#' @title Linear-FLow model for one-class collaborative filtering
#' @description Creates \emph{Linear-FLow} model described in
#' \href{http://www.bkveton.com/docs/ijcai2016.pdf}{Practical Linear Models for Large-Scale One-Class Collaborative Filtering}.
#' The goal is to find item-item (or user-user) similarity matrix which is \bold{low-rank and has small Frobenius norm}. Such
#' double regularization allows to better control the generalization error of the model.
#' Idea of the method is somewhat similar to \bold{Sparse Linear Methods(SLIM)} but scales to large datasets much better.
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\url{http://www.bkveton.com/docs/ijcai2016.pdf}}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("movielens100k")
#' train = movielens100k[1:900, ]
#' cv = movielens100k[901:nrow(movielens100k), ]
#' model = LinearFlow$new(
#' rank = 10, lambda = 0,
#' solve_right_singular_vectors = "svd"
#' )
#' user_emb = model$fit_transform(train)
#' preds = model$predict(cv, k = 10)
LinearFlow = R6::R6Class(
classname = "LinearFlow",
inherit = MatrixFactorizationRecommender,
public = list(
#' @field v right singular vector of the user-item matrix. Size is \code{n_items * rank}.
#' In the paper this matrix is called \bold{v}
v = NULL,
#' @description creates Linear-FLow model with \code{rank} latent factors.
#' @param rank size of the latent dimension
#' @param lambda regularization parameter
#' @param init initialization of the orthogonal basis.
#' @param preprocess \code{identity()} by default. User spectified function which will
#' be applied to user-item interaction matrix before running matrix factorization
#' (also applied during inference time before making predictions).
#' For example we may want to normalize each row of user-item matrix to have 1 norm.
#' Or apply \code{log1p()} to discount large counts.
#' @param solve_right_singular_vectors type of the solver for initialization of the orthogonal
#' basis. Original paper uses SVD. See paper for details.
initialize = function(rank = 8L,
lambda = 0,
init = NULL,
preprocess = identity,
solve_right_singular_vectors = c("soft_impute", "svd")) {
private$preprocess = preprocess
private$rank = as.integer(rank)
private$solve_right_singular_vectors = match.arg(solve_right_singular_vectors)
private$lambda = as.numeric(lambda)
self$v = init
#' @description performs matrix factorization
#' @param x input matrix
#' @param ... not used at the moment
fit_transform = function(x, ...) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "sparseMatrix") || inherits(x, "SparsePlusLowRank"))
x = private$preprocess(x)
private$item_ids = colnames(x)
self$v = private$get_right_singular_vectors(x, ...)
logger$trace("calculating RHS")
# rhs = t(self$v) %*% t(x) %*% x
# same as above but a bit faster:
rhs = crossprod(x %*% self$v, x)
logger$trace("calculating LHS")
lhs = rhs %*% self$v
self$components = private$fit_transform_internal(lhs, rhs, private$lambda, ...)
invisible(as.matrix(x %*% self$v))
#' @description calculates user embeddings for the new input
#' @param x input matrix
#' @param ... not used at the moment
transform = function(x, ...) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "sparseMatrix") || inherits(x, "SparsePlusLowRank"))
x = private$preprocess(x)
res = x %*% self$v
if (!is.matrix(res))
res = as.matrix(res)
#' @description performs fast tuning of the parameter `lambda` with warm re-starts
#' @param x input user-item interactions matrix. Model performs matrix facrtorization based
#' only on this matrix
#' @param x_train user-item interactions matrix. Model recommends items based on this matrix.
#' Usually should be different from `x` to avoid overfitting
#' @param x_test target user-item interactions. Model will evaluate predictions against this
#' matrix, `x_test` should be treated as future interactions.
#' @param lambda numeric vector - sequaence of regularization parameters. Supports special
#' value like `auto@10`. This will automatically fine a sequence of lambda of length 10. This
#' is recommended way to check for `lambda`.
#' @param metric a metric against which model will be evaluated for top-k recommendations.
#' Currently only \code{map@@k} and \code{ndcg@@k} are supported (\code{k} can be any integer)
#' @param not_recommend matrix same shape as `x_train`. Specifies which items to not recommend
#' for each user.
