
Defines functions plot_forecast plot_forecasts

Documented in plot_forecast plot_forecasts

#' Plot forecasts and optional truth for only one selected target variable.
#' Faceted plots for multiple models, locations and forecast dates are
#' supported with specified facet formula.
#' @param forecast_data required data.frame with forecasts in the format returned
#' by [load_forecasts()]
#' @param truth_data optional data.frame from one truth source in the format returned
#' by [load_truth()]. 
#' It needs to have columns `model`, `target_variable`,
#' `target_end_date`, `location and value`.
#' `Model` column can be `"Observed Data (a truth source)"`.
#' @param hub character vector, where the first element indicates the hub
#' from which to load forecasts. 
#' Possible options are `"US"`, `"ECDC"` and `"FluSight"`.
#' @param models vector of strings specifying models to plot.
#' Default to all models in `forecast_data`.
#' @param target_variable string specifying target type. It should be one of
#' `"cum death"`, `"inc case"`, `"inc death"`, `"inc hosp"` and `"inc flu hosp"`.
#' `"cum death"` and `"inc hosp"` are only available in forecasts from US hub now.
#' If there is only one `target_variable` in `forecast_data`, this parameter is optional.
#' @param locations a vector of strings of fips code or CBSA codes or location names,
#' such as "Hampshire County, MA", "Alabama", "United Kingdom".
#' A US county location names must include state abbreviation. 
#' Default to `NULL` which would include all locations in `forecast_data`.
#' @param facet interpretable facet option for ggplot. Function will error
#' if multiple locations are passed in without location in the facet formula.
#' @param facet_scales argument for scales in [ggplot2::facet_wrap]. Default to `"fixed"`.
#' @param facet_nrow number of rows for facetting; optional.
#' @param facet_ncol number of columns for facetting; optional.
#' @param forecast_dates date string vectors for forecast dates to plot.
#' Default to forecast_dates present in the data.
#' @param intervals values indicating which central prediction interval levels
#' to plot. `NULL` means only plotting point forecasts.
#' If not provided, it will default to `c(.5, .8, .95)`.
#' When plotting 6 models or more, the plot will be reduced to show .95 interval only.
#' @param horizon forecasts are plotted for the horizon time steps after the
#' forecast date. Default to all available horizons in `forecast_data`.
#' @param truth_source character specifying where the truth data will
#' be loaded from if `truth_data` is not provided. Currently support `"JHU"`,
#' `"NYTimes"`, `"HealthData"` and `"ECDC"`.
#' Optional if `truth_data` is provided.
#' @param use_median_as_point logical for using median quantiles as point forecasts in plot.
#' Default to `FALSE`.
#' @param plot_truth logical for showing truth data in plot. Default to `TRUE`.
#' Data used in the plot is either `truth_data` or data loaded from `truth_source`.
#' @param plot logical for showing the plot. Default to `TRUE`.
#' @param fill_by_model logical for specifying colors in plot.
#' If `TRUE`, separate colors will be used for each model.
#' If `FALSE`, only blues will be used for all models. Default to `FALSE`.
#' @param fill_transparency numeric value used to set transparency of intervals.
#' 0 means fully transparent, 1 means opaque.
#' @param truth_as_of the plot includes the truth data that would have been
#' in real time as of the `truth_as_of` date (not using this parameter when truth data
#' is from github repo)
#' @param top_layer character vector, where the first element indicates the top layer
#' of the resulting plot. Possible options are `"forecast"` and `"truth"`.
#' @param title optional text for the title of the plot. If left as `"default"`,
#' the title will be automatically generated. If `"none"`, no title will be plotted.
#' @param subtitle optional text for the subtitle of the plot. If left as `"default"`,
#' the subtitle will be automatically generated. If `"none"`, no subtitle will be plotted.
#' @param show_caption logical, if `TRUE`, caption will be included showing data sources

