframe <- data.frame(dirs)

  COPSframe <- COPSframe %>%
  mutate(ID = str_extract(dirs, "(?<=/)[[:digit:]]+"))

  # add boat if pattern is present
  if (any(str_detect(dirs, "/COPS_[[:alpha:]]+$"))){
  COPSframe <- COPSframe %>%
    mutate(Station = paste0(ID,

  # Identifies paths with ProLog
  ProLog <- ProLog %>% inner_join(COPSframe, by="ID")

  # Filter Station_Kept == T
  ProLog <- ProLog %>% filter(Station_kept == "T")

  # Filter boat
  if (any(str_detect(names(ProLog), "Boat")) & boat != c("") &
      !any(boat == unique(ProLog$Boat))) {
    stop("boat name does not match any Boat in Cops_Processing_Log\nLog_Boat: ",str_c(unique(ProLog$Boat),collapse = " "),
            "\nuser_boat: ",boat)
  if (any(str_detect(names(ProLog), "Boat")) & length(boat) > 1 &
      all(sort(boat) == sort(unique(ProLog$Boat)))) {
    stop("boat name does not match Boat in Cops_Processing_Log\nLog_Boat: ",str_c(unique(ProLog$Boat),collapse = " "),
            "\nuser_boat: ",boat)

  if (boat != c("")) {
    ProLog <- ProLog %>% filter(Boat == boat)

  dirs <- as.character(ProLog$dirs)
  #dirs <- scan(file = "directories.for.cops.dat", "", sep = "\n", comment.char = "#")

  ndirs = length(dirs)

  nwaves = length(waves.DB)
  Rrs.m = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  nLw.m = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Q.Factor.m = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Rb.m = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Rb.Q.m = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Kd.1p.m = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Kd.10p.m = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Kd.pd.m = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Ed0.0p.m = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Rrs.sd = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  nLw.sd = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Q.Factor.sd = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Rb.sd = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Rb.Q.sd = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Kd.1p.sd = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Kd.10p.sd = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Kd.pd.sd = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Ed0.0p.sd = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = ndirs)
  Ed0.f =  matrix(0,ncol=(nwaves+1), nrow = ndirs)

  date = rep(NA, ndirs)
  stationID = rep("ID", ndirs)
  sunzen = rep(NA, ndirs)
  lat = rep(NA, ndirs)
  lon = rep(NA, ndirs)
  shadow.cor = rep(NA, ndirs)
  FU = rep(NA, ndirs)
  bottom.depth = rep(NA, ndirs)

  for (i in 1:ndirs) {
    print(paste("Extracting data from :", dirs[i]))

    select.file <- "select.cops.dat"
    if (!file.exists(select.file)) {
      print("No select.cops.dat file exist")
      print("Data was processed using Cops package version 3.6 or lower")
      print("Data needs to be processed using Cops package version 4.0 or higher")
      print("Can not generate the Data Base. Exiting code")
    select.tab <- read.table(select.file, header = FALSE, colClasses = "character", sep = ";")
    kept.cast <- select.tab[[2]] == "1"
    kept.bioS <- select.tab[[2]] == "2"
    IcePro    <- select.tab[[2]] == "3"  ### Nothing implemented for that type of cast so far.
    listfile  <- select.tab[kept.cast, 1]
    BioShadeFile = select.tab[kept.bioS, 1]

    #Select the extrapolation method to save Rrs
    Rrs_method <- select.tab[kept.cast, 3]
    SHALLOW <- select.tab[kept.cast, 4]


    nf = length(listfile)

    if (nf > 1) {

      mRrs      = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = nf)
      mnLw      = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = nf)
      mQ.Factor = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = nf)
      mRb       = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = nf)
      mRb.Q     = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = nf)
      mKd1p     = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = nf)
      mKd10p    = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = nf)
      mKdpd     = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = nf)
      mEd0.0p   = matrix(ncol=nwaves, nrow = nf)

      mdate = rep(NA, nf)
      msunzen = rep(NA, nf)
      mlat = rep(NA, nf)
      mlon = rep(NA, nf)
      mFU  = rep(NA, nf)
      mbottom.depth = rep(NA, nf)

      for (j in 1:nf) {

        if (Rrs_method[j] == "Rrs.0p.linear") LINEAR=TRUE else LINEAR=FALSE

        load(paste(listfile[j], ".RData", sep=""))
        waves = cops$Ed0.waves

        # Match the wavelengths of current data to the one requested for the database
        # it removes the NA values
        xw.DB <- match(waves, waves.DB)[!is.na(match(waves, waves.DB))]
        print("Matching wavelenghts: ")

