tabulate_allele_names: Wide table of allele names vs loci

View source: R/report.R

tabulate_allele_namesR Documentation

Wide table of allele names vs loci


Allele pairs are shown in a standardized order with homozygous entries shown twice. NA allele names in the input are converted to empty strings while NA is given for missing sample/locus combinations.


tabulate_allele_names(data, extra_cols = NULL)



data frame containing Allele1Name and Allele2Name columns such as the first list item produced by analyze_dataset. If allele names are not yet present call name_alleles_in_table.


names or index values of additional columns from input data frame to be kept in output data frame. These should be consistent across loci for a given entry.


wide format data frame with sample entries on rows and loci on columns. An ID column will label sample entries by whichever columns were provided in the input (see make_entry_id). Empty strings are given for NA allele names, while NA is given for any implicitly missing locus/sample combinations.

ressy/microsat documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 10:09 a.m.