#' @importFrom grDevices dev.size
#' @return invisible ggplot object
#' @examples
#' # load forecasts from US forecast hub
#' us_forecasts <- load_latest_forecasts(
#'   models = c(
#'     "COVIDhub-ensemble", "COVIDhub-baseline",
#'     "JHU_CSSE-DECOM", "CovidAnalytics-DELPHI",
#'     "LANL-GrowthRate", "Microsoft-DeepSTIA"
#'   ),
#'   last_forecast_date = "2021-07-21",
#'   forecast_date_window_size = 6,
#'   locations = "US",
#'   types = c("point", "quantile"),
#'   targets = paste(1:4, "wk ahead inc case"),
#'   source = "zoltar"
#' )
#' # plot 
#' plot_forecasts(
#'   forecast_data = us_forecasts,
#'   models = c(
#'     "COVIDhub-ensemble", "COVIDhub-baseline", "JHU_CSSE-DECOM",
#'     "CovidAnalytics-DELPHI", "LANL-GrowthRate", "Microsoft-DeepSTIA"
#'   ),
#'   target_variable = "inc case", locations = c("US"), intervals = c(.95),
#'   horizon = 4, truth_source = "JHU", plot = TRUE, fill_by_model = TRUE,
#'   facet = ~model, facet_scales = "fixed", title = "default",
#'   show_caption = TRUE
#' )
#' # load forecasts from ECDC forecast hub
#' ecdc_forecasts <- load_latest_forecasts(
#'   models = c("ILM-EKF"),
#'   hub = c("ECDC", "US"), last_forecast_date = "2021-03-08",
#'   forecast_date_window_size = 0,
#'   locations = c("GB"),
#'   targets = paste(1:4, "wk ahead inc death"),
#'   source = "zoltar"
#' )
#' #plot
#' plot_forecasts(
#'   forecast_data = ecdc_forecasts,
#'   hub = c("ECDC", "US"),
#'   locations = "GB",
#'   truth_source = "JHU",
#'   top_layer = c("forecast")
#' )
#' @export
plot_forecasts <- function(forecast_data,
                           truth_data = NULL,
                           hub = c("US", "ECDC", "FluSight"),
                           models = NULL,
                           target_variable= NULL,
                           locations = NULL,
                           facet = NULL,
                           facet_scales = "fixed",
                           facet_nrow = NULL,
                           facet_ncol = NULL,
                           use_median_as_point = FALSE,
                           plot_truth = TRUE,
                           plot = TRUE,
                           fill_by_model = FALSE,
                           fill_transparency = 1.0,
                           truth_as_of = NULL,
                           top_layer = c("truth", "forecast"),
                           title = "default",
                           subtitle = "default",
                           show_caption = TRUE) {

  # title format
  if (is.na(title)) {
    stop("Error in plot_forecasts: title argument interpretable as a character.")

  # subtitle format
  if (is.na(subtitle)) {
    stop("Error in plot_forecasts: subtitle argument interpretable as a character.")

  # optional models parameter. Default to all models in forecast_data
  if (!missing(models)) {
    if (!all(models %in% forecast_data$model)) {
      stop("Error in plot_forecasts: Not all models are available in forecast data.")
  } else {
    models <- unique(forecast_data$model)
  # optional locations parameter. Default to all locations in forecast_data
  if (missing(locations)) {
    locations <- unique(forecast_data$location)
  } else {
    # Convert location names to fips codes or country abbreviations
    locations <- name_to_fips(locations, hub)
  hub <- match.arg(hub,
                  choices = c("US", "ECDC", "FluSight"),
                  several.ok = TRUE
  # get lists of valid parameter choices based on `hub`
  if (hub[1] == "US") {
    valid_location_codes <- covidHubUtils::hub_locations$fips
    valid_target_variables <- c(
      "cum death", "inc case",
      "inc death", "inc hosp"
    valid_truth_sources <- c("JHU", "NYTimes", "HealthData")
  } else if (hub[1] == "ECDC") {
    valid_location_codes <- covidHubUtils::hub_locations_ecdc$location
    valid_target_variables <- c("inc case", "inc death")
    valid_truth_sources <- c("JHU", "jhu", "ECDC", "ecdc")
  } else if (hub[1] == "FluSight") {
    valid_location_codes <- covidHubUtils::hub_locations_flusight$fips
    valid_target_variables <- c("inc flu hosp")
    valid_truth_sources <- c("HealthData")