        # Set the array indices for the current data in case some wavelenghts are dropped
        xw <- match(waves.DB[xw.DB], waves)

        # extract ancillary info
        mdate[j] = cops$date.mean
        msunzen[j] = cops$sunzen
        mlat[j] = cops$latitude
        mlon[j] = cops$longitude

        # extract Rrs, nLw, Q-Factor, FU
        if (LINEAR) {
          mFU[j]  = cops$FU.linear
          mRrs[j,xw.DB] = cops$Rrs.0p.linear[xw]
          mnLw[j,xw.DB] = cops$nLw.0p.linear[xw]
          if (!is.null(cops$Q.linear)) mQ.Factor[j,xw.DB] = cops$Q.linear[xw]
        } else {
          mFU[j]  = cops$FU
          mRrs[j,xw.DB] = cops$Rrs.0p[xw]
          mnLw[j,xw.DB] = cops$nLw.0p[xw]
          if (!is.null(cops$Q)) mQ.Factor[j,xw.DB] = cops$Q[xw]

        if (!is.na(SHALLOW[j])) {
          mbottom.depth[j] <- cops$bottom.depth
          if (!is.null(cops$Rb.Q)) {
            mRb[j,xw.DB] = cops$Rb.EuZ[xw]
            mRb.Q[j,xw.DB] = cops$Rb.Q[xw]
          } else mRb[j,xw.DB] = cops$Rb.LuZ[xw]

        # extract Ed0.0p
        mEd0.0p[j, xw.DB] = cops$Ed0.0p[xw]

        # extract Kd1p, Kd10p Kdpd (mean Kd from surface to the first penetration depth
        # z_pd = (1/Kd) i.e when the %light is 36.7% of the surface
        # 1% and 10% light level)

        # find the depth of the 1% for each wavelength
        Ed0.0pm = matrix((0.97*cops$Ed0.0p[xw]), nrow=length(cops$depth.fitted), ncol=length(xw), byrow=T)
        percentEdZ =  cops$EdZ.fitted[,xw]/Ed0.0pm
        percentEdZ[is.na(percentEdZ)] <- 0
        ix.pair = seq(length(xw))*2
        z1 = apply(percentEdZ, 2, spline,y=cops$depth.fitted , xout=0.01)
        z1 = unlist(z1)[ix.pair]
        z1[z1<0] = NA
        z1[z1 > max(cops$depth.fitted)] = NA
        mKd1p[j,xw.DB] = 4.605/z1

        z10 = apply(percentEdZ, 2, spline,y=cops$depth.fitted , xout=0.1)
        z10 = unlist(z10)[ix.pair]
        z10[z10<0] = NA
        z10[z10 > max(cops$depth.fitted)] = NA
        mKd10p[j,xw.DB] = 2.3025/z10

        zpd = apply(percentEdZ, 2, spline,y=cops$depth.fitted , xout=0.3678)
        zpd = unlist(zpd)[ix.pair]
        zpd[zpd<0] = NA
        zpd[zpd > max(cops$depth.fitted)] = NA
        mKdpd[j,xw.DB] = 1/zpd


      Rrs.stat = mean.parameter(mRrs[,xw.DB])
      nLw.stat = mean.parameter(mRrs[,xw.DB])
      Q.stat   = mean.parameter(mQ.Factor[,xw.DB])
      Rb.stat   = mean.parameter(mRb[,xw.DB])
      Rb.Q.stat = mean.parameter(mRb.Q[,xw.DB])
      Kd1p.stat = mean.parameter(mKd1p[,xw.DB])
      Kd10p.stat = mean.parameter(mKd10p[,xw.DB])
      Kdpd.stat = mean.parameter(mKdpd[,xw.DB])
      Ed0.0p.stat = mean.parameter(mEd0.0p[,xw.DB])

