View source: R/CI_smd_ind_contrast.R
CI_smd_ind_contrast | R Documentation |
returns the point estimate
and confidence interval for a standardized mean difference (smd aka Cohen's
d aka Hedges g). A standardized mean difference is a difference in means standardized
to a standard deviation:
\mjdeqnd = \frac \psi sd = psi/s
conf_level = 0.95,
assume_equal_variance = FALSE,
correct_bias = TRUE
means |
A vector of 2 or more means |
sds |
A vector of standard deviations, same length as means |
ns |
A vector of sample sizes, same length as means |
contrast |
A vector of group weights, same length as means |
conf_level |
The confidence level for the confidence interval, in decimal form. Defaults to 0.95. |
assume_equal_variance |
Defaults to FALSE |
correct_bias |
Defaults to TRUE; attempts to correct the slight upward bias in d derived from a sample. As of 8/9/2023 - Bias correction has been added for more than 2 groups when equal variance is not assumed, based on recent updates to statpsych |
Returns a list with these named elements:
effect_size - the point estimate from the sample
lower - lower bound of the CI
upper - upper bound of the CI
numerator - the numerator for Cohen's d_biased; the mean difference in the contrast
denominator - the denominator for Cohen's d_biased; if equal variance is assumed this is sd_pooled, otherwise sd_avg
df - the degrees of freedom used for correction and CI calculation
se - the standard error of the estimate; warning not totally sure about this yet
moe - margin of error; 1/2 length of the CI
d_biased - Cohen's d without correction applied
properties - a list of properties for the result
effect_size_name - if equal variance assumed d_s, otherwise d_avg
effect_size_name_html - html representation of d_name
denominator_name - if equal variance assumed sd_pooled otherwise sd_avg
denominator_name_html - html representation of denominator name
bias_corrected - TRUE/FALSE if bias correction was applied
message - a message explaining denominator and correction status
message_html - html representation of message
A standardized mean difference turns out to be complicated.
First, it has many names:
standardized mean difference (smd)
Cohen's d
When bias in a sample d has been corrected, also called Hedge's g
Second, the choice of the standardizer requires thought:
sd_pooled - used when assuming all groups have exact same variance
sd_avg - does not require assumption of equal variance
other possibilities, too, but not dealt with in this function
The choice of standardizer is important, so it's noted in the subscript:
d_s – assumes equal variance, standardized to sd_pooled
d_avg - does not assume equal variance, standardized to sd_avg
A third complication is the issue of bias: d estimated from a sample has a slight upward bias at smaller sample sizes. With total sample size > 30, this slight bias becomes fairly negligible (kind of like the small upward bias in a sample standard deviation).
This bias can be corrected when equal variance is assumed or when the design of the study is simple (2 groups). For complex designs (>2 groups) without the assumption of equal variance, there is now also an approximate approach to correcting bias from Bonett.
Corrections for bias produce a long-run reduction in average bias. Corrections for bias are approximate.
When equal variance is assumed, the standardized mean difference is d_s, defined in Kline, p. 196:
\mjdeqnd_s = \frac \psi sd_pooled d_s = psi / sd_s
where psi is defined in Kline, equation 7.8:
\mjdeqn \psi=\sum_i=1^ac_iM_i psi = sum(contrasts*means)
and where sd_pooled is defined in Kline, equation 3.11 \mjdeqnsd_pooled = \frac \sum_i=1^a (n_i -1) s_i^2 \sum_i=1^a (n_i-1) sqrt(sum(variances*dfs) / sum(dfs))
The CI for d_s is derived from lambda-prime transformation from Lecoutre, 2007 with code adapted from Cousineau & Goulet-Pelletier, 2020. Kelley, 2007 explains the general approach for linear contrasts.
This approach to generating the CI is 'exact', meaning coverage should be as desired if all assumptions are met (ha!).
Correction of upward bias can be applied.
When equal variance is not assumed, the standardized mean difference is d_avg, defined in Bonett, equation 6:
\mjdeqnd_avg = \frac \psi sd_avg d_avg = psi / sd_avg
Where sd_avg is the square root of the average of the group variances, as given in Bonett, explanation of equation 6:
\mjdeqnsd_avg = \sqrt \frac \sum_i=1^a s_i^2 a sqrt(mean(variances))
The CI is derived from lambda-prime transformation using df and se from Huynh, 1989 – see especially Delacre et al., 2021
This is also an 'exact' approach, and correction can be applied
CI is approximated using the approach from Bonett, 2008
An approximate correction developed by Bonett is used
Bonett D. G. (2023). statpsych: Statistical Methods for Psychologists. R package version 1.4.0.
Bonett, D. G. (2018). R code posted to personal website (now removed). Formally at
Bonett, D. G. (2008). Confidence Intervals for Standardized Linear Contrasts of Means. Psychological Methods, 13(2), 99–109. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("doi:10.1037/1082-989X.13.2.99")}
Cousineau & Goulet-Pelletier (2020) A review of five techniques to derive confidence intervals with a special attention to the Cohen’s dp in the between-group design. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("doi:10.31234/")}
Delacre M, Lakens D, Ley C, Liu L, Leys C (2021) Why Hedges gs based on the non-pooled standard deviation should be reported with Welch’s t-test. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("doi:10.31234/")}
Huynh, C.-L. (1989). A unified approach to the estimation of effect size in meta-analysis. NBER Working Paper Series, 58(58), 99–104.
Kelley, K. (2007). Confidence intervals for standardized effect sizes: Theory, application, and implementation. Journal of Statistical Software, 20(8), 1–24. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("doi:10.18637/jss.v020.i08")}
Lecoutre, B. (2007). Another Look at the Confidence Intervals for the Noncentral T Distribution. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 6(1), 107–116. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("doi:10.22237/jmasm/1177992600")}
for friendly version that also
returns raw score effect sizes for this design
# Example from Kline, 2013
# Data in Table 3.4
# Worked out in Chapter 7
# See p. 202, non-central approach
# With equal variance assumed and no correction, should give:
# d_s = -0.8528028 [-2.121155, 0.4482578]
res <- esci::CI_smd_ind_contrast(
means = c(13, 11, 15),
sds = c(2.738613, 2.236068, 2.000000),
ns = c(5, 5, 5),
contrast = contrast <- c(1, 0, -1),
conf_level = 0.95,
assume_equal_variance = TRUE,
correct_bias = FALSE
# Example from [] should give:
# Estimate SE LL UL
# Unweighted standardizer: -1.273964 0.3692800 -2.025039 -0.5774878
# Weighted standardizer: -1.273964 0.3514511 -1.990095 -0.6124317
# Group 1 standardizer: -1.273810 0.4849842 -2.343781 -0.4426775
res <- esci::CI_smd_ind_contrast(
means = c(33.5, 37.9, 38.0, 44.1),
sds = c(3.84, 3.84, 3.65, 4.98),
ns = c(10,10,10,10),
contrast = c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5),
conf_level = 0.95,
assume_equal_variance = FALSE,
correct_bias = TRUE
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