test_df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L, 2L))
test_df$mz <- list(c(1.1, 1.3, 1.5), c(4.1, 5.1), c(1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9))
test_df$intensity <- list(c(45.1, 34, 12), c(234.4, 1333), c(42.1, 34.2, 65, 6))
test_be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), file = tempfile(),
data = test_df)
test_that("backendInitialize,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
if (!requireNamespace("rhdf5", quietly = TRUE))
stop("Unable to load package rhdf5")
res <- MsBackendHdf5Peaks()
expect_true(is(res, "MsBackendHdf5Peaks"))
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
## Start with missing file, no scanIndex
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L, 2L))
df$mz <- list(c(1.1, 1.3, 1.5), c(4.1, 5.1), c(1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9))
df$intensity <- list(c(45.1, 34, 12), c(234.4, 1333), c(42.1, 34.2, 65, 6))
df$dataStorage <- "myfile"
dr <- normalizePath(tempdir())
res <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), data = df,
hdf5path = dr)
expect_true(is(res, "MsBackendHdf5Peaks"))
expect_identical(res$msLevel, c(1L, 2L, 2L))
expect_equal(basename(unique(res$dataStorage)), "myfile.h5")
expect_equal(normalizePath(dirname(unique(res$dataStorage))), dr)
expect_identical(mz(res), as(df$mz, "NumericList"))
expect_identical(scanIndex(res), 1:3)
## Fails if SIMPLIFY=FALSE is missing in mapply
m <- DataFrame(msLevel=1L, scanIndex=1:2)
m$mz <- list(1:4, 1:4)
m$intensity <- list(1:4, 5:8)
res <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), files = "mapply.h5",
data = m, hdf5path = dr)
expect_equal(NumericList(m$intensity, compress = FALSE), intensity(res))
## Two files.
df$dataStorage <- c("2", "1", "2")
res <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), files = c("a.h5", "b.h5"),
data = df, hdf5path = dr)
expect_true(is(res, "MsBackendHdf5Peaks"))
expect_equal(basename(unique(res$dataStorage)), c("a.h5", "b.h5"))
expect_equal(normalizePath(dirname(unique(res$dataStorage)))[1], dr)
expect_identical(scanIndex(res), 1:3)
## Two dataStorage, no files provided
res <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(),
data = df, hdf5path = dr)
expect_true(is(res, "MsBackendHdf5Peaks"))
expect_equal(basename(unique(res$dataStorage)), c("2.h5", "1.h5"))
expect_equal(normalizePath(dirname(unique(res$dataStorage)))[1], dr)
expect_identical(scanIndex(res), 1:3)
## Same but with scanIndex provide
df$scanIndex <- c(1L, 1L, 2L)
res <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), files = c("c", "d"),
data = df, hdf5path = dr)
expect_true(is(res, "MsBackendHdf5Peaks"))
expect_equal(basename(unique(res$dataStorage)), c("c", "d"))
expect_equal(normalizePath(dirname(unique(res$dataStorage)))[1], dr)
expect_identical(scanIndex(res), c(1L, 1L, 2L))
## Errors
expect_error(backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), files = "single",
data = df, hdf5path = dr),
"provided file names has to match")
expect_error(backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), data = "a"),
"with spectrum data")
expect_error(backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), data = df,
files = c("a", "b", "c", "d")),
"Number of provided")
df$dataStorage <- NULL
expect_error(backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), data = df,
hdf5path = dr),
"Column \"dataStorage\" is required")
## Special cases
res <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks())
expect_true(is(res, "MsBackendHdf5Peaks"))
expect_true(length(res) == 0)
## Empty m/z and/or intensity
spd <- df
spd$mz <- NULL
spd$scanIndex <- 1:3
res <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), files = "no-peak-data",
data = spd, hdf5path = dr)
expect_true(is(res, "MsBackendHdf5Peaks"))
expect_true(length(res) == 3)
test_that("intensity,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
be <- MsBackendHdf5Peaks()
expect_identical(intensity(be), NumericList(compress = FALSE))
res <- intensity(test_be)
expect_identical(res, NumericList(test_df$intensity, compress = FALSE))
expect_equal(length(res), length(test_be))
test_that("intensity<-,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), files = tempfile(), test_df)
ints <- lapply(test_df$intensity, function(z) z/2)
intensity(be) <- ints
expect_identical(intensity(be), NumericList(ints, compress = FALSE))
expect_identical(be@modCount, 1L)
expect_error(intensity(be) <- 4, "has to be a list")
expect_error(intensity(be) <- list(4), "has to match the length")
expect_error(intensity(be) <- list(4, 3, 5), "match the number of peaks")
test_that("ionCount,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