      # store the records in the global matrix
      Rrs.m[i,xw.DB] = Rrs.stat$mean
      nLw.m[i,xw.DB] = nLw.stat$mean
      Q.Factor.m[i,xw.DB] = Q.stat$mean
      Rb.m[i,xw.DB] = Rb.stat$mean
      Rb.Q.m[i,xw.DB] = Rb.Q.stat$mean
      Kd.1p.m[i,xw.DB]    = Kd1p.stat$mean
      Kd.10p.m[i,xw.DB]   = Kd10p.stat$mean
      Kd.pd.m[i,xw.DB]   = Kdpd.stat$mean
      Ed0.0p.m[i,xw.DB]   = Ed0.0p.stat$mean

      Rrs.sd[i,xw.DB] =      Rrs.stat$sd
      nLw.sd[i,xw.DB] = nLw.stat$sd
      Q.Factor.sd[i,xw.DB] = Q.stat$sd
      Rb.sd[i,xw.DB] = Rb.stat$sd
      Rb.Q.sd[i,xw.DB] = Rb.Q.stat$sd
      Kd.1p.sd[i,xw.DB]    = Kd1p.stat$sd
      Kd.10p.sd[i,xw.DB]   = Kd10p.stat$sd
      Kd.pd.sd[i,xw.DB]   = Kdpd.stat$sd
      Ed0.0p.sd[i,xw.DB]   = Ed0.0p.stat$sd

      date[i] = as.POSIXct(mean(mdate),origin = "1970-01-01")
      sunzen[i] =mean(msunzen)
      lon[i] = mean(mlon)
      lat[i] = mean(mlat)
      FU[i]  = mean(mFU)
      bottom.depth[i] = mean(mbottom.depth)

      if (is.na(cops$chl)) shadow.cor[i] <- "No correction"
      if (!is.na(cops$chl))shadow.cor[i] <- "abs.Case1.model"
      if (!is.na(cops$chl) & cops$chl == 999) shadow.cor[i] <- "abs.Kd.method"
      if (!is.na(cops$chl) & cops$chl == 0) shadow.cor[i] <- "abs.measured"

      mean.rec.data = c(Rrs.m[i,],
                        Kd.1p.m[i,] ,
      sd.rec.data = c(Rrs.sd[i,],
                      Kd.1p.sd[i,] ,

      rec.info = data.frame(date[i],sunzen[i], lat[i], lon[i], shadow.cor[i], FU[i], bottom.depth[i])

    } else {

      if (Rrs_method == "Rrs.0p.linear") LINEAR=TRUE else LINEAR=FALSE

      load(paste(listfile[1], ".RData", sep=""))
      waves = cops$Ed0.waves

      # Match the wavelengths of current data to the one requested for the database
      # it removes the NA values
      xw.DB <- match(waves, waves.DB)[!is.na(match(waves, waves.DB))]
      print("Matching wavelenghts: ")

      # Set the array indices for the current data in case some wavelenghts are dropped
      xw <- match(waves.DB[xw.DB], waves)

      # extract ancillary info
      date[i] = cops$date.mean
      sunzen[i] = cops$sunzen
      lat[i] = cops$latitude
      lon[i] = cops$longitude

      # extract Rrs, nLw, Q-Factor, FU
      if (LINEAR) {
        FU[i]  = cops$FU.linear
        Rrs.m[i,xw.DB] = cops$Rrs.0p.linear[xw]
        nLw.m[i,xw.DB] = cops$nLw.0p.linear[xw]
        if (!is.null(cops$Q.linear)) Q.Factor.m[i,xw.DB] = cops$Q.linear[xw]
      } else {
        FU[i]  = cops$FU
        Rrs.m[i,xw.DB] = cops$Rrs.0p[xw]
        nLw.m[i,xw.DB] = cops$nLw.0p[xw]
        if (!is.null(cops$Q)) Q.Factor.m[i,xw.DB] = cops$Q[xw]

      if (!is.na(SHALLOW)) {
        bottom.depth[i] <- cops$bottom.depth
        if (!is.null(cops$Rb.Q)) {
          Rb.m[i,xw.DB] = cops$Rb.EuZ[xw]
          Rb.Q.m[i,xw.DB] = cops$Rb.Q[xw]
        } else Rb.m[i,xw.DB] = cops$Rb.LuZ[xw]

