Man pages for redsnic/CIMICE
CIMICE-R: (Markov) Chain Method to Inferr Cancer Evolution

annotate_mutational_matrixAdd samples and genes names to a mutational matrix
binary_radix_sortRadix sort for a binary matrix
build_subset_graphRemove transitive edges and prepare graph
build_topology_subsetCompute subset relation as edge list
chunk_readerGradually read a file from disk
compact_datasetCompact dataset rows
computeDWNWDown weights computation
computeDWNW_auxDown weights computation (aux)
computeUPWUp weights computation
computeUPW_auxUp weights computation (aux)
compute_weights_defaultCompute default weights
corrplot_from_mutational_matrixCorrelation plot from mutational matrix
corrplot_genesGene based correlation plot
corrplot_samplesSample based correlation plot
dataset_preprocessingRun CIMICE preprocessing
dataset_preprocessing_populationRun CIMICE preprocessing for poulation format dataset
draw_ggraphggplot graph output
draw_networkD3NetworkD3 graph output
draw_visNetworkVisNetwork graph output (default)
example_datasetCreates a simple example dataset
example_dataset_withFreqsCreates a simple example dataset with frequency column
finalize_generatorFinalize generator normalizing edge weights
fix_clonal_genotypeManage Clonal genotype in data
format_labelsFormat labels for output object
gene_mutations_histHistogram of genes' frequencies
get_no_of_childrenGet number of children
graph_non_transitive_subset_topologyDefault preparation of graph topology
make_datasetDataset line by line construction: initialization
make_generator_stubCreate a stub for a generator
make_labelsHelper function to create labels
normalizeDWNWDown weights normalization
normalizeUPWUp weights normalization
perturb_datasetPerturbate a boolean matrix
plot_generatorPlot a generator
prepare_generator_edge_set_commandPrepare a command to add edge weights to a generator
prepare_labelsPrepare node labels based on genotypes
quick_runRun CIMICE defaults
readRead a "CAPRI" file
read_CAPRIRead a "CAPRI" file
read_CAPRIpopRead a "CAPRIpop" file
read_CAPRIpop_stringRead "CAPRIpop" file from a string
read_CAPRI_stringRead "CAPRI" file from a string
read_MAFCreate mutational matrix from MAF file
read_matrixRead dataset from an R matrix
remove_transitive_edgesRemove transitive edges from an edgelist
sample_mutations_histHistogram of samples' frequencies
select_genes_on_mutationsFilter dataset by genes' mutation count
select_samples_on_mutationsFilter dataset by samples' mutation count
set_generator_edgesAdd edge weights to a generator
simulate_generatorCreate datasets from generators
to_dotDot graph output
update_dfDataset line by line construction: add a sample
redsnic/CIMICE documentation built on March 30, 2022, 2:46 a.m.