
Defines functions AbundanceSimilarityParam

Documented in AbundanceSimilarityParam

#' @include AllGenerics.R
#' @include grouping-functions.R
#' @include corRows.R

#' @title Group features based on abundance similarities across samples
#' @name groupFeatures-similar-abundance
#' @description
#' Group features based on similar abundances (i.e. *feature values*) across
#' samples. Parameter `subset` allows to define a sub set of samples on which
#' the similarity calculation should be performed. It might for example be
#' better to exclude QC samples from the analysis because feature values  are
#' supposed to be constant in these samples.
#' The function first calculates a nxn similarity matrix with n being the
#' number of features and subsequently groups features for which the similarity
#' is higher than the user provided threshold. Parameter `simFun` allows
#' to specify the function to calculate the pairwise similarities on the feature
#' values (eventually transformed by the function specified with parameter
#' `transform`). `simFun` defaults to a function that uses `cor` to calculate
#' similarities between rows in `object` but any function that calculates
#' similarities between rows and that returns a (symmetric) numeric similarity
#' matrix can be used.
#' If `object` is a [SummarizedExperiment()]: if a column `"feature_group"` is
#' found in [SummarizedExperiment::colData()] feature groups defined in that
#' column are further sub-grouped with this method. See [groupFeatures()] for
#' the general concept of this feature grouping.
#' Parameter `groupFun` allows to specify the function to group the features
#' based on the similarity function. It defaults to `groupSimilarityMatrix`. See
#' [groupSimilarityMatrix()] for details.
#' Additional settings for the `groupFun` and `simFun` functions can be passed
#' to the **parameter object**  with the `...` in the `AbundanceSimilarityParam`
#' constructor function. Other additional parameters specific for the type
#' of `object` can be passed *via* `...` in the `groupFeatures` call.
#' @param groupFun `function` to group features based on the calculated
#'     similarity matrix. Defaults to `groupFun = groupSimilarityMatrix`. See
#'     [groupSimilarityMatrix()] for details.
#' @param i for `object` being a [SummarizedExperiment()]: `integer(1)` or
#'     `character(1)` specifying either the index or name of the  the *assay*
#'     in `object` that contains the feature values that should be used. Use
#'     [assayNames()] on `object` to list all available assays.
#' @param object object containing the feature abundances on which features
#'     should be grouped.
#' @param param `AbundanceSimilarityParam` defining the settings for the
#'     grouping based on feature values.
#' @param simFun `function` to be used to calculate (pairwise)
#'     similarities (between **rows**). Defaults to `simFun = corRows`.
#'     See description or [corRows()] for more details.
#' @param subset `integer` or `logical` defining a subset of samples (at least
#'     2) on which the similarity calculation should be performed. By default
#'     the calculation is performed on all samples.
#' @param threshold `numeric(1)` defining the (similarity) threshold to be used
#'     for the feature grouping. This parameter is passed to the `groupFun`
#'     function.
#' @param transform `function` to be used to transform feature abundances prior
#'     to the similarity calculation. Defaults to `transform = identity`.
#'     Alternatively, values could e.g. transformed into log2 scale with
#'     `transform = log2`.
#' @param ... for `AbundanceSimilarityParam`: optional parameters to be passed
#'     along to `simFun` and `groupFun`. For `groupFeatures`: optional
#'     parameters for the extraction/definition of the feature values from
#'     `object`.
#' @return for object being a `SummarizedExperiment`: a `SummarizedExperiment`
#'     with the grouping results added to a column `"feature_group"` in the
#'     object's `rowData`. For object being a `matrix`: an `integer` of length
#'     equal to the number of rows with the group identifiers.
#' @family feature grouping methods
#' @seealso [groupFeatures()] for the general concept of feature grouping.
#' @seealso [featureGroups()] for the function to extract defined feature
#'     groups from a `SummarizedExperiment`.
#' @rdname groupFeatures-similar-abundance
#' @exportClass AbundanceSimilarityParam
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' ## Define a simple numeric matrix on which we want to group the rows
#' x <- rbind(
#'     c(12, 34, 231, 234, 9, 5, 7),
#'     c(900, 900, 800, 10, 12, 9, 4),
#'     c(25, 70, 400, 409, 15, 8, 4),
#'     c(12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18),
#'     c(14, 36, 240, 239, 12, 7, 8),
#'     c(100, 103, 80, 2, 3, 1, 1)
#'     )
#' ## Group rows based on similarity calculated with Pearson's correlation
#' ## on the actual data values (without transforming them).
#' res <- groupFeatures(x, AbundanceSimilarityParam())
#' res
#' ## Use Spearman's rho to correlate rows of the log2 transformed x matrix
#' res <- groupFeatures(x, AbundanceSimilarityParam(method = "spearman",
#'     transform = log2))
#' res
#' ## Perform the grouping on a SummarizedExperiment
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' data(se)
#' ## Group features based on log2 transformed feature values in the first
#' ## assay of the SummarizedExperiment
#' res <- groupFeatures(se, param = AbundanceSimilarityParam(threshold = 0.7,
#'     transform = log2))
#' featureGroups(res)
#' ## Perform feature grouping only on a subset of rows/features:
#' featureGroups(res) <- NA_character_
#' featureGroups(res)[40:80] <- "FG"
#' res <- groupFeatures(res, AbundanceSimilarityParam(transform = log2))
#' featureGroups(res)

