
#' Search for and select a sounding station
#' @description Filter and select a sounding station from a larger collection.
#' @param stations_df a data frame containing identification and location parameters for sounding stations. 
#' @param id_by_wban_wmo using the combination of WBAN and WMO numbers (with a string in the form of 'XXXXX-YYYYY' in the order of WBAN and WMO), it is possible to uniquely identify a sounding station. When searching with this keyword, all other arguments for which values were supplied will be disregarded.
#' @param search_station_name supplying search text in the form of a string will filter the list of available sounding stations and provide feedback on which stations were found. When searching with this keyword, all other arguments for which values were supplied will be disregarded.
#' @param search_init 
#' @param search_wban 
#' @param search_wmo 
#' @param search_prov_state 
#' @param search_country 
#' @param lower_lat 
#' @param upper_lat 
#' @param lower_lon 
#' @param upper_lon 
#' @param lower_elev 
#' @param upper_elev 
#' @param print_stations if set to TRUE, a returned data frame with 100 or less entries will be printed to the console.
#' @export select_sounding_station
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get a subset of sounding stations in Canada
#' sounding_station_subset <- select_sounding_station(search_country = CA)

select_sounding_station <- function(stations_df,
                                    id_by_wban_wmo = NULL,
                                    search_station_name = NULL,
                                    search_init = NULL,
                                    search_wban = NULL,
                                    search_wmo = NULL,
                                    search_prov_state = NULL,
                                    search_country = NULL,
                                    lower_lat = NULL,
                                    upper_lat = NULL,
                                    lower_lon = NULL,
                                    upper_lon = NULL,
                                    lower_elev = NULL,
                                    upper_elev = NULL,
                                    print_stations = TRUE){
  # Search the data frame for a station name 
    list_of_station_names <- tolower(stations_df$station_name)
    for (i in 1:length(list_of_station_names)){
      if (i == 1) matches <- mat.or.vec(nr = length(list_of_station_names), nc = 1)
      matches[i] <- grepl(tolower(search_station_name),
                          gsub("\\(|\\)|\\/|\\\\", " ",
  if (!is.null(search_station_name)){
    if (max(unique(matches)) < 1 & sum(matches) == 0){
      stop("The search resulted in no matches.")
  if (!is.null(search_station_name)){
    if (sum(matches) > 100){
      return(paste("A total of ", sum(matches),
                   " stations were identified from this search",
                   sep = ''))
  if (!is.null(search_station_name)){
    if (sum(matches) > 1 & sum(matches) <= 100){
      for (j in 1:length(matches)){
        if (j == 1) stations_df.subset <- as.data.frame(mat.or.vec(nr = 0, nc = 0))
        if (matches[j] == 1) stations_df.subset <- rbind(stations_df.subset, stations_df[j,])
  if (!is.null(search_station_name)){
    if (sum(matches) == 1){
      for (j in 1:length(matches)){
        if (j == 1) stations_df.subset <- as.data.frame(mat.or.vec(nr = 0, nc = 0))
        if (matches[j] == 1) stations_df.subset <- rbind(stations_df.subset, stations_df[j,])
      print(paste("The target station is now available with the following ",
                  "identifiers: wmo ",
                  stations_df.subset$wmo, ", wban ", stations_df.subset$wban,
                  " (", stations_df.subset$station_name, ")", sep = ''))
  # Select a station using the combination of WBAN and WMO numbers
  # Stop the function if the supplied search string for 'id_by_wban_wmo' is not
  # properly formed
  if (!is.null(id_by_wban_wmo)){
    if (regexpr("^[0-9]+?-[0-9]+?$", id_by_wban_wmo)[1] != 1){
      stop("Use a string in the form of 'XXXXX-YYYYY' in the order of WBAN and WMO")
  if (!is.null(id_by_wban_wmo)){
    stations_df.subset <- subset(stations_df,
                                 stations_df$wban ==
                                   strsplit(id_by_wban_wmo, "-")[[1]][[1]] &
                                   stations_df$wmo ==
                                   strsplit(id_by_wban_wmo, "-")[[1]][[2]])
  # If a subset was generated and is of zero length, return notification that
  # no stations were found
  if (!is.null(id_by_wban_wmo)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 0){
      stop("No stations were identified.")