  # validate locations
  if (!all(locations %in% forecast_data$location)) {
    stop("Error in plot_forecasts: Not all locations are available in forecast_data.")

  locations <- match.arg(locations, choices = valid_location_codes, several.ok = TRUE)

  if (length(locations) > 1) {
    if (is.null(facet)) {
      stop("Error in plot_forecasts: Passed in multiple locations without a facet command")

  # validate target variable
  if (missing(target_variable)) {
    # optional target_variable parameter when there's only one
    # target variable in forecast_data
    if (length(unique(forecast_data$target_variable)) == 1) {
      target_variable <- unique(forecast_data$target_variable)
    } else {
      stop("Error in plot_forecasts: Target variable unspecified and more than one target_variable in data.")
  } else {
    if (!(target_variable %in% forecast_data$target_variable)) {
      stop("Error in plot_forecasts: Please provide a valid target variable.")

    target_variable <- match.arg(target_variable,
      choices = valid_target_variables,
      several.ok = FALSE

  # validate truth data if provided
  if (!is.null(truth_data)) {
    # check if truth_data has all needed columns
    columns_check <- all(c(
      "model", "target_variable",
      "target_end_date", "location", "value"
    %in% colnames(truth_data))
    if (!columns_check) {
      stop("Error in plot_forecasts: Please provide columns model, 
           target_variable, target_end_date, location and value in truth_data.")
    } else {
      # check if all fips codes in location column are valid
      if (!all(truth_data$location %in% valid_location_codes)) {
        stop("Error in plot_forecasts: Please make sure all fips codes in location column are valid.")
      # check if truth_data has data from specified location
      if (!all(locations %in% truth_data$location)) {
        stop("Error in plot_forecasts: At least one forecasted location not available in truth_data.")
      # check if truth_data has specified target variable
      if (!(target_variable %in% truth_data$target_variable)) {
        stop("Error in plot_forecasts: Please provide a valid target variable.")
  } else {
    # validate truth_source
    truth_source <- match.arg(truth_source,
      choices = valid_truth_sources,
      several.ok = FALSE

    if (target_variable == "inc hosp" | target_variable == "inc flu hosp") {
      if (truth_source != "HealthData") {
        stop("Error in plot_forecasts: Incident hopsitalization truth data is only available from HealthData.gov now.")
    } else {
      if (truth_source == "HealthData") {
        stop("Error in plot_forecasts: This function does not support selected target_variable from HealthData.")

  if (show_caption) {
    if (missing(truth_source)) {
      stop("Error in plot_forecasts: Please provide truth_source for caption.")

  # validate forecast_dates
  if (missing(forecast_dates)) {
    forecast_dates <- unique(forecast_data$forecast_date)
  } else {
    forecast_dates <- as.Date(forecast_dates)
    if (!all(forecast_dates %in% forecast_data$forecast_date)) {
      stop("Error in plot_forecasts: Not all forecast_dates are available in forecast data.")

  # if interval is missing, default to a reduced set of intervals available in forecast data
  if (missing(intervals)) {
    lower_bounds <- unique(forecast_data[forecast_data$type == "quantile" &
      forecast_data$quantile < 0.5, ]$quantile)

    # if quantile forecasts are not available, plot point forecasts only
    if ("NA" %in% lower_bounds) {
      intervals <- NULL
    } else {
      # only plot .95 interval if more than 5 models are selected
      if (length(unique(models)) > 5) {
        intervals <- c(.95)
      } else {
        # generate intervals from lower bounds
        intervals <- lapply(lower_bounds, function(l) {
          1 - as.numeric(2 * l)

        # for readability
        if (all(c(.5, .8, .95) %in% intervals)) {
          intervals <- c(.5, .8, .95)

  if (!is.null(intervals) & length(unique(models)) > 5) {
    intervals <- c(.95)

  # generate quantiles based on given intervals
  quantiles_to_plot <- unlist(lapply(intervals, function(interval) {
      0.5 - as.numeric(interval) / 2,
      0.5 + as.numeric(interval) / 2

  if (use_median_as_point) {
    if (0.5 %in% forecast_data$quantile) {
      # plot medians instead
      quantiles_to_plot <- append(quantiles_to_plot, 0.5)
    } else {
      stop("Error in plot_forecasts: Median quantiles are not available in forecast_data.")

