
Defines functions create_node_df

Documented in create_node_df

#' Create a node data frame
#' @description
#' Combine several vectors for nodes and their attributes into a data frame,
#' which can be combined with other similarly-generated data frames, or, added
#' to a graph object. A node data frame, or ndf, has at least the following
#' columns:
#' - `id` (of type `integer`)
#' - `type` (of type `character`)
#' - `label` (of type `character`)
#' An arbitrary number of additional columns containing aesthetic or data
#' attributes can be part of the ndf, see [node_aes()] for additional attributes that can be used with ..., so long as they follow the aforementioned
#' columns.
#' @param n The total number of nodes to include in the node data frame.
#' @param type An optional `type` for each node.
#' @param label An optional `label` for each node.
#' @param ... Additional attributes. Some are present in [node_aes()]
#' @return A node data frame (ndf).
#' @examples
#' # Create a node data frame (ndf) where the labels
#' # are equivalent to the node ID values (this is not
#' # recommended); the `label` and `type` node
#' # attributes will always be a `character` class
#' # whereas `id` will always be an `integer`
#' node_df <-
#'   create_node_df(
#'     n = 4,
#'     type = c("a", "a", "b", "b"),
#'     label = TRUE)
#' # Display the node data frame
#' node_df
#' # Create an ndf with distinct labels and
#' # additional node attributes (where their classes
#' # will be inferred from the input vectors)
#' node_df <-
#'   create_node_df(
#'     n = 4,
#'     type = "a",
#'     label = c(2384, 3942, 8362, 2194),
#'     style = "filled",
#'     color = "aqua",
#'     shape = c("circle", "circle",
#'               "rectangle", "rectangle"),
#'     value = c(3.5, 2.6, 9.4, 2.7))
#' # Display the node data frame
#' node_df
#' @family node creation and removal
#' @export
create_node_df <- function(
    type = NULL,
    label = NULL,
) {

  # FIXME, nothing stopping ae
  type <- type %||% rep(NA_character_, n)

  # Expand vectors with single values to fill to
  # the number of nodes
  if (length(type) == 1) {
    type <- rep(type, n)

  # Expand vectors with `length` > `1` and
  # `length` < `length(nodes)`
  if (length(type) > 1 &&
      length(type) < n) {
    type <- c(type, rep(NA_character_, (n - length(type))))

  # Trim vectors with number of values exceeding the
  # number of nodes
  if (length(type) > n) {
    type <- type[seq_len(n)]

  # Collect extra vectors of data as `extras`
  extras <- list(...)

  if (length(extras) > 0L) {

    for (i in seq_along(extras)) {

      # Expand vectors with single values to fill to
      # the number of nodes
      if (length(extras[[i]]) == 1) {
        extras[[i]] <- rep(extras[[i]], n)

      # Expand vectors with `length` > `1` and
      # `length` < `length(nodes)`
      if (length(extras[[i]]) > 1 &&
          length(extras[[i]]) < n) {
        extras[[i]] <-
            rep("", (n - length(extras[[i]]))))

      # Trim vectors with number of values exceeding
      # the number of nodes
      if (length(extras[[i]]) > n) {
        extras[[i]] <- extras[[i]][seq_len(n)]

    # Create a data frame from the `extras` list
    extras <-
          extras, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Interpret node label values
  if (is.null(label)) {
    label <- rep(NA_character_, n)
  } else if (rlang::inherits_any(label, c("numeric", "character"))) {
    label <- as.character(label)
  } else if (rlang::is_logical(label, n = 1)) {
    if (label) {
      label <- as.character(seq_len(n))
    } else {
      label <- rep(NA_character_, n)

  if (inherits(extras, "data.frame")) {
    nodes_df <-
          id = seq_len(n),
          type = type,
          label = label,
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE),

  } else {
    nodes_df <-
        id = seq_len(n),
        type = type,
        label = label,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

rich-iannone/DiagrammeR documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 8 a.m.