  # If a subset was generated and is of single length, then a match has occurred
  # Need to assign the subset as 'target_station' in the global environment and
  # return a notification that a match was found
  if (!is.null(id_by_wban_wmo)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 1){
      print(paste("The target station is now available with the following ",
                  "identifiers: wmo ",
                  stations_df.subset$wmo, ", wban ", stations_df.subset$wban,
                  " (", stations_df.subset$station_name, ")", sep = ''))
  # Search the data frame using the search parameters
  # Check that only one of the search parameters of 'search_init', 'search_wban',
  # or 'search_wmo' are used; otherwise stop function and advise to only one of these
  if (!is.null(search_init) & !is.null(search_wban)){
    stop("Only use one of 'search_init', 'search_wban', or 'search_wmo' search parameters")
  if (!is.null(search_wban) & !is.null(search_wmo)){
    stop("Only use one of 'search_init', 'search_wban', or 'search_wmo' search parameters")
  if (!is.null(search_wmo) & !is.null(search_init)){
    stop("Only use one of 'search_init', 'search_wban', or 'search_wmo' search parameters")
  # If a search by 'init' is requested, subset the stations data frame
  if (!is.null(search_init)) stations_df.subset <- subset(stations_df,
                                                          stations_df$init == search_init)
  # If a subset was generated and is of zero length, return notification that
  # no stations were found
  if (!is.null(search_init)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 0){
      stop("No stations were identified from this search")
  # If a subset was generated and is of single length, then a match has occurred
  # Need to assign the subset as 'target_station' in the global environment and
  # return a notification that a match was found
  if (!is.null(search_init)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 1){
      print(paste("The following station was identified and set ",
                  "as the target station: wmo ",
                  stations_df.subset$wmo, ", wban ", stations_df.subset$wban,
                  " (", stations_df.subset$station_name, ")", sep = ''))
  # If a subset was generated that contains >100 records, return a notification
  # stating the number of stations found (but don't return a df object)
  # If the generated subset contains 2-100 records, print 'stations_df.subset' 
  if (!is.null(search_init)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) > 100){
      print(paste("A total of ", nrow(stations_df.subset),
                  " stations were identified from this search",
                  sep = ''))
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) > 1 & nrow(stations_df.subset) <= 100){
  # If a search by 'wban' is requested, subset the stations data frame
  if (!is.null(search_wban)){
    stations_df.subset <- subset(stations_df,
                                 stations_df$wban == search_wban)}
  # If a subset was generated and is of zero length, return notification that
  # no stations were found
  if (!is.null(search_wban)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 0){
      stop("No stations were identified from this search")
  # If a subset was generated and is of single length, then a match has occurred
  # Need to assign the subset as 'target_station' in the global environment and
  # return a notification that a match was found
  if (!is.null(search_wban)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 1){
      print(paste("The following station was identified and set ",
                  "as the target station: wmo ",
                  stations_df.subset$wmo, ", wban ", stations_df.subset$wban,
                  " (", stations_df.subset$station_name, ")", sep = ''))
  # If a subset was generated that contains >100 records, return a notification
  # stating the number of stations found (but don't return a df object)
  # If the generated subset contains 2-100 records, return 'stations_df.subset' 
  if (!is.null(search_wban)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) > 100){
      print(paste("A total of ", nrow(stations_df.subset),
                  " stations were identified from this search",
                  sep = ''))
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) > 1 & nrow(stations_df.subset) <= 100){
  # If a search by 'wmo' is requested, subset the stations data frame
  if (!is.null(search_wmo)) stations_df.subset <- subset(stations_df,
                                                         stations_df$wmo == search_wmo)
  # If a subset was generated and is of zero length, return notification that
  # no stations were found
  if (!is.null(search_wmo)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 0){
      stop("No stations were identified from this search")
  # If a subset was generated and is of single length, then a match has occurred
  # Need to assign the subset as 'target_station' in the global environment and
  # return a notification that a match was found
  if (!is.null(search_wmo)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 1){
      print(paste("The following station was identified and set ",
                  "as the target station: wmo ",
                  stations_df$wmo, ", wban ", stations_df$wban,
