
Defines functions clean_dates

Documented in clean_dates

#' Handle dates data
#' This function detects variables of `data.frame` which are effectively
#' representing dates, and converts them to `Date` objects. When variables are
#' character strings or factors, the function will try to convert dates with
#' various pre-defined formats (see *details*). For each variable, the most
#' common date format is automatically detected, and dates not following it are
#' set to `NA` (i.e. missing). It uses a tolerance threshold for the amount of
#' entries which cannot be converted to date (`error_tolerance`). By default,
#' tolerance is set to `0.1`, meaning 10% of errors in dates entry is allowed
#' for a given variable. If there are more errors, this variable is assumed not
#' to be a date, and left untouched. 
#' @author Thibaut Jombart, Zhian N. Kamvar
#' @param x a `data.frame`
#' @param force_Date a `logical` or `integer` vector indicating the columns .
#' If `logical`, indicating if `POSIXct` and `POSIXlt` objects should be
#' converted to `Date` objects; defaults to `TRUE`; you should use this if your
#' dates are only precise to the day (i.e. no time information within days).
#' @param guess_dates a `logical` or `integer` vector indicating which columns
#' should be guessed , assuming these columns store character strings or
#' `factors`; this feature is experimental; see [guess_dates()] for more
#' information.
#' @param classes a vector of class definitions for each of the columns. If this
#'   is not provided, the classes will be read from the columns themselves. 
#'   Practically, this is used in [clean_data()] to mark columns as protected.
#' @inheritParams guess_dates
#' @param ... further arguments passed on to [guess_dates()]
#' @seealso  [guess_dates()] to extract dates from a messy input vector
#' @export
#' @return A `data.frame` with standardised dates.
#' @examples
#' ## make toy data
#' onsets <- as.POSIXct("2018-01-01", tz = "UTC")
#' onsets <- seq(onsets, by = "1 day", length.out = 10)
#' onsets <- sample(onsets, 20, replace = TRUE)
#' onsets2 <- format(as.Date(onsets), "%d/%m/%Y")
#' onsets3 <- format(as.Date(onsets), "%d %m %Y")
#' outcomes <- onsets + 1e7
#' admissions <- onsets + 86400 + sample(86400, 20)
#' admissions[1:5] <- NA
#' discharges <- admissions + (86400 * sample(5, 20, replace = TRUE)) + sample(86400, 20)
#' onset_with_errors <- onsets2
#' onset_with_errors[c(1,20)] <- c("male", "confirmed")
#' mixed_info <- onsets3
#' mixed_info[1:10] <- sample(c("bleeding", "fever"), 10, replace = TRUE)
#' gender <- sample(c("male", "female"), 20, replace = TRUE)
#' case_type <- c("confirmed", "probable", "suspected", "not a case")
#' case <- sample(case_type, 20, replace = TRUE)
#' toy_data <- data.frame("Date of Onset." = onsets,
#'                        "onset 2" = onsets2,
#'                        "ONSET 3" = onsets3,
#'                        "onset_4" = onset_with_errors,
#'                        "date admission" = admissions,
#'                        "DATE.of.DISCHARGE" = discharges,
#'                        "GENDER_ " = gender,
#'                        "Épi.Case_définition" = case,
#'                        "date of admission" = admissions,
#'                        "Date-of_discharge" = discharges,
#'                        "extra" = mixed_info,
#'                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#'                        check.names = FALSE)
#' ## show data
#' toy_data
#' str(toy_data)
#' ## clean variable names, store in new object, show results
#' clean_data <- clean_variable_names(toy_data)
#' clean_data1 <- clean_dates(clean_data, first_date = "2018-01-01")
#' clean_data1
#' ## Only clean the columns that have the words "date" or "admission" in them
#' the_date_cols <- grep("(date|admission)", names(clean_data))
#' the_date_cols
#' clean_data2 <- clean_dates(clean_data, 
#'                            first_date  = "2018-01-01", 
#'                            force_Date  = the_date_cols,
#'                            guess_dates = the_date_cols)
#' clean_data2
#' str(clean_data2)
#' ## A more complex example: clean date and admissions, but avoid the discharge
#' ## column, since the timestamp is important
#' the_date_cols <- grepl("(date|admission)", names(clean_data))
#' discharge     <- grepl("discharge", names(clean_data))
#' ## set names so that these are easier to track
#' names(the_date_cols) <- names(clean_data) -> names(discharge)
#' the_date_cols # columns we want
#' !discharge    # columns that are not the discharge columns ("!" means "not")
#' to_keep     <- the_date_cols & !discharge # removing the discharge column
#' clean_data3 <- clean_dates(clean_data, 
#'                            first_date  = "2018-01-01", 
#'                            force_Date  = to_keep,
#'                            guess_dates = to_keep)
#' clean_data3
#' str(clean_data3)

clean_dates <- function(x, force_Date = TRUE, guess_dates = TRUE, error_tolerance = 0.5, ..., classes = NULL) {
  if (!is.data.frame(x)) {
    stop("x must be a data frame or linelist object")
  if (is.null(classes)) {
    classes <- i_find_classes(x)
  guess_dates    <- i_logical_from_int(guess_dates, classes)
  force_Date     <- i_logical_from_int(force_Date, classes)
  GUESS          <- any(guess_dates)
  FORCE          <- any(force_Date)
  are_POSIX      <- which(grepl("^POSIX", classes) & force_Date)
  are_characters <- which(classes == "character"   & guess_dates)
  are_factors    <- which(classes == "factor"      & guess_dates)

  if (FORCE) {
    for (i in are_POSIX) {
      x[[i]] <- as.Date(x[[i]])

  if (GUESS) {
    for (i in c(are_characters, are_factors)) {
      x[[i]] <- guess_dates(x[[i]], error_tolerance = error_tolerance, ...)

reconhub/linelist documentation built on Jan. 1, 2023, 9:39 p.m.