be <- MsBackendHdf5Peaks()
expect_equal(ionCount(be), numeric())
res <- ionCount(test_be)
expect_true(length(res) == length(test_be))
expect_identical(res, vapply(test_be$intensity, sum, numeric(1)))
test_that("isCentroided,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
be <- MsBackendHdf5Peaks()
expect_equal(isCentroided(be), logical())
res <- isCentroided(test_be)
expect_true(length(res) == length(test_be))
res <- isCentroided(sciex_hd5)
test_that("isEmpty,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
be <- MsBackendHdf5Peaks()
expect_equal(isEmpty(be), logical())
res <- isEmpty(test_be)
expect_true(length(res) == length(test_be))
df <- test_df
df$intensity[[2]] <- numeric()
df$mz[[2]] <- numeric()
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), files = tempfile(),
data = df)
res <- isEmpty(be)
expect_identical(res, c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))
test_that("mz,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
be <- MsBackendHdf5Peaks()
expect_identical(mz(be), NumericList(compress = FALSE))
res <- mz(test_be)
expect_true(is(res, "NumericList"))
expect_identical(res, NumericList(test_df$mz, compress = FALSE))
test_that("mz<-,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), files = tempfile(), test_df)
mzs <- lapply(test_df$mz, function(z) z/2)
mz(be) <- mzs
expect_identical(mz(be), NumericList(mzs, compress = FALSE))
expect_identical(be@modCount, 1L)
expect_error(mz(be) <- 4, "has to be a list")
expect_error(mz(be) <- list(4), "has to match the length")
expect_error(mz(be) <- list(4, 3, 5), "match the number of peaks")
test_that("peaksData,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
if (!requireNamespace("rhdf5", quietly = TRUE))
stop("Unable to load package rhdf5")
df <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L, 2L), scanIndex = 4:6)
df$mz <- list(c(1.1, 1.3, 1.5), c(4.1, 5.1), c(1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9))
df$intensity <- list(c(45.1, 34, 12), c(234.4, 1333), c(42.1, 34.2, 65, 6))
matl <- mapply(function(mz, intensity) cbind(mz, intensity),
df$mz, df$intensity)
fl <- normalizePath(tempfile())
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), file = fl, data = df)
expect_identical(peaksData(be), matl)
df$dataStorage <- c("2", "1", "2")
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), data = df,
files = c(tempfile(), tempfile()))
expect_identical(peaksData(be), matl)
expect_identical(peaksData(sciex_mzr), peaksData(sciex_hd5))
## columns
expect_error(peaksData(sciex_mzr, columns = c("mz", "other")),
"only support columns")
res <- peaksData(sciex_mzr, columns = c("intensity"))
expect_equal(colnames(res[[1L]]), "intensity")
expect_equal(res[[1L]][, 1L], sciex_pks[[1L]][, 2L])
res <- peaksData(sciex_mzr, columns = c("intensity", "mz", "mz"))
expect_equal(colnames(res[[1L]]), c("intensity", "mz", "mz"))
expect_equal(res[[1L]][, 1L], sciex_pks[[1L]][, 2L])
expect_equal(res[[1L]][, 2L], sciex_pks[[1L]][, 1L])
expect_equal(res[[1L]][, 3L], sciex_pks[[1L]][, 1L])
test_that("peaksData<-,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), files = tempfile(),
data = test_df)
pks <- peaksData(be)
pks_2 <- list(pks[[1]][2, , drop = FALSE],
pks[[3]][1:3, ])
peaksData(be) <- pks_2
expect_identical(be@modCount, 1L)
expect_identical(peaksData(be), pks_2)
pks_2[[2]] <- pks_2[[2]][0, ]
peaksData(be) <- pks_2
expect_identical(be@modCount, 2L)
expect_identical(peaksData(be), pks_2)
expect_identical(lengths(be), c(1L, 0L, 3L))
test_that("lenghts,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
be <- MsBackendHdf5Peaks()
expect_equal(lengths(be), integer())
res <- lengths(test_be)
expect_true(length(res) == length(test_be))
expect_identical(res, lengths(test_be$mz))
test_that("spectraData,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
be <- MsBackendHdf5Peaks()
res <- spectraData(be)
expect_true(nrow(res) == 0)
expect_identical(colnames(res), spectraVariables(be))
res <- spectraData(test_be)
expect_identical(res$msLevel, test_df$msLevel)
expect_identical(res$mz, NumericList(test_df$mz, compress = FALSE))
expect_identical(res$intensity, NumericList(test_df$intensity,
compress = FALSE))
test_that("spectraData<-,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), files = tempfile(),
data = test_df)
df <- test_df
df$new_col <- "a"
df$msLevel <- 1L
df$intensity <- NULL
df$mz <- NULL
spectraData(be) <- df
expect_identical(be@modCount, 0L)
expect_identical(msLevel(be), rep(1L, 3))
expect_identical(intensity(be), NumericList(test_df$intensity,
compress = FALSE))
expect_identical(be$new_col, c("a", "a", "a"))
expect_identical(scanIndex(be), 1:3)