  # set colors
  if (fill_by_model) {
    if (length(unique(models)) <= 5) {
      color_families <- c("Blues", "Oranges", "Greens", "Purples", "Reds")
      if (use_median_as_point) {
        colourCount <- (length(quantiles_to_plot) - 1) / 2 + 1
      } else {
        colourCount <- length(quantiles_to_plot) / 2 + 1
      model_colors <- purrr::map(
        function(color_family) {
          getPalette <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, color_family))
          if (colourCount < 4) {
            # choose the first few from a larger set of colors, to keep higher saturation
            getPalette(4) %>% tail(colourCount)
          } else {

      ribbon_colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(max(4, colourCount), "Greys")
      ribbon_colors <- ribbon_colors[seq_len(length(ribbon_colors) - 1)] %>%
      forecast_colors <- unlist(lapply(model_colors, tail, n = 1))
      interval_colors <- unlist(lapply(model_colors, head, n = colourCount - 1))
    } else {
      # interpolate color pallets to more than 5 colors
      if (use_median_as_point) {
        colourCount <- (length(quantiles_to_plot) - 1) / 2
      } else {
        colourCount <- length(quantiles_to_plot) / 2

      modelCount <- length(unique(models))
      # use 8 instead of 9 to avoid black and grey shades
      getPalette <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Set1"))
      model_colors <- getPalette(modelCount)

      ribbon_colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, "Greys")[1:3]
      forecast_colors <- unlist(lapply(model_colors, tail, n = 1))
      # create 95% PI color
      interval_colors <- unlist(lapply(model_colors, function(color) {
        colorspace::lighten(color, 0.2)
  } else {
    # only use blue
    if (use_median_as_point) {
      colourCount <- max((length(quantiles_to_plot) - 1) / 2 + 1, 2)
    } else {
      colourCount <- max(length(quantiles_to_plot) / 2 + 1, 2)
    getPalette <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, "Blues"))
    blues <- getPalette(colourCount)
    forecast_colors <- rep(tail(blues, 1), length(unique(models)))
    blues[1:2] <- colorspace::darken(blues[1:2], 0.1)
    interval_colors <- rep(
      blues[1:(length(blues) - 1)],
    ribbon_colors <- blues[1:(length(blues) - 1)]

  if (!is.null(truth_as_of)) {
    warning("Warning in plot_forecasts: truth_as_of is not used to load versioned truth data.
            Will be available soon.")

  # include truth from remote git hub repo by default
  # not using truth_as_of if we are loading truth from git hub repos
  plot_data <- get_plot_forecast_data(
    forecast_data = forecast_data,
    truth_data = truth_data,
    models_to_plot = models,
    forecast_dates_to_plot = as.Date(forecast_dates),
    horizons_to_plot = horizon,
    quantiles_to_plot = quantiles_to_plot,
    locations_to_plot = locations,
    plot_truth = plot_truth,
    truth_source = truth_source,
    target_variable_to_plot = target_variable,
    hub = hub

  # generate caption and full target variable
  if (show_caption) {
    if (!is.null(truth_as_of)) {
      caption <- paste0(
        "source: ", truth_source, " (observed data as of ",
        as.Date(truth_as_of), "), ",
        paste(models, collapse = ", "), " (forecasts)"

      caption <- paste(strwrap(caption, grDevices::dev.size("px")[1]), collapse = "\n")
    } else {
      caption <- paste0(
        "source: ", truth_source, " (observed data), ",
        paste(models, collapse = ", "), " (forecasts)"

      caption <- paste(strwrap(caption, grDevices::dev.size("px")[1]), collapse = "\n")
  } else {
    caption <- NULL