      # extract Ed0.0p
      Ed0.0p.m[i, xw.DB] = cops$Ed0.0p[xw]

      # extract Kd1p and Kd10p (mean Kd fron surface to 1% and 10% light level)
      # find the depth of the 1% for each wavelength
      Ed0.0pm = matrix((0.97*cops$Ed0.0p[xw]), nrow=length(cops$depth.fitted), ncol=length(xw), byrow=T)
      percentEdZ =  cops$EdZ.fitted[,xw]/Ed0.0pm
      percentEdZ[is.na(percentEdZ)] <- 0
      ix.pair = seq(length(xw))*2
      z1 = apply(percentEdZ, 2, spline,y=cops$depth.fitted , xout=0.01)
      z1 = unlist(z1)[ix.pair]
      z1[z1<0] = NA
      z1[z1 > max(cops$depth.fitted)] = NA
      Kd.1p.m[i,xw.DB] = 4.605/z1

      z10 = apply(percentEdZ, 2, spline,y=cops$depth.fitted , xout=0.1)
      z10 = unlist(z10)[ix.pair]
      z10[z10<0] = NA
      z10[z10 > max(cops$depth.fitted)] = NA
      Kd.10p.m[i,xw.DB] = 2.3025/z10

      zpd = apply(percentEdZ, 2, spline,y=cops$depth.fitted , xout=0.3678)
      zpd = unlist(zpd)[ix.pair]
      zpd[zpd<0] = NA
      zpd[zpd > max(cops$depth.fitted)] = NA
      Kd.pd.m[i,xw.DB] = 1/zpd

      mean.rec.data = c(Rrs.m[i,],
                    Kd.1p.m[i,] ,
      sd.rec.data = c(rep(NA,nwaves),

      if (is.na(cops$chl)) shadow.cor[i] <- "No correction"
      if (!is.na(cops$chl))shadow.cor[i] <- "abs.Case1.model"
      if (!is.na(cops$chl) & cops$chl == 999) shadow.cor[i] <- "abs.Kd.method"
      if (!is.na(cops$chl) & cops$chl == 0) shadow.cor[i] <- "abs.measured"

      rec.info = data.frame(date[i],sunzen[i], lat[i],
                            lon[i], shadow.cor[i], FU[i], bottom.depth[i])


    if (length(BioShadeFile) != 0) {
      if (length(BioShadeFile) > 1) {
        print("More than one BioShade... use the first")
        BioShadeFile = BioShadeFile[1]
      print(paste("Load BioShade file:", BioShadeFile))
      load(paste(BioShadeFile, ".RData", sep=""))

      Ed0.f[i,xw.DB] = cops$Ed0.f[xw]
      Ed0.f[i,(nwaves+1)] = 1

      mean.rec.data = c(mean.rec.data, Ed0.f[i,])

    } else {

      # No BIOSHADE
      print ("No Bioshade measurements")
      print ("Compute Ed0.dif/Ed0.tot using Gregg and Carder model")
      julian.day <- as.numeric(format(cops$date.mean, format = "%j"))
      visibility <- 25
      egc <- Cops::GreggCarder.f(julian.day, lon[i], lat[i], sunzen[i], lam.sel = waves.DB[xw.DB], Vi=visibility)

      ix.490 <- which.min(abs(waves.DB[xw.DB] - 490))

      ratio = egc$Ed[ix.490]*100/cops$Ed0.0p[ix.490]

      while (ratio > 1.05  & visibility > 0.5) {
        egc <- Cops::GreggCarder.f(julian.day, lon[i], lat[i], sunzen[i],lam.sel = waves.DB[xw.DB], Vi=visibility)
        ratio = egc$Ed[ix.490]*100/cops$Ed0.0p[ix.490]
        visibility = visibility - 0.5
      Ed0.f[i,xw.DB] = egc$Edif/egc$Ed
      print("Visibility: ")
      mean.rec.data = c(mean.rec.data, Ed0.f[i,])

