
#' @title
#' Signal Custom Condition
#' @description
#' Signals custom conditions.
#' @details
#' 		The returned object will always inherit from class of object \code{condition}.
#' 		The value of \code{condition} will always be the first entry/entries of the
#' 		object's class graph.
#' 		Depending on the setting of \code{type}, it also inherits from
#' 		either \code{message}, \code{warning}, \code{error} or \code{custom}.
#' 		If no value for \code{condition} is specified, then depending on the setting
#' 		of \code{type} respective default values are used: \code{"DefaultMessage"},
#' 		\code{"RappDefaultWarning"}, \code{"RappDefaultError"} and
#' 		\code{"RappDefaultCondition"}.
#' @section Custom messages:
#'    When the first element in \code{msg} is unnamed, then it is regarded as
#'    the messages's header which will be appended with \code{" //"}. Otherwise,
#'    message elements are regarded as name-value pairs that are displayed in
#'    the following format: \code{"* <name>: <value>"}.
#'    (e.g. \code{"* Line 1: hello world!"}).
#' @param condition \strong{Signature argument}.
#' 		Object containing condition information.
#' 		Usually, this is the name of a condition class that is to be used.
#' @param msg \code{\link{character}}. Dimension: any.
#' 		Condition message. Named components are transformed into the following
#' 		structure: \code{* <item>: <item-value>}, (e.g. "Item 1"="some message"
#' 		will become "* Item 1: some message" in the actual condition message.
#' 		The first element will be treated as the message's header.
#' 		Line numbers are automatically added beginning from the second line
#' 		(\code{[<number>] some message} or
#' 		\code{[<number>] * <item>: <item-value>}).
#' @param ns \code{\link{character}}.
#'    Optional namespace.
#' @param call \code{\link{call}}. Dimension: 1.
#' 		System call one frame up the calling stack. This will correspond to
#' 		the closure that is spanned by the function/method that calls this
#' 		method when a condition is to be signaled.
#' 		Default: \code{sys.call(-1)}.
#' 		There should be no need to change this default value.
#' @param type \code{\link{character}}. Dimension: 1.
#' 		Selector for the condition type.
#' 		Choices: \code{"message"}, \code{"warning"}, \code{"error"} or
#' 		\code{"condition"}.
#' 		Default: \code{"message"}.
#' @param signal \code{\link{logical}}. Dimension: 1.
#' 		\code{TRUE} (default) means the condition is signaled right away,
#' 		\code{FALSE} means the condition object is returned only.
#' @return Object of the class(es) that have been provided by \code{condition} and
#' 		also inheriting from \code{\link{condition}} and depending on
#' 		\code{type} also from \code{\link{message}}, \code{\link{warning}} or
#' 		\code{\link{error}}.
#' @example inst/examples/signalCondition.r
#' @seealso \code{
#' 		\link[conditionr]{signalCondition-character-method},
#'   	\link[conditionr]{signalCondition-missing-method},
#' 		\link[base]{condition}
#' }
#' @template author
#' @template references
#' @export

  name = "signalCondition",
  signature = c("condition"),
    msg = NULL,
    ns = NULL,
    # call = sys.call(-2),
    call = sys.calls()[[1]],
    type = c("message", "warning", "error", "condition"),
    signal = TRUE,
    header = TRUE,
    time = TRUE,
    pid = TRUE,
    include_condition = TRUE
  ) {

#' @title
#' Signal Custom Condition (\code{character-method})
#' @description
#' Signals custom conditions.
#' @details
#'   	The returned object will always inherit from class of object \code{condition}.
#' 		The value of \code{condition} will always be the first entry/entries of the
#' 		object's class graph.
#' 		Depending on the setting of \code{type}, it also inherits from
#' 		either \code{message}, \code{warning}, \code{error} or \code{custom}.
#' 		If no value for \code{condition} is specified, then depending on the setting
#' 		of \code{type} respective default values are used: \code{"DefaultMessage"},
#' 		\code{"RappDefaultWarning"}, \code{"RappDefaultError"} and
#' 		\code{"RappDefaultCondition"}.
#' @template see-generic
#' @section Custom messages:
#'    When the first element in \code{msg} is unnamed, then it is regarded as
#'    the messages's header which will be appended with \code{" //"}. Otherwise,
#'    message elements are regarded as name-value pairs that are displayed in
#'    the following format: \code{"* <name>: <value>"}.
#'    (e.g. \code{"* Line 1: hello world!"}).
#' @inheritParams signalCondition
#' @param condition \code{\link{character}}. Dimension: any.
#' 		Name(s) of the condition(s) that will be passed to the condition object's
#' 		class graph.
#' @return Object of the class(es) that have been provided by \code{condition} and
#' 		also inheriting from \code{\link{condition}} and depending on
#' 		\code{type} also from \code{\link{message}}, \code{\link{warning}} or
#' 		\code{\link{error}}.
#' @example inst/examples/signalCondition.r
#' @seealso \code{
#'    \link[conditionr]{signalCondition}
#' }
#' @template author
#' @template references
#' @export

  f = "signalCondition",
  signature = signature(
    condition = "character"
  ) {

  ## Match arg //
  type <- match.arg(type,
    c("message", "warning", "error", "condition")

  msg_l <- length(msg)
  nms <- names(msg)
  tmp <- if (is.null(nms)) {
  } else {
    nms != ""
  has_any_names <- any(tmp)
  has_all_names <- all(tmp)
  has_first_name <- tmp[1]

