
#' Initiate Grid
#' @description Initiates a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame grid that will be used as the model domain. Variables in the dataframe of the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame that should otherwise be logical (e.g. areas) are converted to numeric since logical variables are incompatible with ESRI shapefiles.
#' @param EEZ A SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of the model domain
#' @param cell_size cell size of the grid to be created
#' @param proj A character string of projection arguments; the arguments must be entered exactly as in the PROJ.4 documentation
#' @param areas a named list of areas to include within the dataframe of the grid SpatialPolygonsDataFrame. (e.g. areas=c(Habitats=Habitats,Breeding=Breeding))
#' @return SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @export
#' @import rgdal
#' @import rgeos
#' @import Grid2Polygons
#' @examples
#' proj  <- "+proj=utm +zone=20 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0"
#' p <- initgrid(EEZ=EEZ,cell_size=20000,proj=proj,areas=c(Habitats=Habitats,Breeding=Breeding))
initgrid <- function(EEZ,cell_size,proj,areas=NA){
    # browser()
    if(is.null(names(areas))) warning("areas are not named (e.g. areas=c(Breeding=Breeding))")

    EEZ <- spTransform(EEZ,CRS(proj))
        for(i in seq_along(areas)){
            areas[[i]] <- spTransform(areas[[i]],CRS(proj))
    # Habitats <- spTransform(Habitats,CRS(proj))
    # Breeding <- spTransform(Breeding,CRS(proj))

    #### create habitat grid ####
    bb <- bbox(EEZ)
    cs <- c(cell_size,cell_size)  # cell size
    cc <- bb[, 1] + (cs/2)  # cell offset
    cd <- ceiling(diff(t(bb))/cs)  # number of cells per direction
    grd <- GridTopology(cellcentre.offset=cc, cellsize=cs, cells.dim=cd)

    sp_grd <- SpatialGridDataFrame(grd,

    #### make grid into polygon ####
    p <- Grid2Polygons(sp_grd)
    proj4string(p) <- CRS(proj)

    #### trim grid polygon to EEZ
    p <- p[apply(gIntersects(EEZ,p,byid=T),1,any),]
    spChFIDs(p) <- paste0("c",1:length(p))
    p@data <- data.frame(cell_ID=paste0("c",1:length(p)))

    #### set area overlaps
        for(i in seq_along(areas)){
            areas[[i]] <- apply(gIntersects(areas[[i]],p,byid=T),1,any)
            p@data <- data.frame(p@data,as.numeric(areas[[i]]))
        names(p@data) <- c("cell_ID",names(areas))
    # p$Habitats <- apply(gIntersects(Habitats,p,byid=T),1,any)
    # p$Breeding <- apply(gIntersects(Breeding,p,byid=T),1,any)
remi-daigle/BESTMPA documentation built on May 27, 2019, 4:55 a.m.