  if (target_variable == "cum death") {
    full_target_variable <- "Cumulative Deaths"
  } else if (target_variable == "inc case") {
    full_target_variable <- "Incident Cases"
  } else if (target_variable == "inc death") {
    full_target_variable <- "Incident Deaths"
  } else if (target_variable == "inc hosp" |
             target_variable == "inc flu hosp") {
    full_target_variable <- "Incident Hospitalizations"
  # split plot data
  plot_data_forecast <- plot_data %>%
    dplyr::filter(truth_forecast == "forecast")

  plot_data_truth <- plot_data %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(point), truth_forecast == "truth") %>%
    dplyr::rename(truth_model = model) %>%

  # generate title if specified as "default", otherwise leave as is
  if (title == "default") {
    if (target_variable == "inc hosp" & hub[1] != "FluSight") {
      title <- paste0(
        "Daily COVID-19 ", full_target_variable,
        ": observed and forecasted"
    } else if (hub[1] == "FluSight"){
      title <- paste0(
        "Weekly Influenza ", full_target_variable,
        ": observed and forecasted"
    } else {
      title <- paste0(
        "Weekly COVID-19 ", full_target_variable,
        ": observed and forecasted"

  if (title == "none") {
    title <- NULL

  # generate subtitle if specified as "default", otherwise leave as is
  if (subtitle == "default") {
    subtitle <- paste0(
      "Selected location(s): ",
      paste(unique(plot_data_forecast$location), collapse = ", "),
      "\nSelected forecast date(s): ",
      paste(unique(plot_data_forecast$forecast_date), collapse = ", ")

  if (subtitle == "none") {
    subtitle <- NULL

  # generate plot
  graph <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = plot_data_forecast, ggplot2::aes(x = target_end_date))

  # plot point forecasts and truth
  if (top_layer[1] == "truth"){
    # plot selected prediction intervals
    if (!is.null(intervals)) {
      graph <- graph +
          data = plot_data_forecast %>%
            dplyr::filter(type == "quantile"),
          mapping = ggplot2::aes(
            ymin = lower,
            ymax = upper,
            group = interaction(
              `Prediction Interval`, model,
              location, forecast_date
            fill = interaction(`Prediction Interval`, model)
          alpha = fill_transparency, show.legend = FALSE
        ) +
        ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "Prediction Interval", values = interval_colors) +
        # create a transparent layer with grey colors to get prediction interval legend
        ggnewscale::new_scale_fill() +
          data = plot_data_forecast %>%
            dplyr::filter(type == "quantile"),
          mapping = ggplot2::aes(
            ymin = lower,
            ymax = upper,
            fill = `Prediction Interval`
          alpha = 0
        ) +
        ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "Prediction Interval", values = ribbon_colors) +
        # create a transparent layer for models legend when point forecasts are not plotted
        # models legend will be covered if point forecasts are plotted
          data = plot_data_forecast %>%
            dplyr::filter(type == "quantile"),
          mapping = ggplot2::aes(y = upper, colour = model), alpha = 0
        ) +
        ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "Model", values = forecast_colors) +
        # reset alpha in legend fill
          fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1))
    graph <- graph +
      # forecast
        data = plot_data_forecast %>%
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x = target_end_date,
          y = point,
          group = interaction(model, location, forecast_date),
          color = model
      ) +
        data = plot_data_forecast %>%
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x = target_end_date,
          y = point,
          color = model
      ) +
        name = "Model",
        values = forecast_colors
      ) +
      # truth
      ggnewscale::new_scale_color() +
        data = plot_data_truth %>%
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x = target_end_date,
          y = point,
          color = truth_model
      ) +
        data = plot_data_truth %>%
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x = target_end_date,
          y = point,
          color = truth_model
      ) +
      ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "Truth", values = "black")
  } else if (top_layer[1] == "forecast"){
    graph <- graph +
      # truth
        data = plot_data_truth %>%
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x = target_end_date,
          y = point,
          color = truth_model
      ) +
        data = plot_data_truth %>%
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x = target_end_date,
          y = point,
          color = truth_model
      ) +
        name = "Truth", 
        values = "black"
        ) +
    # plot selected prediction intervals
    if (!is.null(intervals)) {
      graph <- graph +
          data = plot_data_forecast %>%
            dplyr::filter(type == "quantile"),
          mapping = ggplot2::aes(
            ymin = lower,
            ymax = upper,
            group = interaction(
              `Prediction Interval`, model,
              location, forecast_date
            fill = interaction(`Prediction Interval`, model)
          alpha = fill_transparency, show.legend = FALSE
        ) +
        ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "Prediction Interval", values = interval_colors) +
        # create a transparent layer with grey colors to get prediction interval legend
        ggnewscale::new_scale_fill() +
          data = plot_data_forecast %>%
            dplyr::filter(type == "quantile"),
          mapping = ggplot2::aes(
            ymin = lower,
            ymax = upper,
            fill = `Prediction Interval`
          alpha = 0
        ) +
        ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(name = "Prediction Interval", values = ribbon_colors) +
        # create a transparent layer for models legend when point forecasts are not plotted
        # models legend will be covered if point forecasts are plotted
          data = plot_data_forecast %>%
            dplyr::filter(type == "quantile"),
          mapping = ggplot2::aes(y = upper, colour = model), alpha = 0
        ) +
        ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "Model", values = forecast_colors) +
        # reset alpha in legend fill
          fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1))
    graph <- graph +
        data = plot_data_forecast %>%
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x = target_end_date,
          y = point,
          group = interaction(model, location, forecast_date),
          color = model
      ) +
        data = plot_data_forecast %>%
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x = target_end_date,
          y = point,
          color = model
      ) +
        name = "Model",
        values = forecast_colors

