
Defines functions dv_repair find_duplicate_player_ids find_duplicate_player_numbers

Documented in dv_repair

find_duplicate_player_numbers <- function(x) {
    hpn <- cbind(hv = "home", team_id = home_team_id(x), x$meta$players_h[, c("number", "player_id")])
    hpn <- hpn[hpn$number %in% hpn$number[duplicated(hpn$number)], ]
    vpn <- cbind(hv = "visiting", team_id = visiting_team_id(x), x$meta$players_v[, c("number", "player_id")])
    vpn <- vpn[vpn$number %in% vpn$number[duplicated(vpn$number)], ]
    rbind(hpn, vpn)

find_duplicate_player_ids <- function(x) {
    pids <- c(x$meta$players_h$player_id, x$meta$players_v$player_id)

#' Attempt to repair a datavolley object
#' Currently an attempt will be made to repair these issues:
#' * if multiple players on the same team have the same jersey number, players with that number (on that team) who did not take to the court will be removed from their team roster. In this situation, whether or not a player took to the court is determined from the match metadata only
#' * if multiple players have the same player ID but different jersey numbers, players with that ID who did not take to the court will be removed from their team roster. In this situation, whether or not a player took to the court is determined from the match metadata and the play-by-play data
#' @param x datavolley: a datavolley object as returned by [dv_read()]
#' @return A modified copy of `x`. If problems exist and cannot be repaired, an error will be thrown
# @examples
#' @export
dv_repair <- function(x) {
    msgs <- c()
    ## duplicated jersey numbers (team-specific)
    pnums <- find_duplicate_player_numbers(x)
    if (nrow(pnums) > 0) {
        for (j in seq_len(nrow(pnums))) {
            this_hv <- pnums$hv[j]
            if (this_hv == "home") {
                #this_team <- home_team(x)
                #this_team_id <- home_team_id(x)
                this_roster <- x$meta$players_h
            } else {
                #this_team <- visiting_team(x)
                #this_team_id <- visiting_team_id(x)
                this_roster <- x$meta$players_v
            possible_rows <- which(this_roster$number %eq% pnums$number[j])
            if (length(possible_rows) > 0) {
                can_remove <- vapply(possible_rows, function(rn) {
                    this_starting <- this_roster[rn, intersect(paste0("starting_position_set", 1:5), names(this_roster))]
                }, FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
                if (any(can_remove)) {
                    can_remove <- possible_rows[which(can_remove)]
                    msgs <- c(msgs, paste0(if (this_hv == "home") paste0("Home team ", home_team(x)) else paste0("Visiting team ", visiting_team(x)), " player ", this_roster$name[can_remove], " has a duplicate jersey number (", this_roster$number[can_remove] , ") but did not take to the court, removing from roster"))
                    this_roster <- this_roster[setdiff(seq_len(nrow(this_roster)), can_remove), , drop = FALSE]
                    if (this_hv == "home") {
                        x$meta$players_h <- this_roster
                    } else {
                        x$meta$players_v <- this_roster
                } else {
                    ## can't fix

    ## kludgey fix for beach files where players have not been given distinct player IDs
    if (isTRUE(grepl("beach", x$file_meta$file_type))) {
        if (isTRUE(nrow(x$meta$players_h) == 2 && x$meta$players_h$player_id[1] == x$meta$players_h$player_id[2])) {
            x$meta$players_h$player_id[1] <- paste0(x$meta$players_h$player_id[1], "-", substr(x$meta$players_h$firstname[1], 1, 1), substr(x$meta$players_h$lastname[1], 1, 1))
            x$meta$players_h$player_id[2] <- paste0(x$meta$players_h$player_id[2], "-", substr(x$meta$players_h$firstname[2], 1, 1), substr(x$meta$players_h$lastname[2], 1, 1))
            msgs <- c(msgs, "Identical home team player IDs (beach) have been resolved")
        if (isTRUE(nrow(x$meta$players_v) == 2 && x$meta$players_v$player_id[1] == x$meta$players_v$player_id[2])) {
            x$meta$players_v$player_id[1] <- paste0(x$meta$players_v$player_id[1], "-", substr(x$meta$players_v$firstname[1], 1, 1), substr(x$meta$players_v$lastname[1], 1, 1))
            x$meta$players_v$player_id[2] <- paste0(x$meta$players_v$player_id[2], "-", substr(x$meta$players_v$firstname[2], 1, 1), substr(x$meta$players_v$lastname[2], 1, 1))
            msgs <- c(msgs, "Identical visiting team player IDs (beach) have been resolved")

    ## duplicate player IDs (either team)
    dpids <- find_duplicate_player_ids(x)
    if (length(dpids) > 0) {
        for (this_hv in c("home", "visiting")) {
            if (this_hv == "home") {
                this_team_id <- home_team_id(x)
                this_roster <- x$meta$players_h
            } else {
                this_team_id <- visiting_team_id(x)
                this_roster <- x$meta$players_v
            for (this_player_id in dpids) {
                possible_rows <- which(this_roster$player_id %eq% this_player_id)
                if (length(possible_rows) > 0) {
                    can_remove <- vapply(possible_rows, function(rn) {
                        this_starting <- this_roster[rn, intersect(paste0("starting_position_set", 1:5), names(this_roster))]
                        all(is.na(unlist(this_starting))) && !any(x$plays$team_id %eq% this_team_id & x$plays$player_number %eq% this_roster$number[rn])
                    }, FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
                    if (any(can_remove)) {
                        can_remove <- possible_rows[which(can_remove)]
                        msgs <- c(msgs, paste0(if (this_hv == "home") paste0("Home team ", home_team(x)) else paste0("Visiting team ", visiting_team(x)), " player ", this_roster$name[can_remove], " has a duplicate player ID (", this_roster$player_id[can_remove] , ") but did not take to the court, removing from roster"))
                        this_roster <- this_roster[setdiff(seq_len(nrow(this_roster)), can_remove), , drop = FALSE]
                        if (this_hv == "home") {
                            x$meta$players_h <- this_roster
                        } else {
                            x$meta$players_v <- this_roster
                    } else {
                        ## can't fix
    ## now re-check for duplicates and if they were not able to be fixed, throw an error
    tryCatch(pnums <- find_duplicate_player_numbers(x), error = function(e) {
        stop("players with duplicate jersey numbers were not able to be fixed")
    if (nrow(pnums) > 0) {
        temp <- distinct(pnums) %>% dplyr::arrange(.data$hv)
        msg <- paste0("    ", temp$hv, " team jersey number: ", temp$number, collapse = "\n")
        stop("players with duplicate jersey numbers were not able to be fixed:\n", msg)
    tryCatch(dpids <- find_duplicate_player_ids(x), error = function(e) {
        stop("players with duplicate player IDs were not able to be fixed")
    if (length(dpids) > 0) stop("players with duplicate player IDs were not able to be fixed. Player ID(s): ", paste0(dpids, collapse = ", "))
    if (length(msgs) > 0) {
        ## append to x$messages
        x$messages <- rbind(x$messages, data.frame(file_line_number = NA_integer_, video_time = NA_integer_, message = msgs, file_line = NA_character_))
raymondben/datavolley documentation built on April 25, 2024, 10:22 a.m.