
## This code is based on inst/data-processing/create-clean-flu-data.R
## Updated for SARIMA-hospitalization submissions: 10/9/2018

library(plyr); library(dplyr)

submissions_save_path <- "inst/submissions/hosp-sarima"

data <- download_and_preprocess_hosp_data()

### Do prediction for sarima
## Parameters used in simulating trajectories
simulate_trajectories_sarima_params <- list(
  fits_filepath = "inst/estimation/hosp-sarima/fits-seasonal-differencing",
  prediction_target_var = "weeklyrate",
  seasonal_difference = FALSE,
  transformation = "box-cox",
  first_test_season = "2018/2019",
  age_groups = c("65+ yr")#c("18-49 yr", "5-17 yr",  "Overall",  "65+ yr","50-64 yr", "0-4 yr" )

sarima_res_65 <- get_submission_via_trajectory_simulation(
  data = data,
  analysis_time_season = "2018/2019",
  first_analysis_time_season_week = 10, # == week 40 of year
  last_analysis_time_season_week = 41, # analysis for 33-week season, consistent with flu competition -- at week 41, we do prediction for a horizon of one week ahead
  prediction_target_var = "weeklyrate",
  incidence_bins = data.frame(
    lower = c(0, seq(from = 0.05, to = 59.95, by = 0.1)),
    upper = c(seq(from = 0.05, to = 59.95, by = 0.1), Inf)),
  incidence_bin_names = as.character(seq(from = 0, to = 60, by = 0.1)),
  n_trajectory_sims = 10000,
  simulate_trajectories_function = sample_predictive_trajectories_arima_wrapper,
  simulate_trajectories_params = simulate_trajectories_sarima_params,
  all_regions = c("Entire Network"),

simulate_trajectories_sarima_params <- list(
  fits_filepath = "inst/estimation/hosp-sarima/fits-seasonal-differencing",
  prediction_target_var = "weeklyrate",
  seasonal_difference = FALSE,
  transformation = "box-cox",
  first_test_season = "2018/2019",
  age_groups = c("18-49 yr", "5-17 yr",  "Overall","50-64 yr", "0-4 yr" )

sarima_res <- get_submission_via_trajectory_simulation(
  data = data,
  analysis_time_season = "2018/2019",
  first_analysis_time_season_week = 10, # == week 40 of year
  last_analysis_time_season_week = 41, # analysis for 33-week season, consistent with flu competition -- at week 41, we do prediction for a horizon of one week ahead
  prediction_target_var = "weeklyrate",
  incidence_bins = data.frame(
    lower = c(0, seq(from = 0.05, to = 12.95, by = 0.1)),
    upper = c(seq(from = 0.05, to = 12.95, by = 0.1), Inf)),
  incidence_bin_names = as.character(seq(from = 0, to = 13, by = 0.1)),
  n_trajectory_sims = 10000,
  simulate_trajectories_function = sample_predictive_trajectories_arima_wrapper,
  simulate_trajectories_params = simulate_trajectories_sarima_params,
  all_regions = c("Entire Network"),

sarima_res <- rbind(sarima_res,sarima_res_65)

res_file <- file.path(submissions_save_path,
                        tail(data$week, 1),

plot_file <- file.path(submissions_save_path,
                         tail(data$week, 1),

          file = res_file,
          row.names = FALSE)

(FluSight::verify_entry_file(res_file, challenge = "hospital"))

### Plots for sanity

sarima_res <- FluSight::read_entry(res_file)

pdf(plot_file, width = 12)
for(reg in unique(sarima_res$location)){
  p_1wk <- my_plot_weekahead(sarima_res, region = reg, wk = 1, ilimax=13, years = 2018:2019) + ggtitle(paste(reg, ": 1 wk ahead")) + ylim(0,1)
  p_2wk <- my_plot_weekahead(sarima_res, region = reg, wk = 2, ilimax=13, years = 2018:2019) + ylim(0,1)
  p_3wk <- my_plot_weekahead(sarima_res, region = reg, wk = 3, ilimax=13, years = 2018:2019) + ylim(0,1)
  p_4wk <- my_plot_weekahead(sarima_res, region = reg, wk = 4, ilimax=13, years = 2018:2019) + ylim(0,1)
  grid.arrange(p_1wk, p_2wk, p_3wk, p_4wk, ncol=4)
reichlab/2018-2019-cdc-flu-contest documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:36 a.m.