
Defines functions pvalueAdjustment results

Documented in results

#' @title Pulling out result
#' @description This function pulls out result from NBAMSeqDataSet object
#' returned by \code{\link{NBAMSeq}}
#' @param object a NBAMSeqDataSet object returned by \code{\link{NBAMSeq}}
#' @param name the name of nonlinear variable or continuous linear variable
#' @param contrast a character of length 3. 1st element: name of factor
#' variable; 2nd element: name of numerator level; 3rd element: name of
#' denominator level. contrast = c("group", "treatment", "control") means
#' comparing treatment vs control for group variable.
#' @param indepfilter either TRUE or FALSE indicating whether independent
#' filtering should be performed. Default is TRUE.
#' @param alpha significant threhold for declaring genes as differentially
#' expressed. Default is 0.1.
#' @param pAdjustMethod pvalue adjustment method. Default is "BH". See
#' \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}} for details.
#' @param parallel either TRUE or FALSE indicating whether parallel should be
#' used. Default is FALSE.
#' @param BPPARAM an argument provided to \code{\link{bplapply}}. See
#' \code{\link[BiocParallel]{register}} for details.
#' @param ... additional arguments provided to \code{pvalueAdjustment} function
#' in DESeq2. See \code{\link[DESeq2]{results}} for details.
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply bpparam
#' @importFrom stats lowess p.adjust quantile
#' @importFrom genefilter filtered_p
#' @export
#' @return a DataFrame which contains the result
#' @references Love, M.I., Huber, W., Anders, S. (2014) Moderated estimation of
#' fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2. Genome Biology,
#' 15:550. \url{https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-014-0550-8}
#' @examples
#' gsd = makeExample(n = 3, m = 10)
#' gsd = NBAMSeq(gsd)
#' res = results(gsd, name = "pheno")

results <- function(object, name, contrast, indepfilter = TRUE, alpha = 0.1,
                    pAdjustMethod = "BH", parallel = FALSE,
                    BPPARAM = bpparam(), ...){

    ## check input
    stopifnot(is(object, "NBAMSeqDataSet"))
    ## check whether NBAMSeq has been run before
        stop("NBAMSeq function should be run before calling results function")



        stop("Either 'name' or 'contrast' argument should be provided.")
    } else if(!missing(name)&!missing(contrast)){
        stop(" 'name' and 'contrast' arguments cannot be both provided.")
    } else if(!missing(name)){

        ## check if name is a factor
            stop(" 'name' should be a continuous variable. For factors,
                please use 'contrast' argument.")

        ## check the variable is linear or nonlinear
        flag = grepl(paste0("s\\(",name,"\\)"),
            clnm = c("baseMean", paste0(c("edf_", "Chisq_", "PValue_"), name))
            resdf = mcols(object)[clnm]
            names(resdf) = c("baseMean", "edf", "stat", "pvalue")
            clnm = c("baseMean", name, paste0(c("SE_", "PValue_"), name))
            resdf = mcols(object)[clnm]
            resdf$stat = resdf[[name]]/resdf[[paste0("SE_",name)]]
            names(resdf) = c("baseMean", "coef", "SE", "pvalue", "stat")
            resdf = resdf[c("baseMean", "coef", "SE", "stat", "pvalue")]
    } else{
            stop(" 'contrast' should be a character of length 3.")
        target = contrast[1]
        firstlevel = contrast[2]
        secondlevel = contrast[3]
        alllevels = levels(colData(object)[[target]])

            stop("2nd and 3rd element in constrast should be different.")
            stop("1st element in contrast should be a variable in colData.")
            stop("The variable in contrast should be a factor. For continuous
                variables, please use 'name' argument.")
            stop("2nd element in contrast should be an appropriate level.")
            stop("3rd element in contrast should be an appropriate level.")

        baselevel = levels(colData(object)[[target]])[1]
            ## if both first level and second level are not base level,
            ## relevel the factor and refit the model
            dat = data.frame(colData(object))
            dat[,target] = factor(dat[,target],
                levels = c(secondlevel, setdiff(alllevels, secondlevel)))
            formula_offset = update(getDesign(object), y ~ . + offset(logsf))
            temp = paste0("smooth_", all.vars(getDesign(object)))
            smoothcol = temp[temp%in%names(mcols(object))]

            gamFit2 = function(i){
                dat$y = assay(object)[i,]   ## ith gene count
                gamFinalFit = gam(formula_offset,
                    family = negbin(theta = 1/mcols(object)[["dispMAP"]][3],
                        link = "log"), method = "REML",
                    sp = unlist(mcols(object)[smoothcol][i,]), data = dat)
                summary(gamFinalFit)$p.table[paste0(target, firstlevel),]

