
Defines functions compile_all find_port port_is_taken list_named to_string is_path is_string compact_list guess_mime get_traceback try_capture_stack

# borrowed from
# https://github.com/r-lib/evaluate/blob/f0119259b3a1d335e399ac2235e91bb0e5b769b6/R/traceback.r#L29
try_capture_stack = function(expr, env = environment()) {
  quoted_code = quote(expr)
  capture_calls = function(e) {
    e$calls = utils::head(sys.calls()[-seq_len(frame + 7)], -2)
  frame = sys.nframe()
    withCallingHandlers(eval(quoted_code, env), error = capture_calls),
    error = identity

get_traceback = function(err) {
  # no expanded traceback
  if (inherits(err, "try-error")) {
    condition = attr(err, "condition")[["call"]]
      error = condition[["message"]],
      call = as.character(condition[["call"]]),
      traceback = list()
  } else {
    err_msg = err$message
    stack_msg = lapply(err$calls, function(x) utils::capture.output(print(x)))
    call_msg  = utils::capture.output(print(err$call))
    list(error = err_msg, call = call_msg, traceback = stack_msg)

guess_mime = function(file_path, content_type = NULL) {
  if (is.null(content_type))
    content_type = mime::guess_type(file_path)

compact_list = function(x) {
  x[lengths(x) > 0L]

is_string = function(x) {
  is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L

is_path = function(path) {
  is_string(path) && startsWith(path, "/")

to_string = function(x) {
  if (is.raw(x)) {
    x = rawToChar(x)
  paste(as.character(x), collapse = "\n")

list_named = function(length = 0, names = paste0("V", character(length))) {
  if (!(is.numeric(length) && (length(length) == 1) && is.finite(length)))
    stop("invalid 'length' argument - should be finite numeric")

  if (length == 0)
    names = character(0)

  if (!is.character(names) || (length(names) != length))
    stop("invalid 'names' argument - should be character of size 'length'")

  if (length > 0) names = paste0('V', as.character(seq_len(length)))
  setNames(vector("list", length), names)

port_is_taken = function(port) {
    con = suppressWarnings(socketConnection(host = "localhost", port, open = "r", timeout = 1L))
  error = function(e) { FALSE }

find_port = function(tries = 50) {
  port = 6311        # default Rserve port
  min_port = 49152   # min port
  max_port = 65535   # max port
  for (i in seq_len(tries)) {
    if (!port_is_taken(port)) {
    port = trunc(runif(1, min_port, max_port))

# url_encode = function(x) {
#   vapply(x, utils::URLencode, "", reserved = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
# }

# url_decode = function(x) {
#   vapply(x, utils::URLdecode, "", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
# }

# nocov start
compile_all = function(env = .GlobalEnv, env_done = list(), options = list(optimize = 3),
                       verbose = Sys.getenv("RESTRSERVE_COMPILE_VERBOSE", unset = "FALSE")) {
  verbose = as.logical(verbose)
  if (verbose) message(sprintf("checking env %s", environmentName(env)))
  for (obj_name in ls(envir = env)) {
    if (verbose) message(sprintf("inspecting object '%s'", obj_name))
    obj = env[[obj_name]]
    if (is.function(obj)) {
      status = try({
        env[[obj_name]] = compiler::cmpfun(obj, options)
      }, silent = TRUE)
      if (verbose) {
        if (!inherits(status, "try-error")) {
          message(sprintf("compiled %s from '%s' env", obj_name, environmentName(env)))
        } else {
          message(sprintf("NOT compiled %s from '%s' env", obj_name, environmentName(env)))
    if (is.environment(obj)) {
      already_compiled = vapply(env_done, function(e) identical(e, obj), FUN.VALUE = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      already_compiled = any(already_compiled)
      if (!already_compiled) {
        compile_all(obj, append(env_done, obj), options)
# nocov end
rexyai/RestRserve documentation built on April 22, 2024, 10:29 p.m.