This document explores performance of different ensemble methods for forecasting incidence near local peaks.
# load packages library(covidData) library(covidEnsembles) library(tidyverse) library(gridExtra) library(knitr) library(DT) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, cache.lazy = FALSE) options(width = 200) ggplot2::theme_set(new = theme_bw()) #setwd("code/application/retrospective-qra-comparison/analyses/retrospective-peak-skill/")
# load data # dates for "truth" data used to compute scores and used in plots jhu_issue_date <- max(covidData::jhu_deaths_data$issue_date) healthdata_issue_date <- max(covidData::healthdata_hosp_data$issue_date) # load data observed_deaths <- covidData::load_jhu_data( issue_date = jhu_issue_date, spatial_resolution = c("state", "national"), temporal_resolution = "weekly", measure = "deaths") %>% tidyr::pivot_longer( cols = c("inc", "cum"), names_to = "target_variable", values_to = "observed" ) %>% dplyr::transmute( location = location, target_variable = paste0("wk ahead ", target_variable, " death"), target_end_date = as.character(date), observed = observed ) observed_deaths <- observed_deaths[!duplicated(observed_deaths), ] observed_cases <- covidData::load_jhu_data( issue_date = jhu_issue_date, spatial_resolution = c("county", "state", "national"), temporal_resolution = "weekly", measure = "cases") %>% tidyr::pivot_longer( cols = c("inc", "cum"), names_to = "target_variable", values_to = "observed" ) %>% dplyr::transmute( location = location, target_variable = paste0("wk ahead ", target_variable, " case"), target_end_date = as.character(date), observed = observed ) observed_cases <- observed_cases[!duplicated(observed_cases), ] observed_hosps <- covidData::load_healthdata_data( issue_date = healthdata_issue_date, spatial_resolution = c("state", "national"), temporal_resolution = "daily", measure ="hospitalizations") %>% tidyr::pivot_longer( cols = c("inc", "cum"), names_to = "target_variable", values_to = "observed" ) %>% dplyr::transmute( location = location, target_variable = paste0("day ahead ahead ", target_variable, " hosp"), target_end_date = as.character(date), observed = observed ) observed_hosps <- observed_hosps[!duplicated(observed_hosps), ] observed <- dplyr::bind_rows(observed_deaths, observed_cases, observed_hosps)
# function to extract model identifiers from abbreviation parse_model_case <- function(model_abbr) { case_parts <- strsplit(model_abbr, split = "-")[[1]] purrr::map_dfc( case_parts, function(case_part) { nc <- nchar(case_part) if(substr(case_part, 1, min(nc, 9)) == "intercept") { return(data.frame( intercept = as.logical(substr(case_part, 11, nc)) )) } else if(substr(case_part, 1, min(nc, 14)) == "combine_method") { return(data.frame( combine_method = substr(case_part, 16, nc) )) } else if(substr(case_part, 1, min(nc, 11)) == "missingness") { return(data.frame( missingness = substr(case_part, 13, nc) )) } else if(substr(case_part, 1, min(nc, 15)) == "quantile_groups") { return(data.frame( quantile_groups = substr(case_part, 17, nc) )) } else if(substr(case_part, 1, min(nc, 11)) == "window_size") { return(data.frame( window_size = substr(case_part, 13, nc) )) } else if(substr(case_part, 1, min(nc, 27)) == "check_missingness_by_target") { return(data.frame( check_missingness_by_target = substr(case_part, 29, nc) )) } else if(substr(case_part, 1, min(nc, 18)) == "do_standard_checks") { return(data.frame( do_standard_checks = substr(case_part, 20, nc) )) } else if(substr(case_part, 1, min(nc, 17)) == "do_baseline_check") { return(data.frame( do_baseline_check = substr(case_part, 19, nc) )) } else if(substr(case_part, 1, min(nc, 16)) == "estimation_scale") { return(data.frame( estimation_grouping = substr(case_part, 18, nc) )) } else { message("Unsupported case part") } } ) }
# load scores all_scores <- readRDS("../retrospective-scores/retrospective_scores.rds") model_cases <- suppressMessages(purrr::map_dfr( unique(all_scores$model), parse_model_case )) %>% dplyr::mutate( model = unique(all_scores$model) ) all_scores <- all_scores %>% dplyr::left_join(model_cases, by = "model") %>% dplyr::mutate( model_brief = paste( combine_method, "window", window_size, quantile_groups, estimation_grouping, sep = "_" ) ) %>% dplyr::filter( !grepl("ensemble_switching", model), combine_method != "positive" ) %>% dplyr::mutate( spatial_scale = ifelse( location == "US", "National", ifelse( nchar(location) == 2, "State", "County" ) ) ) %>% dplyr::arrange( combine_method, as.integer(window_size), quantile_groups, estimation_grouping ) all_models <- unique(all_scores$model_brief) all_scores$model_brief <- factor(all_scores$model_brief, levels = all_models) # window_10_model_inds <- grepl("window_10", all_models) # new_levels <- c( # all_models[!window_10_model_inds], # all_models[window_10_model_inds])
# subset scores to those that are comparable for all models within each # combination of spatial scale and base target # only among those models with any forecasts for that combination all_scores_common_by_target_variable_spatial_scale <- purrr::pmap_dfr( all_scores %>% distinct(target_variable, spatial_scale), function(target_variable, spatial_scale) { # browser() reduced_scores <- all_scores %>% dplyr::filter( target_variable == UQ(target_variable), spatial_scale == UQ(spatial_scale) ) # subset to same forecasts made for each ensemble method scores_to_keep <- reduced_scores %>% dplyr::select(model, forecast_date, location, horizon, target_variable, abs_error) %>% tidyr::pivot_wider( names_from = "model", values_from = "abs_error" ) all_models <- unique(reduced_scores$model) scores_to_keep$keep <- apply(scores_to_keep[all_models], 1, function(x) all(! # message(paste0( # "at ", spatial_scale, " for ", target_variable, # ", missing forecasts for models: ", # paste0( # all_models[apply(scores_to_keep[all_models], 2, function(x) any(] # ) # )) scores_to_keep <- scores_to_keep %>% dplyr::select(forecast_date, location, horizon, target_variable, keep) dplyr::left_join( reduced_scores, scores_to_keep, by = c("forecast_date", "location", "horizon", "target_variable") ) %>% dplyr::filter(keep) %>% dplyr::select(-keep) } )
# last target date to evaluate: # - most recent Saturday with observed data for weekly targets # - most recent day with observed data for daily targets last_weekly_target_date <- max(observed_deaths$target_end_date) last_daily_target_date <- max(observed_hosps$target_end_date) # dates for saturdays included in the analysis: # - we consider ensemble forecasts generated 2 days after this saturday date # - week ahead targets are defined relative to this saturday date first_forecast_week_end_date <- lubridate::ymd("2020-05-09") last_forecast_week_end_date <- lubridate::ymd(last_weekly_target_date) - 7 num_forecast_weeks <- as.integer(last_forecast_week_end_date - first_forecast_week_end_date) / 7 + 1 forecast_week_end_dates <- as.character( first_forecast_week_end_date + seq(from = 0, length = num_forecast_weeks) * 7 ) # Dates of forecast submission for forecasts included in this analysis: # 2 days after the saturdays forecast_dates <- lubridate::ymd(forecast_week_end_dates) + 2 # load forecasts # targets all_targets <- c( paste0(1:4, " wk ahead cum death"), paste0(1:4, " wk ahead inc death"), paste0(1:4, " wk ahead inc case"), paste0(1:28, " day ahead inc hosp") ) all_forecasts <- purrr::map_dfr( # c("national", "state", "state_national", "county"), c("state"), function(spatial_scale) { # Path to forecasts to evaluate submissions_root <- paste0( "../../retrospective-forecasts/", spatial_scale, "/" ) # models to read in model_abbrs <- list.dirs(submissions_root, full.names = FALSE) model_abbrs <- model_abbrs[nchar(model_abbrs) > 0] model_abbrs <- c( "intercept_FALSE-combine_method_median-missingness_by_location_group-quantile_groups_per_model-window_size_0-check_missingness_by_target_FALSE-do_standard_checks_FALSE-do_baseline_check_FALSE", "intercept_FALSE-combine_method_convex-missingness_impute-quantile_groups_per_model-window_size_8-check_missingness_by_target_FALSE-do_standard_checks_FALSE-do_baseline_check_FALSE" ) if (spatial_scale == "county") { model_abbrs <- c( "intercept_FALSE-combine_method_convex-missingness_impute-quantile_groups_per_quantile-window_size_3-check_missingness_by_target_FALSE-do_standard_checks_FALSE-do_baseline_check_FALSE", "intercept_FALSE-combine_method_convex-missingness_impute-quantile_groups_per_quantile-window_size_4-check_missingness_by_target_FALSE-do_standard_checks_FALSE-do_baseline_check_FALSE", "intercept_FALSE-combine_method_ew-missingness_by_location_group-quantile_groups_per_model-window_size_0-check_missingness_by_target_FALSE-do_standard_checks_FALSE-do_baseline_check_FALSE", "intercept_FALSE-combine_method_median-missingness_by_location_group-quantile_groups_per_model-window_size_0-check_missingness_by_target_FALSE-do_standard_checks_FALSE-do_baseline_check_FALSE" ) } if (spatial_scale %in% c("national", "state_national")) { response_vars <- c("cum_death", "inc_death", "inc_case") } else if (spatial_scale == "state") { response_vars <- c("cum_death", "inc_death", "inc_case", "inc_hosp") } else if (spatial_scale == "county") { response_vars <- "inc_case" } spatial_scale_forecasts <- purrr::map_dfr( response_vars, function(response_var) { if (response_var %in% c("inc_death", "cum_death")) { required_quantiles <- c(0.01, 0.025, seq(0.05, 0.95, by = 0.05), 0.975, 0.99) temporal_resolution <- "wk" horizon <- 4L targets <- paste0(1:horizon, " wk ahead ", gsub("_", " ", response_var)) all_locations <- unique(observed_deaths$location) } else if (response_var == "inc_case") { required_quantiles <- c(0.025, 0.100, 0.250, 0.500, 0.750, 0.900, 0.975) temporal_resolution <- "wk" horizon <- 4L targets <- paste0( 1:horizon, " wk ahead ", gsub("_", " ", response_var)) all_locations <- unique(observed_cases$location) } else if (response_var == "inc_hosp") { required_quantiles <- c(0.01, 0.025, seq(0.05, 0.95, by = 0.05), 0.975, 0.99) temporal_resolution <- "day" horizon <- 28L targets <- paste0( 1:(horizon + 6), " day ahead ", gsub("_", " ", response_var)) all_locations <- unique(observed_hosps$location) } load_covid_forecasts_relative_horizon( monday_dates = forecast_dates, model_abbrs = model_abbrs, timezero_window_size = 6, locations = all_locations, targets = targets, horizon = horizon, required_quantiles = required_quantiles, submissions_root = submissions_root, include_null_point_forecasts = FALSE, keep_last = FALSE ) } ) %>% dplyr::mutate(spatial_scale = spatial_scale) return(spatial_scale_forecasts) } ) all_forecasts <- all_forecasts %>% dplyr::mutate( target_variable = substr(target, regexpr(" ", target) + 1, nchar(target)), model = paste0(model, "-estimation_scale_", spatial_scale) ) all_forecasts <- all_forecasts %>% dplyr::left_join(model_cases, by = "model") %>% dplyr::mutate( model_brief = paste( combine_method, "window", window_size, quantile_groups, estimation_grouping, sep = "_" ) )
We're going to look at how well ensemble methods did for forecasting incident cases near local peaks, in states that have had a local peak recently. For now, this is a manually curated list. All locations with at least two weeks of observed data after a recent local peak are included:
locations_to_keep <- c( #"02", "08", "17", as.character(19:20), #"27", as.character(29:31), "35", "38", "40", #"41", "46", "49", "55", "56", "66") observed_to_examine <- observed_cases %>% dplyr::filter( location %in% locations_to_keep, target_variable == "wk ahead inc case" ) %>% dplyr::left_join(covidData::fips_codes, by = "location") ggplot(data = observed_to_examine) + geom_line( mapping = aes( x = lubridate::ymd(target_end_date), y = observed, group = abbreviation )) + facet_wrap(~ abbreviation, scales = "free_y")
For each of the above locations, we display four plots:
The questions we hope these plots can help answer are:
weights <- readRDS("../retrospective-weight-estimates/retrospective_weight_estimates.rds") %>% dplyr::filter(location == "01", window_size == 8, target_variable == "inc_case") %>% mutate(model = reorder(model, -weight, FUN = sum)) %>% left_join(covidHubUtils::hub_locations, by = c("location" = "fips")) # p <- weights %>% # ggplot(aes(x = forecast_date, y = weight, fill = model)) + # geom_bar(stat = "identity") + # facet_grid(spatial_resolution ~ target_variable) #location <- locations_to_keep[1] for(location in locations_to_keep) { observed <- observed_to_examine %>% dplyr::filter( location == UQ(location), target_end_date >= "2020-06-01" ) %>% dplyr::transmute( model = "Observed Data (JHU)", target_variable = "inc case", target_end_date = lubridate::ymd(target_end_date), location = location, value = observed, geo_type = "state", location_name = location_name, abbreviation = abbreviation ) peak_week <- observed$target_end_date[which.max(observed$value)] location_scores_per_week <- suppressMessages( all_scores_common_by_target_variable_spatial_scale %>% dplyr::filter( model_brief %in% unique(all_forecasts$model_brief), location == UQ(location), target_variable == "wk ahead inc case" ) %>% dplyr::mutate( forecast_date = forecast_week_end_date + 2 ) %>% dplyr::group_by(model_brief, forecast_date) %>% dplyr::summarise(wis = mean(wis)) ) location_scores_overall <- suppressMessages( all_scores_common_by_target_variable_spatial_scale %>% dplyr::filter( model_brief %in% unique(all_forecasts$model_brief), location == UQ(location), target_variable == "wk ahead inc case" ) %>% dplyr::group_by(model_brief) %>% dplyr::summarise(wis = mean(wis)) ) p <- ggplot() + geom_line( data = dplyr::bind_rows( observed %>% dplyr::mutate( type = "Observed Data", model_brief = "Observed Data", forecast_date = target_end_date ), location_scores_per_week %>% dplyr::mutate(type = "Ensemble WIS", value = wis) ), mapping = aes(x = forecast_date, y = value, color = model_brief) ) + geom_hline( data = location_scores_overall %>% dplyr::mutate(type = "Ensemble WIS"), mapping = aes(yintercept = wis, color = model_brief), linetype = 2 ) + geom_bar( data = weights %>% dplyr::mutate(type = "Component Weights"), mapping = aes(x = forecast_date, y = weight, fill = model), stat = "identity" ) + geom_vline( data = data.frame( type = c("Ensemble WIS", "Observed Data", "Component Weights"), peak_date = peak_week, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ), mapping = aes(xintercept = peak_date) ) + scale_color_manual( "Model or Data", values = c( "Observed Data" = "black", "median_window_0_per_model_state" = "orange", "convex_window_8_per_model_state" = "cornflowerblue" ) ) + facet_wrap( ~ type, ncol = 1, scales = "free_y") + ggtitle(paste0("Component Model Weights, Mean Ensemble WIS and Observed Data: ", observed$location_name[1])) print(p) forecasts <- all_forecasts %>% dplyr::filter( location == UQ(location), grepl("wk ahead inc case", target) ) %>% dplyr::transmute( model = model_brief, forecast_date = timezero, location = location, location_name = location_name, geo_type = "state", horizon = as.integer(horizon), temporal_resolution = "wk", target_variable = "inc case", target_end_date = target_end_date, type = "quantile", quantile = as.numeric(quantile), value = value ) forecasts <- dplyr::bind_rows( forecasts, forecasts %>% dplyr::filter(quantile == 0.5) %>% dplyr::mutate( type = "point", quantile = NA ) ) #, # grepl("combine_method_median", model) | # (combine_method == "convex", model) & # grepl("estimation_grouping_state", model) & # grepl("quantile_groups_per_model", model) & # grepl("window_size_8", model)) # ) covidHubUtils::plot_forecast( forecast_data = forecasts %>% dplyr::filter( abs(forecast_date - peak_week) <= 14 ), target_variable = "inc case", truth_data = observed, truth_source = "JHU", intervals = c(.5, .8, .95), fill_by_model = TRUE, facet = . ~ model + forecast_date, facet_nrow = 2 )# + # scale_x_date(name=NULL, date_breaks = "1 months", date_labels = "%b") + # theme(axis.ticks.length.x = unit(0.5, "cm"), # axis.text.x = element_text(vjust = 7, hjust = -0.2)) }
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