feat1 <- aggregateFeatures(feat1, "psms", "Sequence", "peptides")
## Artificially duplicate psms assay to test multi-parent linking
featMultiP <- addAssay(feat1, feat1[["psms"]], name = "psms2")
alMulti <- .create_assay_link(featMultiP,
from = c("psms", "psms2"),
to = "peptides",
varFrom = c("Sequence", "Sequence"),
varTo = "Sequence")
test_that("empty AssayLink", {
## Test the constructor for generating an empty AssayLink object
al <- AssayLink("foo")
naChar <- character(1)
naChar[1] <- NA ## Get an NA of class "character
expect_identical(al@name, "foo")
expect_identical(al@from, naChar)
expect_identical(al@hits, Hits())
test_that("empty AssayLinks", {
## Test the constructor for generating an empty AssayLinks object
als <- AssayLinks()
expect_identical(length(als), 0L)
test_that("Subset AssayLinks", {
als <- assayLinks(feat1, "peptides")
als <- als[list(peptides = "ELGNDAYK", psms = paste0("PSM", 4:6))]
## Check that only the desired peptide remains
expect_identical("ELGNDAYK", unique(elementMetadata(als[["peptides"]]@hits)$names_to))
## Check that only the desired PSMS remains
expect_identical(paste0("PSM", 4:6), unique(elementMetadata(als[["peptides"]]@hits)$names_from))
test_that("updateObject", {
## Test for AssayLinks
## Applying updateObject on feat3's AssayLinks should lead to the
## same object
expect_identical(feat3@assayLinks, updateObject(feat3@assayLinks))
## Test for AssayLink
## Applying updateObject on feat3's first (empty) AssayLink should
## lead to the same object
expect_identical(feat3@assayLinks[[1]], updateObject(feat3@assayLinks[[1]]))
## Applying updateObject on feat3's fourth (single linked assay)
## AssayLink should lead to the same object
expect_identical(feat3@assayLinks[[4]], updateObject(feat3@assayLinks[[4]]))
## Applying updateObject on feat3's third (multiple linked assays)
## AssayLink should lead to the same object
expect_identical(feat3@assayLinks[[3]], updateObject(feat3@assayLinks[[3]]))
## Check verbose
expect_message(updateObject(feat3@assayLinks, verbose = TRUE),
regexp = "updateObject.*'AssayLinks'")
expect_message(updateObject(feat3@assayLinks[[1]], verbose = TRUE),
regexp = "updateObject.*'AssayLink'")
test_that(".getHits", {
## Test one to one matching, same ordering
hits <- .get_Hits(rdFrom = DataFrame(A = 1:10, row.names = letters[1:10]),
rdTo = DataFrame(B = 1:10, row.names = LETTERS[1:10]),
varFrom = "A", varTo = "B")
## Test the expected number of hits
expect_identical(length(hits), 10L)
## Test the rownames are correctly matched
expect_identical(elementMetadata(hits)$names_from, letters[1:10])
expect_identical(elementMetadata(hits)$names_to, LETTERS[1:10])
## Test one to one matching, different ordering
hits <- .get_Hits(rdFrom = DataFrame(A = 1:10, row.names = letters[1:10]),
rdTo = DataFrame(B = 10:1, row.names = LETTERS[10:1]),
varFrom = "A", varTo = "B")
## Test the expected number of hits
expect_identical(length(hits), 10L)
## Test the rownames are correctly matched
expect_identical(elementMetadata(hits)$names_from, letters[1:10])
expect_identical(elementMetadata(hits)$names_to, LETTERS[1:10])
## Test many to one matching
hits <- .get_Hits(rdFrom = DataFrame(A = rep(1:10, each = 2), row.names = letters[1:20]),
rdTo = DataFrame(B = 1:10, row.names = LETTERS[1:10]),
varFrom = "A", varTo = "B")
## Test the expected number of hits
expect_identical(length(hits), 20L)
## Test the rownames are correctly matched
expect_identical(elementMetadata(hits)$names_from, letters[1:20])
expect_identical(elementMetadata(hits)$names_to, rep(LETTERS[1:10], each = 2))
## Test many to one matching, with some features missing
hits <- .get_Hits(rdFrom = DataFrame(A = rep(1:10, each = 2), row.names = letters[1:20]),
rdTo = DataFrame(B = 1:5, row.names = LETTERS[1:5]),
varFrom = "A", varTo = "B")
## Test the expected number of hits
expect_identical(length(hits), 10L)
## Test the rownames are correctly matched
expect_identical(elementMetadata(hits)$names_from, letters[1:10])
expect_identical(elementMetadata(hits)$names_to, rep(LETTERS[1:5], each = 2))
## Test errors
## No match found
expect_error(.get_Hits(rdFrom = DataFrame(A = 1:5), rdTo = DataFrame(B = 6:10),
varFrom = "A", varTo = "B"),
regexp = "No match found")
test_that(".create_assay_link", {
## Test 1 parent to 1 child link
## we use expect_equivalent and not identical because the `hits` in
## `feat1[["peptides"]]` are sorted by `Sequence` during `aggregateFeatures`
.create_assay_link(feat1, from = "psms", to = "peptides",
varFrom = "Sequence", varTo = "Sequence"))
## Test one to one link based on rownaes
al <- .create_assay_link(featMultiP, from = "psms", to = "psms2")
expect_identical(al@from, "psms")
expect_identical(al@fcol, "._rownames")
expect_identical(elementMetadata(al@hits)$names_from, paste0("PSM", 1:10))
expect_identical(elementMetadata(al@hits)$names_to, paste0("PSM", 1:10))