    slots = c(
        threshold = "numeric",
        simFun = "function",
        groupFun = "function",
        subset = "integer",
        transform = "function",
        dots = "list"),
    contains = "Param",
    prototype = prototype(
        threshold = 0.9,
        simFun = corRows,
        groupFun = groupSimilarityMatrix,
        subset = integer(),
        transform = identity,
        dots = list()
    validity = function(object) {
        msg <- NULL
        if (length(object@threshold) != 1)
            msg <- "'threshold' has to be of length 1"

#' @rdname groupFeatures-similar-abundance
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @export
AbundanceSimilarityParam <-
    function(threshold = 0.9,
             simFun = corRows,
             groupFun = groupSimilarityMatrix,
             subset = integer(), transform = identity,
             ...) {
        if (is.logical(subset))
            subset <- which(subset)
        if (is.numeric(subset))
            subset <- as.integer(subset)
        if (!is.integer(subset))
            stop("'subset' has to be either a logical or an integer vector")
        new("AbundanceSimilarityParam", threshold = threshold, simFun = simFun,
            groupFun = groupFun, subset = subset, transform = transform,
            dots = list(...))

#' @rdname groupFeatures-similar-abundance
#' @export
    signature(object = "matrix", param = "AbundanceSimilarityParam"),
        function(object, param, ...) {
            if (!is.numeric(object))
                stop("'object' needs to be a numeric matrix", call. = FALSE)
            subs <- param@subset
            if (!length(subs))
                subs <- seq_len(ncol(object))
            if (!all(subs %in% seq_len(ncol(object))))
                stop("'subset' out of bounds. 'subset' should be ",
                     "between 1 and ", ncol(object))
            simFun <- param@simFun
            parms <- param@dots
            res <- do.call(
                args = c(list(param@transform(object[, subs, drop = FALSE])),
            if (!(is.matrix(res) && nrow(res) == ncol(res) &&
                  nrow(res) == nrow(object) && is.numeric(res)))
                stop("'simFun' did not return the expected results, ",
                     "i.e. a symmetric numeric matrix with ", nrow(object),
                     " columns and rows", call. = FALSE)
                    args = c(list(res), threshold = param@threshold,

#' @rdname groupFeatures-similar-abundance
#' @importMethodsFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @export
    signature(object = "SummarizedExperiment",
              param = "AbundanceSimilarityParam"),
    function(object, param, i = 1L, ...) {
        fgs <- featureGroups(object)
        if (all(is.na(fgs)))
            fgs <- rep("FG", length(fgs))
        nas <- is.na(fgs)
        fgs <- factor(fgs, levels = unique(fgs))
        l <- split.data.frame(assay(object, i), fgs)
        res <- lapply(
            function(z, param) .format_id(groupFeatures(z, param = param, ...)),
            param = param, ...)
        res <- paste(fgs, unsplit(res, f = fgs), sep = ".")
        if (any(nas))
            res[nas] <- NA_character_
        featureGroups(object) <- res
rformassspectrometry/MsFeatures documentation built on April 21, 2023, 6:20 a.m.