    if (i == 1) {
      all = data.frame(rec.info,t(mean.rec.data), t(sd.rec.data))
      col.names = c(paste("Rrs_", waves.DB, "_mean",sep=""),
                    paste("nLw_", waves.DB, "_mean",sep=""),
                    paste("Q.Factor_", waves.DB, "_mean",sep=""),
                    paste("Rb_", waves.DB, "_mean",sep=""),
                    paste("Rb.Q_", waves.DB, "_mean",sep=""),
                    paste("Kd1p_", waves.DB,"_mean", sep=""),
                    paste("Kd10p_", waves.DB,"_mean", sep=""),
                    paste("Kdpd_", waves.DB,"_mean", sep=""),
                    paste("Ed0.0p_", waves.DB,"_mean", sep=""),
                    paste("Ed0.f.diff_", waves.DB,"_mean", sep=""), "Ed0.f.diff.measured",
                    paste("Rrs_", waves.DB, "_sd",sep=""),
                    paste("nLw_", waves.DB, "_sd",sep=""),
                    paste("Q.Factor_", waves.DB, "_sd",sep=""),
                    paste("Rb_", waves.DB, "_sd",sep=""),
                    paste("Rb.Q_", waves.DB, "_sd",sep=""),
                    paste("Kd1p_", waves.DB,"_sd", sep=""),
                    paste("Kd10p_", waves.DB,"_sd", sep=""),
                    paste("Kdpd_", waves.DB,"_sd", sep=""),
                    paste("Ed0.0p_", waves.DB,"_sd", sep=""))

      names(all) <- c("DateTime", "sunzen", "latitude", "longitude", "Shadow.correction.method", "FU", "Bottom.depth",col.names)
    } else
      rec = data.frame(rec.info,t(mean.rec.data), t(sd.rec.data))
      names(rec) <-  c("DateTime", "sunzen", "latitude", "longitude", "Shadow.correction.method","FU", "Bottom.depth",col.names)
      all = rbind(all,rec)

  ### Extract the Station ID from the paths
  # ID <- list()
  # for (d in 1:ndirs) {
  #   ID[d] = stringr::str_extract(dirs[d], "(?<=/)[:digit:]{2,5}(?=/)")
  # }
  ID <- ProLog$ID

  ##### Remove wavelenghts that are absent.
  to.remove = apply(is.na(Ed0.0p.m),2,all)
  ix.to.remove = which(to.remove)

  COPS.DB = list(ID = ID,
                 date = as.POSIXct(date,origin = "1970-01-01"),
                 sunzen = sunzen,
                 lat = lat,
                 lon = lon,
                 FU  = FU,
                 shadow.correction.method = shadow.cor,
                 bottom.depth = bottom.depth,
                 waves = waves.DB[-ix.to.remove],
                 Rrs.m = Rrs.m[,-ix.to.remove],
                 nLw.m = nLw.m[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Q.Factor.m = Q.Factor.m[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Rb.m = Rb.m[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Rb.Q.m = Rb.Q.m[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Kd.1p.m = Kd.1p.m[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Kd.10p.m = Kd.10p.m[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Kd.pd.m = Kd.pd.m[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Ed0.0p.m = Ed0.0p.m[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Rrs.sd = Rrs.sd[,-ix.to.remove],
                 nLw.sd = nLw.sd[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Q.Factor.sd = Q.Factor.sd[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Rb.sd = Rb.sd[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Rb.Q.sd = Rb.Q.sd[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Kd.1p.sd = Kd.1p.sd[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Kd.10p.sd = Kd.10p.sd[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Kd.pd.sd = Kd.pd.sd[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Ed0.0p.sd = Ed0.0p.sd[,-ix.to.remove],
                 Ed0.f.diff = Ed0.f[,c(-ix.to.remove,-(nwaves+1))],
                 Ed0.f.diff.measured = Ed0.f[,(nwaves+1)])

  all <- cbind(ID,all)

