#' @title Low level functions to convert between Spectra and matchms Spectrum
#' @name rspec_to_pyspec
#' @description
#' The `rspec_to_pyspec()` and `pyspec_to_rspec()` functions allow to convert
#' R [Spectra::Spectra()] objects into
#' [matchms](https://github.com/matchms/matchms) Python `matchms.Spectrum`
#' objects. These functions are designed for
#' **advanced users or developers** who want/need to integrate Python/matchms
#' functionality into R using *reticulate*. All other users should use the
#' dedicated R functions within this package that take care of running the
#' Python code in the correct Python environment.
#' Parameter `mapping` allows to define which spectra variables (metadata)
#' should be copied between the R and Python spectra. Only provided spectra
#' variables will be copied to R respectively Python. `mapping` also defines
#' the mapping between the `Spectra`'s spectra variables and the Spectrum
#' metadata. The names of the character vector `mapping` are the R spectra
#' variables and the values the corresponding names in the Python's Spectrum
#' metadata. See the output of the `spectraVariableMapping()` function for the
#' default variables and the mapping of the names.
#' The `spectraVariableMapping()` function provides a default mapping of some
#' core `Spectra` variables based on this [definition in matchms](https://github.com/matchms/matchms/blob/master/matchms/data/known_key_conversions.csv).
#' The function returns a named vector that can be directly used as parameter
#' `mapping` in the `rspec_to_pyspec()` and `pyspec_to_rspec()` functions.
#' @param .check Optionally disable input parameter checking. Input parameter
#' checking should only disabled for very good reasons.
#' @param BPPARAM Optional parallel processing setup.
#' @param mapping Named `character` providing the spectra variable names
#' (metadata) to convert. Names are expected to be the spectra variable
#' names and values the corresponding names of the Python Spectrum metadata
#' fields. See description above for more details.
#' @param object ignored.
#' @param reference Optional reference to Python environment `matchms`.
#' @param x For `rspec_to_pyspec()`: `Spectra` object. For `pyspec_to_rspec()`:
#' a Python list of matchms Spectrum objects.
#' @param ... ignored.
#' @return For `rspec_to_pyspec()`: Python array of Spectrum objects, same
#' length than `x`. For `pyspec_to_rspec()`: [Spectra::Spectra()] with the
#' converted spectra. For `spectraVariableMapping()`: named `character`
#' vector with names being `Spectra` variable names and values the
#' corresponding names in `matchms`.
#' @author Michael Witting, Johannes Rainer
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate r_to_py import py_to_r
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam bplapply
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra spectrapply
#' @examples
#' ## List the default spectra variables and their mapping.
#' spectraVariableMapping()
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra spectraVariableMapping
#' @exportMethod spectraVariableMapping
#' @rdname rspec_to_pyspec
setMethod("spectraVariableMapping", "missing", function(object, ...) {
precursorMz = "precursor_mz",
precursorIntensity = "precursor_intensity",
precursorCharge = "charge",
rtime = "retention_time",
collisionEnergy = "collision_energy",
isolationWindowTargetMz = "isolation_window_target_mz",
## polarity = "ionmode", # Disabling since matchms does not support int.
msLevel = "ms_level"
#' @rdname rspec_to_pyspec
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
rspec_to_pyspec <- function(x, mapping = spectraVariableMapping(),
reference = import("matchms"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(), .check = TRUE) {
if (.check && !is(x, "Spectra"))
stop("'x' should be a Spectra object.")
plist <- spectrapply(x, .single_rspec_to_pyspec, spectraVariables = mapping,
reference = reference, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
#' @rdname rspec_to_pyspec
#' @importFrom Spectra concatenateSpectra
#' @export
pyspec_to_rspec <- function(x, mapping = spectraVariableMapping(),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(), .check = TRUE) {
if (!(is(x, "list") | is(x, "python.builtin.list")))
stop("'x' is expected to be a Python list.")
x <- py_to_r(x)
if (.check && !all(vapply(x, function(z)
is(z, "matchms.Spectrum.Spectrum"), logical(1))))
stop("'x' is expected to be a Python list of matchms Spectrum objects.")
spectra_list <- bplapply(x, .single_pyspec_to_rspec,
spectraVariables = mapping, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
do.call(concatenateSpectra, spectra_list)
#' @description
#' Function to convert a **single** R Spectra object (of length 1) into a
#' Python matchms Spectrum using the `reticulate` package.
#' @param x `Spectra` object **of length 1!**.
#' @param spectraVariables named `character` vector defining the spectra
#' varibles that should be stored as metadata in `matchms`' metadata. Names
#' are expected to be the spectra variable names and values the
#' corresponding metadata fields in `matchms`. Defaults to
#' [spectraVariableMapping()]. If `spectraVariables = character()` no
#' metadata will be stored.
#' @param reference Reference to Python environment matchms
#' @return `Spectrum` Single Python Spectrum
#' @author Michael Witting, Johannes Rainer
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra spectraData
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra peaksData
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra mz
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra intensity
#' @importFrom reticulate np_array r_to_py
#' @noRd
.single_rspec_to_pyspec <- function(x,
spectraVariables = spectraVariableMapping(),
reference = import("matchms")) {
pks <- unname(peaksData(x, c("mz", "intensity")))[[1L]]
if (length(spectraVariables)) {
slist <- as.list(spectraData(x, columns = names(spectraVariables)))
## ## Seems matchms.Spectrum does not support NA retention times?
## if (any(names(slist) == "rtime") && is.na(slist$rtime))
## slist$rtime <- 0
names(slist) <- spectraVariables
reference$Spectrum(mz = np_array(pks[, 1L]),
intensities = np_array(pks[, 2L]),
metadata = r_to_py(slist))
} else reference$Spectrum(mz = np_array(pks[, 1L]),
intensities = np_array(pks[, 2L]))
#' @description
#' Function to convert a single Python Spectrum object into an R Spectra using
#' the `reticulate` package.
#' @param x `Spectrum` Single Python Spectrum.
#' @param spectraVariables named `character` vector with the names of the
#' spectra variables that should be extracted. Names are expected to be
#' the spectra variable names (in `Spectra`) and values the corresponding
#' names of the variables within the Python Spectrum.
#' @param reference Reference to Python environment matchms
#' @return `Spectra` single R Spectra
#' @author Michael Witting, Johannes Rainer
#' @importFrom IRanges NumericList
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra Spectra
#' @noRd
.single_pyspec_to_rspec <-
function(x, spectraVariables = spectraVariableMapping()) {
plist <- x$metadata
vars <- spectraVariables[spectraVariables %in% names(plist)]
if (length(vars)) {
rlist <- lapply(vars, function(z) plist[z])
## Drop NULL variables.
spd <- DataFrame(rlist[lengths(rlist) > 0])
if (!nrow(spd))
spd <- DataFrame(msLevel = NA_integer_)
} else
spd <- DataFrame(msLevel = NA_integer_)
spd$mz <- NumericList(as.numeric(x$peaks$mz), compress = FALSE)
spd$intensity <- NumericList(as.numeric(x$peaks$intensities),
compress = FALSE)
#' Extract all spectraData and all mz and intensity values, give them to
#' Python to create an array of Spectrum. Could be faster because loop is
#' performed in Python rather than in R.
#' @noRd
.multi_rspec_to_pyspec <- function() {
#' Extract data in Python for all elements: python function should return a
#' list with the metadata (convert to DataFrame) and the m/z and intensity
#' values. Would avoid loop in R alltogether.
#' @noRd
.multi_pyspec_to_rspec <- function() {
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