                reslist = bplapply(seq_len(nrow(object)), gamFit2,
                    BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
            } else{
                reslist = lapply(seq_len(nrow(object)), gamFit2)

            resdf = DataFrame(matrix(unlist(reslist), ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE))
            names(resdf) = c("coef", "SE", "stat", "pvalue")
            resdf = cbind(mcols(object)["baseMean"], resdf)
                clnm = c("baseMean", paste0(c("", "SE_", "PValue_"),
                    paste0(target,"_", firstlevel,"_vs_",secondlevel)))
                clnm = c("baseMean", paste0(c("", "SE_", "PValue_"),
                    paste0(target,"_", secondlevel,"_vs_",firstlevel)))

            resdf = mcols(object)[clnm]
            names(resdf) = c("baseMean", "coef", "SE", "pvalue")
            resdf$stat = resdf[["coef"]]/resdf[["SE"]]
            resdf = resdf[c("baseMean", "coef", "SE", "stat", "pvalue")]
                resdf[["coef"]] = -resdf[["coef"]]
                resdf[["stat"]] = -resdf[["stat"]]

    ## perform independent filtering
    resdf = pvalueAdjustment(resdf, independentFiltering = indepfilter,
        alpha = alpha, pAdjustMethod = pAdjustMethod, ...)
    rownames(resdf) = rownames(assay(object))
    AICBICnms = c("AIC", "BIC", "AICnonlin", "AIClin", "AICintercept", 
                  "BICnonlin", "BIClin", "BICintercept")
    AICBICcolind = which(names(mcols(object))%in%AICBICnms)
    resdf = cbind(resdf, DataFrame(mcols(object)[,AICBICcolind]))

# The function pvalueAdjustment is taken from DESeq2 package.
# Author: Michael Love (michaelisaiahlove@gmail.com)
# Reference: Love, M.I., Huber, W., Anders, S. (2014) Moderated estimation of
# fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2. Genome Biology,
# 15:550.

pvalueAdjustment <- function(res, independentFiltering, filter,
    theta, alpha, pAdjustMethod) {
    # perform independent filtering
    if (independentFiltering) {
        if (missing(filter)) {
            filter <- res$baseMean
        if (missing(theta)) {
            lowerQuantile <- mean(filter == 0)
            if(lowerQuantile < .95) upperQuantile<- .95 else upperQuantile<- 1
            theta <- seq(lowerQuantile, upperQuantile, length=50)
        # do filtering using genefilter
        stopifnot(length(theta) > 1)
        stopifnot(length(filter) == nrow(res))
        filtPadj <- filtered_p(filter=filter, test=res$pvalue,
            theta=theta, method=pAdjustMethod)
        numRej  <- colSums(filtPadj < alpha, na.rm = TRUE)
        # prevent over-aggressive filtering when all genes are null,
        # by requiring the max number of rejections is above a fitted curve.
        # If the max number of rejection is not greater than 10, then don't
        # perform independent filtering at all.
        lo.fit <- lowess(numRej ~ theta, f=1/5)
        if (max(numRej) <= 10) {
            j <- 1
        } else {
            residual <- if (all(numRej==0)) {
            } else {
                numRej[numRej > 0] - lo.fit$y[numRej > 0]
            thresh <- max(lo.fit$y) - sqrt(mean(residual^2))
            j <- if (any(numRej > thresh)) {
                which(numRej > thresh)[1]
            } else {
        # j <- which.max(numRej) # old method
        padj <- filtPadj[, j, drop=TRUE]
        cutoffs <- quantile(filter, theta)
        filterThreshold <- cutoffs[j]
        filterNumRej <- data.frame(theta=theta, numRej=numRej)
        filterTheta <- theta[j]

        metadata(res)[["filterThreshold"]] <- filterThreshold
        metadata(res)[["filterTheta"]] <- filterTheta
        metadata(res)[["filterNumRej"]] <- filterNumRej
        metadata(res)[["lo.fit"]] <- lo.fit
        metadata(res)[["alpha"]] <- alpha
    } else {
        # regular p-value adjustment
        # does not include those rows which were removed
        # by maximum Cook's distance
        padj <- p.adjust(res$pvalue,method=pAdjustMethod)
    res$padj <- padj
reese3928/NBAMSeq documentation built on Oct. 29, 2020, 8:06 a.m.