  # add facets
  if (!is.null(facet)) {
    graph <- graph +
        facets = facet, scales = facet_scales,
        nrow = facet_nrow, ncol = facet_ncol,
        labeller = ggplot2::label_wrap_gen(multi_line = FALSE)

  # add labels, title, subtitle and caption
  graph <- graph +
    ggplot2::scale_x_date(name = NULL, date_breaks = "1 month", date_labels = "%b %d") +
    ggplot2::ylab(full_target_variable) +
      title = title,
      subtitle = subtitle,
      caption = caption

  if (plot) {


#' Plot forecasts and optional truth for only one selected target variable.
#' Faceted plots for multiple models, locations and forecast dates are
#' supported with specified facet formula.
#' \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{lifecycle::badge("deprecated")}
#' Please use [plot_forecasts()] instead.
#' @inheritParams plot_forecasts
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.size
#' @return invisible ggplot object
#' @export
plot_forecast <- function(forecast_data,
                          truth_data = NULL,
                          hub = c("US", "ECDC", "FluSight"),
                          models = NULL,
                          locations = NULL,
                          facet = NULL,
                          facet_scales = "fixed",
                          facet_nrow = NULL,
                          facet_ncol = NULL,
                          forecast_dates = NULL,
                          use_median_as_point = FALSE,
                          plot_truth = TRUE,
                          plot = TRUE,
                          fill_by_model = FALSE,
                          fill_transparency = 1.0,
                          truth_as_of = NULL,
                          title = "default",
                          subtitle = "default",
                          show_caption = TRUE) {
  lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.1.5", "plot_forecast()", "plot_forecasts()")
    forecast_data = forecast_data,
    truth_data = truth_data,
    hub = hub,
    models = models,
    target_variable = target_variable,
    locations = locations,
    facet = facet,
    facet_scales = facet_scales,
    facet_nrow = facet_nrow,
    facet_ncol = facet_ncol,
    forecast_dates = forecast_dates,
    intervals = intervals,
    horizon = horizon,
    truth_source = truth_source,
    use_median_as_point = use_median_as_point,
    plot_truth = plot_truth,
    plot = plot,
    fill_by_model = fill_by_model,
    fill_transparency = fill_transparency,
    truth_as_of = truth_as_of,
    title = title,
    subtitle = subtitle,
    show_caption = show_caption
reichlab/covidHubUtils documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 1:42 p.m.