
Defines functions porcelain_input_error porcelain_input_validate_body porcelain_input_validate_parameter porcelain_input_path porcelain_input_body_json porcelain_input_body_binary porcelain_input_query

Documented in porcelain_input_body_binary porcelain_input_body_json porcelain_input_query

##' Control for query parameters.
##' @title Control for query parameters
##' @param ... Named arguments representing accepted parameters.  The
##'   value of each must be a type.
##' @param .parameters A list of named parameters to accept, instead
##'   of using \code{...} - this interface is considerably easier to
##'   program against if building an API programmatically, avoiding
##'   the use of \code{\link{do.call}}.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' porcelain::porcelain_input_query(number = "integer")
porcelain_input_query <- function(..., .parameters = list(...)) {
  assert_named(.parameters, TRUE)
  porcelain_input_collection$new(names(.parameters), .parameters, "query")

##' Control for body parameters.  This might change.  There are
##' several types of HTTP bodies that we want to consider here - the
##' primary ones are a body uploaded in binary, the other is a json
##' object.  In the latter we want to validate the body against a
##' schema (at least if validation is used).  In future we might also
##' support a form input here too.
##' @title Control for body parameters
##' @param name Name of the parameter
##' @param content_type Content type for the input. If not given, then
##'   `application/octet-stream` is used. Provide a vector of valid
##'   types to allow any of the types to be passed.
##' @export
##' @rdname porcelain_input_body
porcelain_input_body_binary <- function(name, content_type = NULL) {
  if (is.null(content_type)) {
    content_type <- "application/octet-stream"
  porcelain_input$new(name, "binary", "body", assert_raw,
                      content_type = content_type)

##' @inheritParams porcelain_returning_json
##' @param extract Optionally, the name of an element to extract from
##'   the json. If given, then the body must be a json object (not an
##'   array, for example) and `extract` must refer to a top-level key
##'   within it. We will extract the *JSON string* corresponding to
##'   this key and forward that to the argument `name`.
##'   Deserialisation of the json is still the target function's
##'   responsibility but there will be less of it.
##' @export
##' @rdname porcelain_input_body
porcelain_input_body_json <- function(name, schema = NULL, root = NULL,
                                      extract = NULL) {
  root <- schema_root(root %||% parent.frame())
  validator <- porcelain_validator(schema, root, query = NULL)
  porcelain_input$new(name, "json", "body", validator,
                      extract = extract,
                      content_type = "application/json")

## This one gets called internally
porcelain_input_path <- function(path) {
  parts <- parse_path_parameters(path)
  if (is.null(parts)) {
  porcelain_input_collection$new(parts[, "name"], parts[, "type"], "path")

## TODO: I think that content_type and schema probably end up
## throughout this class, not just within the 'data' element, we'll
## follow the swagger spec for what do do here.  I think that the
## general approach is to have a "format" field that implies the
## content type.  This can wait until later.

porcelain_input <- R6::R6Class(

  public = list(
    name = NULL,
    type = NULL,
    where = NULL,
    validator = NULL, # make this private, use a method for access?
    required = NULL,
    default = NULL,
    data = NULL,

    initialize = function(name, type, where, validator = NULL, ...) {
      if (is.null(validator)) {
        validator <- porcelain_input_validate_basic(type)
      } else {
        assert_is(validator, "function")

      self$name <- name
      self$type <- type
      self$where <- where
      self$validator <- validator

      if (where == "query") {
        types <- c("logical", "numeric", "integer", "string")
        match_value(type, types,
                    sprintf("The 'type' of query parameter %s", self$name))

      self$data <- list(...)

    bind = function(target) {
      args <- formals(target)
      if (!(self$name %in% names(args))) {
          "Argument '%s' (used in %s) missing from the target function",
          self$name, self$where))
      default <- args[[self$name]]
      self$required <- missing(default)
      if (!self$required) {
        ## TODO: might need to force a promise here?
        self$default <- default

    validate = function(given) {
      if (self$where == "body") {
        porcelain_input_validate_body(given, self)
      } else {
        porcelain_input_validate_parameter(given, self)

## query and path (eventually also cookie and header)
porcelain_input_validate_parameter <- function(given, self) {
  value <- given[[self$where]][[self$name]]
  missing_value <- is.null(value) || is.na(value)
  if (self$required && missing_value) {
      "%s parameter '%s' is missing but required",
      self$where, self$name))
  if (!missing_value) {
    value <- tryCatch(
      error = function(e)
        ## NOTE: not a lovely error message for the body
        porcelain_input_error(sprintf("Error parsing %s parameter '%s': %s",
                                   self$where, self$name, e$message)))
  } else {
    value <- self$default

porcelain_input_validate_body <- function(given, self) {
  body <- given[["body"]]
  if (self$required && !isTRUE(body$provided)) {
    porcelain_input_error("Body was not provided")
  if (isTRUE(body$provided)) {
    porcelain_input_validate_mime(body$type$mime, self$data$content_type)
    value <- body$value
  } else {
    value <- NULL

  if (!is.null(self$data$extract)) {
    value <- tryCatch(
      json_parse_extract(value, self$data$extract),
      error = function(e)
        porcelain_input_error(sprintf("Error parsing body (for '%s'): %s",
                                      self$name, e$message)))

  if (!is.null(value)) {
    value <- tryCatch(
      error = function(e)
        porcelain_input_error(sprintf("Error parsing body (for '%s'): %s",
                                   self$name, e$message)))

## This one is just to shepherd things through for now - could be an
## S3 class I think, but we'll probably pop a print method on this at
## some point, and R6 makes that easy
porcelain_input_collection <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    inputs = NULL,
    initialize = function(names, types, where) {
      self$inputs <- unname(Map(porcelain_input$new, names, types,
                                MoreArgs = list(where = where)))

porcelain_inputs <- R6::R6Class(

  private = list(
    expected = NULL

  public = list(
    inputs = NULL,

    initialize = function(inputs) {
      ## This is a bit ugly, but flattens out the collections:
      self$inputs <- unlist(recursive = FALSE, lapply(inputs, function(x)
        if (inherits(x, "porcelain_input_collection")) x$inputs else list(x)))

      expected <- vapply(self$inputs, function(x) c(x$where, x$name),
                         character(2), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      private$expected <- split(expected[2, ], expected[1, ])

      nms <- vcapply(self$inputs, "[[", "name")
      if (anyDuplicated(nms)) {
        i <- nms %in% unique(nms[duplicated(nms)])
        err <- sort(vcapply(self$inputs[i], function(x)
          sprintf("'%s' (in %s)", x$name, x$where)))
        stop("Duplicated parameter names: ", paste(err, collapse = ", "),
             call. = FALSE)

    bind = function(target) {
      for (i in self$inputs) {

      nms <- vcapply(self$inputs, "[[", "name")
      msg <- setdiff(formals_required(target), nms)
      if (length(msg) > 0L) {
        stop("Required arguments to target function missing from inputs: ",
             paste(squote(msg), collapse = ", "),
             call. = FALSE)


    validate = function(given) {
      ret <- vector("list", length(self$inputs))
      names(ret) <- vcapply(self$inputs, "[[", "name")
      for (i in self$inputs) {
        ret[[i$name]] <- i$validate(given)

      ## Validate all are expected:
      porcelain_input_validate_expected(given, private$expected)


porcelain_input_error <- function(msg) {
  porcelain_error(list(INVALID_INPUT = list(
    detail = msg)))
reside-ic/porcelain documentation built on March 4, 2024, 11:11 p.m.