  ## Message line break at end //
  if (msg_l) {
    ## Ensure line break //
#     msg <- sapply(msg, function(ii) {
#       if (!length(grep("\\n$", ii, perl = TRUE))) {
#         ii <- sprintf("%s\n", ii)
#       }
#     }, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    if (msg_l > 1 || (msg_l == 1 && has_all_names)) {
      if (msg_l > 1) {
        msg <- c(sapply(1:(msg_l-1), function(ii) {
          ii <- msg[[ii]]
          if (!length(grep("\\n$", ii, perl = TRUE))) {
            ii <- sprintf("%s\n", ii)
        }), msg[[msg_l]])
        names(msg) <- nms
      if (header && (is.null(nms[1]) || nms[1] == "")) {
        msg[[1]] <- gsub("\\n", ":\n", msg[[1]])
        start_line <- 2
      } else {
        start_line <- 1

      msg[start_line:msg_l] <- paste0(
          "[", seq(along = msg[start_line:msg_l]), "] ",
          # "* ", names(msg[start_line:msg_l]), ": ",
          names(msg[start_line:msg_l]), ": ",

  ## Add infos //
  msg <- c(
    ifelse(time, sprintf("%s", Sys.time()), ""),
    ifelse(pid, sprintf("/%s", Sys.getpid()), ""),
    # ifelse(pid, ifelse(time, sprintf("/%s", Sys.getpid()), Sys.getpid()), ""),
    ifelse(!is.null(ns), sprintf("/%s", ns), ""),
    ifelse(!is.null(call), paste0("/", call), ""),
    ifelse(include_condition, sprintf("/%s", condition[1]), ""),
    if (!msg_l) {
    } else if (msg_l == 1 && has_any_names) {
      sprintf(":\n%s", msg)
    } else if (!has_first_name && header) {
      msg[[1]] <- sprintf("/%s", msg[[1]])
    } else if (!header) {
      msg[[1]] <- sprintf(":\n%s", msg[[1]])
    } else {
      msg[[1]] <- sprintf(":\n%s", msg[[1]])
    # if (type != "error") "\n"
  msg <- paste(msg, collapse = "")
  # msg <- gsub("\\* : ", "", msg)
  msg <- gsub("\\] : ", "] ", msg)
  msg <- gsub("^/", "", msg)
  ## --> takes care of leading `/` when certain elements are suppressed (time, pid, etc.)

  ## Sub sub condition class //
  subsub <- switch(
    message = c(type, "condition"),
    warning = c(type, "condition"),
    error = c(type, "condition"),
    condition = "condition"

  ## Create condition object //
  out <- structure(
    class = unique(c(condition, subsub)),
    list(message = msg, call = call)

  if (signal) {
      message = message(out),
      warning = warning(out),
      # warning = warning(out, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE),
      error = stop(out),
      condition = signalCondition(out)


#' @title
#' Signal Custom Condition (\code{missing-method})
#' @description
#' Signals custom conditions.
#' @details
#'   	The returned object will always inherit from class of object \code{condition}.
#' 		The value of \code{condition} will always be the first entry/entries of the
#' 		object's class graph.
#' 		Depending on the setting of \code{type}, it also inherits from
#' 		either \code{message}, \code{warning}, \code{error} or \code{custom}.
#' 		If no value for \code{condition} is specified, then depending on the setting
#' 		of \code{type} respective default values are used: \code{"DefaultMessage"},
#' 		\code{"RappDefaultWarning"}, \code{"RappDefaultError"} and
#' 		\code{"RappDefaultCondition"}.
#' @template see-generic
#' @section Custom messages:
#'    When the first element in \code{msg} is unnamed, then it is regarded as
#'    the messages's header which will be appended with \code{" //"}. Otherwise,
#'    message elements are regarded as name-value pairs that are displayed in
#'    the following format: \code{"* <name>: <value>"}.
#'    (e.g. \code{"* Line 1: hello world!"}).
#' @inheritParams signalCondition
#' @param condition \code{\link{missing}}.
#' @return Object, depending on \code{type}, inheriting from
#'    \code{\link{RappDefaultMessage}},
#'    \code{\link{RappDefaultWarning}} or \code{\link{RappDefaulError}} as well
#' 		as from \code{\link{message}}, \code{\link{warning}} or
#' 		\code{\link{error}} accordingly.
#' @example inst/examples/signalCondition.r
#' @seealso \code{
#'    \link[conditionr]{signalCondition}
#' }
#' @template author
#' @template references
#' @export

  f = "signalCondition",
  signature = signature(
    condition = "missing"
  definition = function(
  ) {

  ## Match arg //
  type <- match.arg(type,
    c("message", "warning", "error", "condition")

  ## Default condition classes //
  if (missing(condition)) {
    condition <- switch(
      message = "DefaultMessage",
      warning = "DefaultWarning",
      error = "DefaultError",
      condition = "DefaultCondition"

  ## Dispatch //
  out <- signalCondition(
    condition = condition,
    ns = ns,
    call = call,
    type = type,
    signal = signal,
    header = header,
    time = time,
    pid = pid,
    include_condition = include_condition

rappster/conditionr documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:12 p.m.