  # Check L3 for existence and non emptiness, create an archive with old db if present.
  lighthouse::check_l3(project, L3, set="COPS")

  save(COPS.DB, file = file.path(L3,"COPS",paste0("COPS_DB_",Sys.Date(),"_",str_c(mission, boat, collapse = "_"),".RData")))
  write.table(all, file = file.path(L3,"COPS",paste0("COPS_DB_",Sys.Date(),"_",str_c(mission, boat, collapse = "_"),".csv"))
              , sep=",", quote=F, row.names=F)

# HTML report -------------------------------------------------------------


  report = paste0("Report_COPS_",Sys.Date(),"_",str_c(mission,boat,collapse = "_"),".Rmd")

  cat(paste0("---\ntitle: '<center>COPS report for __",mission," ",str_c(boat,collapse = "_"),"__ mission from __",min(COPS.DB$date),"__ to __",max(COPS.DB$date),"__ UTC </center>'\n",
           "author: ''\n",
           "output:\n\x20html_document:\n\x20\x20toc: true\n\x20\x20toc_float: true\n\x20\x20toc_depth: 5\n\x20\x20number_sections: true\n---\n\n"),
      file=report, append = F)

  cat("<style>\n\ntable, td, th {\n\tborder: none;\n\tpadding-left: 1em;\n\tpadding-right: 1em;\n\tmargin-left: auto;\n\tmargin-right: auto;\n\tmargin-top: 1em;\n\tmargin-bottom: 1em;\n}\n\n</style>\n\n",
      file=report, append = T)

  cat(paste0("```{r setup, include=FALSE, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE}\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  cat(paste0("<center><font size='5'> Generated with Cops package __version: ",packageVersion("Cops"),"__ \n  \n",
            "Date: __",Sys.time(),"__ GMT</font></center>\n"), file = report, append=T)

  # Rrs spectrum plot
  cat("\n# Rrs \n\n", file = report, append=T)
  cat(paste0("```{r,echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}\n",
             "  Rrs <- data.frame(COPS.DB$ID, COPS.DB$Rrs.m)
  names(Rrs) <- c(\"ID\",paste0(\"Rrs_\",COPS.DB$waves))

  Rrs <- Rrs %>% pivot_longer(cols = all_of(str_subset(names(Rrs),
                   names_to = c(\".value\",\"Lambda\"),
                   names_pattern = \"(.+)_(.+)\")
  ggplotly(Rrs %>% ggplot(aes(Lambda, Rrs, group=ID, color=ID)) + geom_line(alpha=0.5) + ylab('Rrs [sr-1]'))\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  # Rrs stats table
             "Rrs <- data.frame(COPS.DB$Rrs.m); names(Rrs) <- COPS.DB$waves\n",
    "type = \"html\", column.sep.width = \"5pt\", label = \"Rrs*1000 summary\", title = \"Rrs*1000 summary\")\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  # nLw spectrum plot
  cat("\n# nLw \n\n", file = report, append=T)
  cat(paste0("```{r,echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}\n",
             "  nLw <- data.frame(COPS.DB$ID, COPS.DB$nLw.m)
  names(nLw) <- c(\"ID\",paste0(\"nLw_\",COPS.DB$waves))

  nLw <- nLw %>% pivot_longer(cols = all_of(str_subset(names(nLw),
                   names_to = c(\".value\",\"Lambda\"),
                   names_pattern = \"(.+)_(.+)\")
  ggplotly(nLw %>% ggplot(aes(Lambda, nLw, group=ID, color=ID)) + geom_line(alpha=0.5))\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  # nLw stats table
             "nLw <- data.frame(COPS.DB$nLw.m); names(nLw) <- COPS.DB$waves\n",
             "type = \"html\", column.sep.width = \"5pt\", label = \"nLw summary\", title = \"nLw summary\")\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  # Q factor spectrum plot
  cat("\n# Q factor \n\n", file = report, append=T)
  cat(paste0("```{r,echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}\n",
             "  Q.Factor <- data.frame(COPS.DB$ID, COPS.DB$Q.Factor.m)
  names(Q.Factor) <- c(\"ID\",paste0(\"Q.Factor_\",COPS.DB$waves))

