#' @title Content handlers collection
#' @description
#' Controls how RestRserve encodes and decodes different content types.
#' Designed to work jointly with [EncodeDecodeMiddleware]
#' @seealso [Application] [EncodeDecodeMiddleware]
#' @name ContentHandlers
#' @keywords internal
ContentHandlersFactory = R6::R6Class(
classname = "ContentHandlers",
public = list(
#' @field handlers Handlers storage environment.
handlers = NULL,
#' @description
#' Creates ContentHandlersFactory object.
initialize = function() {
#' @description
#' Set handler to encode body for the specific content type.
#' @param content_type MIME type.
#' @param FUN Function to encode response body.
set_encode = function(content_type, FUN) {
checkmate::assert_string(content_type, pattern = ".*/.*")
content_type = tolower(content_type)
if (is.null(self$handlers[[content_type]])) {
self$handlers[[content_type]] = list()
self$handlers[[content_type]][["encode"]] = FUN
#' @description
#' Get encoder function for the specific content type.
#' @param content_type MIME type.
get_encode = function(content_type) {
if (!is_string(content_type)) {
body = list(error = "500 Internal Server Error: can't encode the body - invalid 'content_type'"))
content_type = tolower(content_type)
encode = self$handlers[[content_type]][["encode"]]
if (!is.function(encode)) {
# case when charset is provided (for example 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
content_type = strsplit(content_type, ';', TRUE)[[1]][[1]]
encode = self$handlers[[content_type]][["encode"]]
if (!is.function(encode)) {
err = sprintf("500 Internal Server Error: can't encode body with content_type = '%s'", content_type)
body = list(error = err)
#' @description
#' Set handler to decode body for the specific content type.
#' @param content_type MIME type.
#' @param FUN Function to decode request body.
set_decode = function(content_type, FUN) {
checkmate::assert_string(content_type, pattern = ".*/.*")
content_type = tolower(content_type)
if (is.null(self$handlers[[content_type]])) {
self$handlers[[content_type]] = list()
self$handlers[[content_type]][["decode"]] = FUN
private$supported_decode_types = unique(c(private$supported_decode_types, content_type))
#' @description
#' Get decoder function for the specific content type.
#' @param content_type MIME type.
get_decode = function(content_type) {
if (!is_string(content_type)) {
err = "'content-type' header is not set/invalid - don't know how to decode the body"
raise(HTTPError$unsupported_media_type(body = list(error = err)))
content_type = tolower(content_type)
# ignore content types (exact match)
if (content_type %in% private$ignore$equal) {
# ignore content types (prefix match)
if (any(startsWith(content_type, private$ignore$prefix))) {
decode = self$handlers[[content_type]][["decode"]]
if (!is.function(decode)) {
# case when charset is provided (for example 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
content_type = strsplit(content_type, ';', TRUE)[[1]][[1]]
decode = self$handlers[[content_type]][["decode"]]
if (!is.function(decode)) {
err = sprintf("unsupported media type \"%s\"", content_type)
raise(HTTPError$unsupported_media_type(body = list(error = err)))
#' @description
#' Convert handlers to list.
#' @return List of handlers.
list = function() {
#' @description
#' Resets all the content handlers to RestRserve defaults.
reset = function() {
self$handlers = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
private$supported_decode_types = NULL
# set default encoders
self$set_encode("application/json", to_json)
self$set_encode("text/plain", to_string)
self$set_encode("text/html", to_string)
self$set_encode("text/css", to_string)
self$set_encode("application/javascript", to_string)
self$set_encode("image/png", identity)
# set default decoders
function(x) {
res = try(from_json(x), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
raise(HTTPError$bad_request(body = attributes(res)$condition$message))
self$set_decode("text/plain", function(x) {
if (is.raw(x)) {
x = try(rawToChar(x), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(x, "try-error")) {
raise(HTTPError$bad_request(body = attributes(x)$condition$message))
private = list(
supported_decode_types = NULL,
ignore = list(
equal = c(
prefix = c(
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.