
#' @title Draw heatmap of gene expression trends

#' @description heatmap of the fitted trends
#' @param topTrendyData results from topTrendy() function.
#' @param featureNames names of features/genes to plot if the heatmap should
#'   be restricted. Deafult is to plot all genes from topTrendy() function.
#' @param cexRow relative text size of row labels, default=.5.
#' @param cexCol relative text size of column labels, default=.5.
#' @return The function takes significant genes/features called from 
#'  the topTrendyData() function. These genes are further grouped into three
#'  groups: up, down, or no change in the first segment. Within each group,
#'  the genes are sorted by their first break point. The heatmap shows 
#'  expression trends of these three groups of genes. In the heatmap, 
#'  red/blue/black represents up/down/nochange. A list of genes in the heatmap
#'  order is returned.
#' @author Ning Leng and Rhonda Bacher
#' @import graphics
#' @import grDevices
#' @importFrom gplots heatmap.2
#' @export
#' @examples 
#'  m1 <- matrix(c(c(rnorm(50,5,1),sort(rnorm(50, 15, 5))), rnorm(100, 50,10)), 2, 100, TRUE)
#'  rownames(m1) <- c("g1","g2")
#'  colnames(m1) <- paste0("time", seq_len(100))
#'  myTrends <- results(trendy(m1))
#'  topGenes <- topTrendy(myTrends)
#'  #makeHeat <- trendHeatmap(topGenes)

trendHeatmap <- 
    function (topTrendyData, featureNames=NULL, cexRow = .5, cexCol=.5)
    bks.all <- topTrendyData$Breakpoints
    bks.first <- bks.all[,1]
    names(bks.first) <- rownames(topTrendyData[[1]])
    nobp <- names(which(is.na(bks.first)))
    bks.first[nobp] <- max(bks.all, na.rm=TRUE) + 1
    bks.first.sort <- sort(bks.first)
    seg.all.id <- topTrendyData[[1]]
    seg.first <- seg.all.id[,1]
    genes <- rownames(seg.all.id)
    if(!is.null(featureNames)) {
         genes <- intersect(genes, featureNames) 
    bks.sign.sort.list <- list(
        firstup = sort(bks.first[genes[which(seg.first == 1)]]),
        firstdown = sort(bks.first[genes[which(seg.first == -1)]]),
        firstnochange = sort(bks.first[genes[which(seg.first == 0)]]))
    bks.sign.sort <- c(bks.sign.sort.list[[1]], 
    seg.all.id.highr.sign.sort <- seg.all.id[names(bks.sign.sort),]
    colnames(seg.all.id.highr.sign.sort) <- gsub(".Fitted.Trend", "", 
    colnames(seg.all.id.highr.sign.sort), fixed=TRUE)
    gplots::heatmap.2(seg.all.id.highr.sign.sort, trace = "none",
        Rowv = FALSE, Colv = FALSE, col = c("slateblue1", "black", "tomato"),
        key = FALSE, cexRow = cexRow, cexCol=cexCol,
    legend("top", ncol = 3, c("up", "no change", "down"), 
        fill = rev(c("slateblue1", "black", "tomato")))
rhondabacher/Trendy documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 3:46 a.m.