CI_diamond_ratio: Estimate the diamond ratio for a meta-analytic effect, a...

View source: R/CI_diamond_ratio.R

CI_diamond_ratioR Documentation

Estimate the diamond ratio for a meta-analytic effect, a measure of heterogeneity


CI_diamond_ratio returns the diamond ratio and CI for a meta-analytic effect, the ratio of the random-effects CI width to the fixed-effects CI width. The diamond ratio is a measure of effect-size heterogeneity.


CI_diamond_ratio(RE, FE, vi, conf_level = 0.95)



metafor object with random effects result


metafor object with fixed effects result


vector of effect size variances


The confidence level for the confidence interval. Given in decimal form. Defaults to 0.95.


Calculation of the CI is based on code provided by Maxwell Cairns (see Cairns et al., 2022). Specifically, this function implements what Cairns et al (2022) called the Sub-Q approach, which provides the best CI coverage in simulations. For comparison, this function also returns the CI produced by the bWT-DL approach (which generally has worse performance).


Returns a list with 3 properties:

  • diamond_ratio

  • LL - lower limit of the conf_level% CI, Sub-Q approach

  • UL - upper limit of the conf_level% CI, Sub-Q approach

  • LL_bWT_DL - lower limit of the conf_level% CI, bWT-DL approach

  • UL_bWT_DL - upper limit of the conf_level% CI, bWT-DL approach


Cairns, Maxwell, Geoff Cumming, Robert Calin‐Jageman, and Luke A. Prendergast. “The Diamond Ratio: A Visual Indicator of the Extent of Heterogeneity in Meta‐analysis.” British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 75, no. 2 (May 2022): 201–19.


mydata <- esci::data_mccabemichael_brain

# Use esci to obtain effect sizes and sample variances, storing only raw_data
mydata <- esci::meta_mdiff_two(
  data = mydata,
  comparison_means = "M Brain",
  comparison_ns = "n Brain",
  comparison_sds = "s Brain",
  reference_means = "M No Brain",
  reference_ns = "n No Brain",
  reference_sds = "s No Brain",
  random_effects = FALSE

# Conduct fixed effects meta-analysis
FE <- metafor::rma(
  data = mydata,
  yi = effect_size,
  vi = sample_variance,
# Conduct random effect meta-analysis
RE <- metafor::rma(
  data = mydata,
  yi = effect_size,
  vi = sample_variance,

# Get the diamond ratio
res <- esci::CI_diamond_ratio(
  RE = RE,
  FE = FE,
  vi = mydata$sample_variance

rcalinjageman/esci documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 4:38 p.m.