  Q.Factor <- Q.Factor %>% pivot_longer(cols = all_of(str_subset(names(Q.Factor),
                   names_to = c(\".value\",\"Lambda\"),
                   names_pattern = \"(.+)_(.+)\")
  ggplotly(Q.Factor %>% ggplot(aes(Lambda, Q.Factor, group=ID, color=ID)) + geom_line(alpha=0.5))\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  # Q stats table
             "Q.Factor <- data.frame(COPS.DB$Q.Factor.m); names(Q.Factor) <- COPS.DB$waves\n",
             "type = \"html\", column.sep.width = \"5pt\", label = \"Q.Factor summary\", title = \"Q.Factor summary\")\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  # Rb spectrum plot
  cat("\n# Bottom reflectance \n\n", file = report, append=T)
  cat(paste0("```{r,echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}\n",
             "  Rb <- data.frame(COPS.DB$ID, COPS.DB$Rb.m)
  names(Rb) <- c(\"ID\",paste0(\"Rb_\",COPS.DB$waves))

  Rb <- Rb %>% pivot_longer(cols = all_of(str_subset(names(Rb),
                   names_to = c(\".value\",\"Lambda\"),
                   names_pattern = \"(.+)_(.+)\")
  ggplotly(Rb %>% ggplot(aes(Lambda, Rb, group=ID, color=ID)) + geom_line(alpha=0.5) + ylab('reflectance (unitless)'))\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  # Rb stats table
             "Rb <- data.frame(COPS.DB$Rb.m); names(Rb) <- COPS.DB$waves\n",
             "type = \"html\", column.sep.width = \"5pt\", label = \"Rb summary\", title = \"Rb summary\")\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  # Kd1p spectrum plot
  cat("\n# Kd 1 percent \n\n", file = report, append=T)
  cat(paste0("```{r,echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}\n",
             "  Kd.1p <- data.frame(COPS.DB$ID, COPS.DB$Kd.1p.m)
  names(Kd.1p) <- c(\"ID\",paste0(\"Kd.1p_\",COPS.DB$waves))

  Kd.1p <- Kd.1p %>% pivot_longer(cols = all_of(str_subset(names(Kd.1p),
                   names_to = c(\".value\",\"Lambda\"),
                   names_pattern = \"(.+)_(.+)\")
  ggplotly(Kd.1p %>% ggplot(aes(Lambda, Kd.1p, group=ID, color=ID)) + geom_line(alpha=0.5)+ ylab('Kd 1% [m-1]'))\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  # Kd1p stats table
             "Kd.1p <- data.frame(COPS.DB$Kd.1p.m); names(Kd.1p) <- COPS.DB$waves\n",
             "type = \"html\", column.sep.width = \"5pt\", label = \"Kd.1p summary\", title = \"Kd.1p summary\")\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  # Kd10p spectrum plot
  cat("\n# Kd 10 percent \n\n", file = report, append=T)
  cat(paste0("```{r,echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}\n",
             "  Kd.10p <- data.frame(COPS.DB$ID, COPS.DB$Kd.10p.m)
  names(Kd.10p) <- c(\"ID\",paste0(\"Kd.10p_\",COPS.DB$waves))

  Kd.10p <- Kd.10p %>% pivot_longer(cols = all_of(str_subset(names(Kd.10p),
                   names_to = c(\".value\",\"Lambda\"),
                   names_pattern = \"(.+)_(.+)\")
  ggplotly(Kd.10p %>% ggplot(aes(Lambda, Kd.10p, group=ID, color=ID)) + geom_line(alpha=0.5)+ ylab('Kd 10% [m-1]'))\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  # Kd10p stats table
             "Kd.10p <- data.frame(COPS.DB$Kd.10p.m); names(Kd.10p) <- COPS.DB$waves\n",
             "type = \"html\", column.sep.width = \"5pt\", label = \"Kd.10p summary\", title = \"Kd.10p summary\")\n",
             "```\n"), file = report, append = T)

  #render(report, pdf_document())
  render(report, output_dir = file.path(L3,"COPS"))

mean.parameter <- function(par) {
  mean.par = apply(par, 2, mean, na.rm=T)
  sd.par = apply(par, 2, sd, na.rm=T)
  return(list(mean=mean.par, sd=sd.par))
raphidoc/lighthouse documentation built on June 13, 2022, 10:06 a.m.