## Test 2 parents to 1 child
expect_identical(alMulti@name, "peptides")
expect_identical(alMulti@from, c("psms", "psms2"))
expect_identical(alMulti@fcol, c("Sequence", "Sequence"))
expect_true(inherits(alMulti@hits, "List"))
expect_identical(alMulti@hits[[1]], alMulti@hits[[2]])
expect_equivalent(alMulti@hits[[1]], feat1@assayLinks[["peptides"]]@hits)
## Test errors
## Cannot create a link between an assay and itself
expect_error(.create_assay_link(feat1, from = "psms", to = "psms",
varFrom = "Sequence", varTo = "Sequence"),
regexp = "itself is not allowed")
## The number of `from` assays and the number of `varFrom` do not match
expect_error(.create_assay_link(feat1, from = "psms", to = "peptides",
varFrom = c("Sequence", "Sequence"),
varTo = "Sequence"),
regexp = "must be of identical length")
test_that(".update_assay_links", {
## Test 1 parent to 1 child link
feat2 <- feat1
feat2@assayLinks[["peptides"]] <- AssayLink("peptides") # remove AL
.update_assay_links(feat2, feat1@assayLinks[["peptides"]]))
## Test 2 parents to 1 child link
feat3 <- .update_assay_links(featMultiP, alMulti)
expect_identical(assayLink(feat3,"peptides")@from, alMulti@from)
expect_identical(assayLink(feat3,"peptides")@fcol, alMulti@fcol)
expect_identical(assayLink(feat3,"peptides")@hits, alMulti@hits)
## Test errors
## `to` assay not present in Feaures object
alWrong <- AssayLink("foo")
expect_error(.update_assay_links(feat1, alWrong),
regexp = "@names not valid")
## `from`` assay not present in Feaures object
alWrong <- AssayLink("peptides", "bar")
expect_error(.update_assay_links(feat1, alWrong),
regexp = "@from not valid")
## Update AssayLink with an AssayLink object containing wrong rownames
## Wrong rownames from the parent assay
alWrong <- assayLink(feat1, "peptides")
elementMetadata(alWrong@hits)$names_from <-
paste(elementMetadata(alWrong@hits)$names_from, "foo")
expect_error(.update_assay_links(feat1, alWrong),
regexp = "The AssayLink metadata 'names_from'")
## Wrong rownames from the child assay
alWrong <- assayLink(feat1, "peptides")
elementMetadata(alWrong@hits)$names_to <-
paste(elementMetadata(alWrong@hits)$names_to, "bar")
expect_error(.update_assay_links(feat1, alWrong),
regexp = "does not match the rownames")
## Same but with multiple-parent link
## Wrong rownames from on of the parent assays
alMulti@hits$psms@elementMetadata$names_from[1] <- "foo"
expect_error(.update_assay_links(featMultiP, alMulti),
regexp = "'names_from' does not match")
## Wrong rownames from the child assay
alMulti@hits$psms@elementMetadata$names_from[1] <- "PSM1" ## reset correct
alMulti@hits$psms@elementMetadata$names_to[1] <- "foo"
expect_error(.update_assay_links(featMultiP, alMulti),
regexp = "'names_to' does not match")
test_that("addAssayLink", {
feat2 <- feat1
feat2@assayLinks[["peptides"]] <- AssayLink("peptides") # remove AL
## Test 1 parent to 1 child link
expect_identical(addAssayLink(feat2, from = "psms", to = "peptides",
varFrom = "Sequence", varTo = "Sequence"),
addAssayLink(feat2, from = 1, to = 2,
varFrom = "Sequence", varTo = "Sequence"))
addAssayLink(feat2, from = "psms", to = "peptides",
varFrom = "Sequence", varTo = "Sequence"))
## Test 2 parents to 1 child link
from = c("psms", "psms2"),
to = "peptides",
varFrom = c("Sequence", "Sequence"),
varTo = "Sequence")@assayLinks$peptides)
from = c(1, 3),
to = "peptides",
varFrom = c("Sequence", "Sequence"),
varTo = "Sequence")@assayLinks$peptides)
test_that("addAssayLinkOneToOne", {
## Test correct usage
psms <- feat1[["psms"]]
feat2 <- QFeatures(list(psms1 = psms, psms2 = psms))
feat2 <- addAssayLinkOneToOne(feat2, from = "psms1", to = "psms2")
al <- assayLink(feat2, "psms2")
expect_identical(al@name, "psms2")
expect_identical(al@from, "psms1")
expect_identical(al@fcol, "._oneToOne")
expect_identical(al@hits@from, 1:10)
expect_identical(al@hits@to, 1:10)
# Still works after reordering the rows of one assay
feat3 <- QFeatures(list(psms1 = psms, psms2 = psms[nrow(psms):1]))
feat3 <- addAssayLinkOneToOne(feat3, "psms1", "psms2")
expect_equivalent(feat2@assayLinks[[2]], feat3@assayLinks[[2]])
## Test errors
## The assays don't have same size
expect_error(addAssayLinkOneToOne(feat1, from = "psms", to = "peptides"),
regexp = "must have the same number of rows.")
## The rownames don't match
psms2 <- psms
rownames(psms2) <- paste(rownames(psms2), "foo")
feat2 <- QFeatures(list(psms1 = psms, psms2 = psms2))
expect_error(addAssayLinkOneToOne(feat2, "psms1", "psms2"),
regexp = "Different rownames found")
## One to one link is not allowed between an assay and itself
expect_error(addAssayLinkOneToOne(feat2, "psms1", "psms1"),
regexp = "itself is not allowed")
## Adding one to one links is not support for multiple parents
expect_error(addAssayLinkOneToOne(feat2, c("psms1", "psms2"), "psms3"),
regexp = "One to one links are not supported for multiple parents.")
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