## Only m/z, no intensities.
df$mz <- test_df$mz
spectraData(be) <- df
expect_identical(mz(be), NumericList(test_df$mz, compress = FALSE))
expect_identical(be@modCount, 1L)
## Update the m/z and intensities.
df$mz <- list(c(1.1, 1.2), numeric(), c(1.3, 1.4))
df$intensity <- list(c(45.3, 345.1), numeric(), c(1234.2, 12.1))
spectraData(be) <- df
expect_identical(intensity(be), NumericList(df$intensity, compress = FALSE))
expect_identical(mz(be), NumericList(df$mz, compress = FALSE))
expect_identical(lengths(be), c(2L, 0L, 2L))
expect_identical(be@modCount, 2L)
## Error:
expect_error(spectraData(be) <- "a", "has to be a 'DataFrame'")
expect_error(spectraData(be) <- df[1:2, ], "have to match the length of")
test_that("$<-,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), files = tempfile(), test_df)
be$msLevel <- 1L
expect_identical(msLevel(be), rep(1L, 3))
ints <- lapply(test_df$intensity, function(z) z/2)
be$intensity <- ints
expect_identical(intensity(be), NumericList(ints, compress = FALSE))
expect_identical(be@modCount, 1L)
mzs <- lapply(test_df$mz, function(z) z/4)
be$mz <- mzs
expect_identical(mz(be), NumericList(mzs, compress = FALSE))
expect_identical(be@modCount, 2L)
expect_error(be$mz <- 4, "has to be a list")
expect_error(be$intensity <- list(4), "has to match the length")
expect_error(be$intensity <- list(4, 3, 5), "match the number of peaks")
test_that("[,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
fls <- normalizePath(c(tempfile(), tempfile()))
be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), files = fls,
data = spectraData(sciex_mzr))
idx <- sample(seq_along(be), 30)
res <- be[idx]
expect_identical(peaksData(res), sciex_pks[idx])
expect_identical(rtime(res), rtime(sciex_mzr)[idx])
expect_identical(msLevel(res), msLevel(sciex_mzr)[idx])
res_2 <- extractByIndex(be, idx)
expect_equal(res, res_2)
idx <- dataStorage(be) == fls[2]
res <- be[idx, ]
expect_true(all(dataStorage(res) == fls[2]))
expect_identical(peaksData(res), sciex_pks[idx])
res_2 <- extractByIndex(be, idx)
expect_equal(res, res_2)
test_that("backendMerge,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
tmp <- test_df
tmp$rtime <- as.numeric(1:3)
be1 <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), file = tempfile(), tmp)
tmp$rtime <- as.numeric(4:6)
be2 <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), file = tempfile(), tmp)
tmp$rtime <- as.numeric(7:9)
tmp$new_col <- "3rd backend"
be3 <- backendInitialize(MsBackendHdf5Peaks(), file = tempfile(), tmp)
be2$intensity <- be2$intensity / 2
be3$intensity <- be3$intensity / 3
be2$intensity <- be2$intensity + 3
expect_true(be1@modCount == 0)
expect_true(be2@modCount == 2)
expect_true(be3@modCount == 1)
## Empty backends
be_e <- be1[integer()]
res <- backendMerge(be_e, be_e)
expect_equal(spectraData(res), spectraData(be_e))
## Error if duplicated dataStorage
expect_error(backendMerge(be1, be1), "same 'dataStorage' is not supported")
## Test merging of backends with different modCount.
res <- backendMerge(be1, be2, be3)
expect_identical(unique(res$dataStorage), c(unique(be1$dataStorage),
expect_identical(rtime(res), as.numeric(1:9))
expect_identical(intensity(res), c(intensity(be1), intensity(be2),
expect_identical(mz(res), c(mz(be1), mz(be2), mz(be3)))
expect_identical(res@modCount, c(0L, 2L, 1L))
## Subsetting of backend with different modCount.
tmp <- res[9:1]
expect_identical(unique(tmp$dataStorage), rev(unique(res$dataStorage)))
expect_identical(tmp@modCount, rev(res@modCount))
expect_identical(peaksData(tmp)[[1]], peaksData(res)[[9]])
expect_identical(peaksData(tmp)[[8]], peaksData(res)[[2]])
tmp <- res[7]
expect_identical(tmp@modCount, 1L)
expect_identical(unique(tmp$dataStorage), unique(be3$dataStorage))
## Changing the data in the original object, invalidates the joined.
be3$intensity <- be3$intensity * 2
test_that("dropNaSpectraVariables works with MsBackendHdf5", {
res <- dropNaSpectraVariables(sciex_hd5)
expect_equal(mz(res[1]), mz(sciex_hd5[1]))
expect_true(length(spectraVariables(res)) <
test_that("backendParallelFactor,MsBackendHdf5Peaks", {
levels = unique(dataStorage(sciex_hd5))))
test_that("backendRequiredSpectraVariables,MsBackendHdf5Peaks works", {
c("dataStorage", "scanIndex"))
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