#' @param ... not used at the moment
cross_validate_lambda = function(x, x_train, x_test, lambda = "auto@10", metric = "map@10",
not_recommend = x_train, ...) {
private$item_ids = colnames(x)
stopifnot(inherits(not_recommend, "sparseMatrix") || is.null(not_recommend))
if (inherits(not_recommend, "sparseMatrix"))
not_recommend = as(not_recommend, "RsparseMatrix")
stopifnot(private$item_ids == colnames(x_test))
stopifnot(private$item_ids == colnames(x_train))
x = private$preprocess(x)
x_train = private$preprocess(x_train)
lambda_auto = FALSE
if (is.character(lambda)) {
if (length(grep(pattern = "(auto)\\@[[:digit:]]+", x = lambda)) != 1 )
stop(sprintf("don't know how add '%s' metric 'auto@k' or numeric are supported", lambda))
lambda = strsplit(lambda, "@", T)[[1]]
lambdas_k = as.integer(lambda[[2]])
lambda_auto = TRUE
} else {
if (length(grep(pattern = "(ndcg|map)\\@[[:digit:]]+", x = metric)) != 1 )
stop(sprintf("don't know how add '%s' metric. Only 'map@k', 'ndcg@k' are supported", metric))
metric = strsplit(metric, "@", T)[[1]]
metric_k = as.integer(metric[[2]])
metric_name = metric[[1]]
self$v = private$get_right_singular_vectors(x, ...)
logger$trace("calculating RHS")
# rhs = t(self$v) %*% t(x) %*% x
# same as above but a bit faster:
rhs = crossprod(x %*% self$v, x)
logger$trace("calculating LHS")
lhs = rhs %*% self$v
# calculate "reasonable" lambda from values of main diagonal of LHS
if (lambda_auto) {
lhs_ridge = diag(lhs)
# generate sequence of lambda
lambda = seq(log10(0.1 * min(lhs_ridge)), log10(10 * max(lhs_ridge)), length.out = lambdas_k)
lambda = 10 ^ lambda
cv_res = data.frame(lambda = lambda, score = NA_real_)
xq_cv_train = as.matrix(x_train %*% self$v)
for (i in seq_along(lambda)) {
lambda_i = lambda[[i]]
Y = private$fit_transform_internal(lhs, rhs, lambda_i, ...)
# preds = private$predict_internal(xq_cv_train, k = metric_k, Y = Y, not_recommend = not_recommend)
preds = private$predict_internal(xq_cv_train, Y, k = metric_k, not_recommend = not_recommend)
score = NULL
if (metric_name == "map")
score = mean(ap_k(preds, x_test, ...), na.rm = T)
if (metric_name == "ndcg")
score = mean(ndcg_k(preds, x_test, ...), na.rm = T)
cv_res$score[[i]] = score
if (score >= max(cv_res$score, na.rm = T) || is.null(self$components)) {
self$components = Y
private$lambda = lambda_i
logger$trace("%d/%d lambda %.3f score = %.3f", i, length(lambda), lambda_i, score)
private = list(
rank = NULL,
preprocess = NULL,
solve_right_singular_vectors = NULL,
lambda = NULL,
# item_ids = NULL,
get_right_singular_vectors = function(x, ...) {
result = NULL
if (!is.null(self$v)) {
logger$trace("found `init`, checking it")
stopifnot(nrow((self$v)) == ncol(x))
stopifnot(ncol((self$v)) == private$rank)
result = self$v
} else {
if (is.null(self$v)) {
if (private$solve_right_singular_vectors == "soft_impute")
trunc_svd = soft_impute(x, rank = private$rank, lambda = 0, ...)
else if (private$solve_right_singular_vectors == "svd")
trunc_svd = soft_svd(x, rank = private$rank, lambda = 0, ...)
stop(sprintf("don't know solver '%s'", private$solve_right_singular_vectors))
result = trunc_svd$v
fit_transform_internal = function(lhs, rhs, lambda, ...) {
logger$trace("solving least squares with lambda %.3f", lambda)
lhs_ridge = lhs + diag(rep(lambda, private$rank))
as.matrix(solve(lhs_ridge, rhs))
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