
Defines functions createFormula

Documented in createFormula

#' Create model formula and corresponding data frame of variables
#' Create model formula and corresponding data frame of variables for model fitting
#' Creates a model formula and corresponding data frame of variables specifying the models
#' to be fitted. Extends \code{\link[diffcyt]{createFormula}} from \code{diffcyt}.
#' The output is a list containing the model formula and corresponding data frame of
#' variables (one column per formula term). These can then be provided to differential
#' testing functions that require a model formula, together with the main data object and
#' contrast matrix.
#' The \code{experiment_info} input (which was also previously provided to
#' \code{\link[diffcyt]{prepareData}}) should be a data frame containing all factors and covariates
#' of interest. For example, depending on the experimental design, this may include the
#' following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item group IDs (e.g. groups for differential testing)
#' \item block IDs (e.g. patient IDs in a paired design; these may be included as either
#' fixed effect or random effects)
#' \item batch IDs (batch effects)
#' \item continuous covariates
#' \item sample IDs (e.g. to include random intercept terms for each sample, to account
#' for overdispersion typically seen in high-dimensional cytometry data; this is known as
#' an 'observation-level random effect' (OLRE); see see Nowicka et al., 2017,
#' \emph{F1000Research} for more details)
#' }
#' The arguments \code{cols_fixed} and \code{cols_random} specify the columns in
#' \code{experiment_info} to include as fixed effect terms and random intercept terms
#' respectively. These can be provided as character vectors of column names, numeric
#' vectors of column indices, or logical vectors. The names for each formula term are
#' taken from the column names of \code{experiment_info}.
#' The argument \code{event_indicator} specifies the column in \code{experiment_info} 
#' as the event indicator ('0' represents censored and '1' represents observed)
#' of the first element in \code{cols_fixed}. 
#' @param event_indicator Argument specifying columns of \code{experiment_info} to include as
#'   event indicator for the censored covariate in the model formula. The 
#'   censored covariate is assumed to be the first element of argument \code{cols_fixed}.
#'   This can be provided as a character vector of column names, a numeric vector of column indices, or a logical vector.
#'   Default = none.
#' @inheritParams diffcyt::createFormula 
#' @return \code{formula}: Returns a list with three elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{formula}: model formula
#' \item \code{data}: data frame of variables corresponding to the model formula
#' \item \code{random_terms}: TRUE if model formula contains any random effect terms
#' }
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # model formula with censored variable
#' experiment_info <- data.frame(
#'   survival_time = rexp(8),
#'   sample_id = factor(paste0("sample", 1:8)), 
#'   group_id = factor(rep(paste0("group", 1:2), each = 4)), 
#'   observed = factor(rep(c(0,1),4)),
#'   patient_id = factor(rep(paste0("patient", 1:4), 2)), 
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' createFormula(experiment_info, cols_fixed = c("survival_time","group_id"), 
#'   cols_random = c("sample_id", "patient_id"), event_indicator="observed")
createFormula <- function(experiment_info, cols_fixed = NULL, cols_random = NULL, event_indicator = NULL) {
  stopifnot(any(class(experiment_info) %in% c("data.frame", "tbl_df", "tbl")) || is(experiment_info, "DataFrame"))
  experiment_info <- as.data.frame(experiment_info)
  # create formula
  # fixed effects
  if (is.character(cols_fixed)) {
    stopifnot(all(cols_fixed %in% colnames(experiment_info)))
    terms_fixed <- cols_fixed
  } else if (is.numeric(cols_fixed) | is.logical(cols_fixed)) {
    terms_fixed <- colnames(experiment_info)[cols_fixed]
  RHS_fixed <- paste(terms_fixed, collapse = " + ")
  # random effects
  if (!is.null(cols_random)) {
    if (is.character(cols_random)) {
      stopifnot(all(cols_random %in% colnames(experiment_info)))
      terms_random <- cols_random
    } else if (is.numeric(cols_random) | is.logical(cols_random)) {
      terms_random <- colnames(experiment_info)[cols_random]
    RHS_random <- paste(paste0("(1 | ", terms_random, ")"), collapse = " + ")
    random_terms <- TRUE
  } else if (is.null(cols_random)) {
    terms_random <- NULL
    RHS_random <- NULL
    random_terms <- FALSE
  # censored covariate
  if (is.character(event_indicator)) {
    stopifnot(all(event_indicator %in% colnames(experiment_info)))
    term_event_indicator <- event_indicator
  } else if (is.numeric(event_indicator) | is.logical(event_indicator)) {
    term_event_indicator <- colnames(experiment_info)[event_indicator]
  # combine
  if (is.null(event_indicator)){
    RHS_combined <- paste(c(RHS_fixed, RHS_random), collapse = " + ")
  } else {
    # if first covariate is censored
    cens_cov_name <- paste0("Surv(", terms_fixed[1], ",", event_indicator, ")")
    if (length(terms_fixed) == 1){
      RHS_fixed <- NULL
    } else {
      RHS_fixed <- paste(terms_fixed[-1], collapse = " + ")
    RHS_combined <- paste(c(cens_cov_name, RHS_fixed, RHS_random), collapse = " + ")
  formula <- as.formula(paste(c("y", RHS_combined), collapse = " ~ "))
  # create data frame of corresponding variables (in correct order)
  cols <- c(terms_fixed, terms_random, event_indicator)
  data <- experiment_info[, cols, drop = FALSE]
  # return as list
  list(formula = formula, data = data, random_terms = random_terms)
retogerber/censcyt documentation built on Feb. 7, 2023, 9:56 a.m.