                  " (", stations_df$station_name, ")", sep = ''))
  # If a subset was generated that contains >100 records, return a notification
  # stating the number of stations found (but don't return a df object)
  # If the generated subset contains 2-100 records, return 'stations_df.subset' 
  if (!is.null(search_wmo)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) > 100){
      print(paste("A total of ", nrow(stations_df.subset),
                  " stations were identified from this search",
                  sep = ''))
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) > 1 & nrow(stations_df.subset) <= 100){
  # If a search by 'prov/state' and/or 'country' is requested, subset the
  # stations data frame
  if (!is.null(search_prov_state) & is.null(search_country)){
    stations_df.subset <- subset(stations_df, stations_df$prov_state == search_prov_state)
  } else if (is.null(search_prov_state) & !is.null(search_country)){
    stations_df.subset <- subset(stations_df, stations_df$country == search_country)
  } else if (!is.null(search_prov_state) & !is.null(search_country)){
    stations_df.subset <- subset(stations_df,
                                 stations_df$prov_state == search_prov_state &
                                   stations_df$country == search_country)
  # If a subset was generated and is of zero length, return notification that
  # no stations were found
  if (!is.null(search_prov_state) | !is.null(search_country)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 0){
      stop("No stations were identified from this search")
  # If a subset was generated and is of single length, then a match has occurred
  # Need to assign the subset as 'target_station' in the global environment and
  # return a notification that a match was found
  if (!is.null(search_prov_state) | !is.null(search_country)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 1){

      print(paste("The following station was identified and set ",
                   "as the target station: wmo ",
                  stations_df.subset$wmo, ", wban ", stations_df.subset$wban,
                   " (", stations_df.subset$station_name, ")", sep = ''))
  # If a subset was generated that contains >100 records, return a notification
  # stating the number of stations found (but don't return a df object)
  # If the generated subset contains 2-100 records, return 'stations_df.subset' 
  if (!is.null(search_prov_state) | !is.null(search_country)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) > 100){
      print(paste("A total of ", nrow(stations_df.subset),
                   " stations were identified from this search",
                   sep = ''))
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) > 1 & nrow(stations_df.subset) <= 100){

  # If a search by bounding box is requested, subset the stations data frame
  if (!is.null(lower_lat) & !is.null(upper_lat) &
        !is.null(lower_lon) & !is.null(upper_lon)){
    stations_df.subset <- subset(stations_df,
                                 stations_df$lat >= lower_lat &
                                   stations_df$lat <= upper_lat &
                                   stations_df$lon >= lower_lon &
                                   stations_df$lon <= upper_lon)
  # If a subset was generated and is of zero length, return notification that
  # no stations were found
  if (!is.null(lower_lat) & !is.null(upper_lat) &
        !is.null(lower_lon) & !is.null(upper_lon)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 0){
      stop("No stations were identified from this search")
  # If a subset was generated and is of single length, then a match has occurred
  # Need to assign the subset as 'target_station' in the global environment and
  # return a notification that a match was found
  if (!is.null(lower_lat) & !is.null(upper_lat) &
        !is.null(lower_lon) & !is.null(upper_lon)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 1){

      print(paste("The following station was identified and set ",
                   "as the target station: wmo ",
                  stations_df.subset$wmo, ", wban ", stations_df.subset$wban,
                   " (", stations_df.subset$station_name, ")", sep = ''))
  # If a subset was generated that contains >100 records, return a notification
  # stating the number of stations found (but don't return a df object)
  # If the generated subset contains 2-100 records, return 'stations_df.subset' 
  if (!is.null(lower_lat) & !is.null(upper_lat) &
        !is.null(lower_lon) & !is.null(upper_lon)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) > 100){
      print(paste("A total of ", nrow(stations_df.subset),
                   " stations were identified from this search",
                   sep = ''))
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) > 1 & nrow(stations_df.subset) <= 100){
  # If a search by elevation is requested, subset the stations data frame
  if (!is.null(lower_elev) & is.null(upper_elev)){
    stations_df.subset <- subset(stations_df, stations_df$elev >= lower_elev)
  } else if (is.null(lower_elev) & !is.null(upper_elev)){
    stations_df.subset <- subset(stations_df, stations_df$elev <= upper_elev)
  } else if (!is.null(lower_elev) & !is.null(upper_elev)){
    stations_df.subset <- subset(stations_df,
                                 stations_df$elev >= lower_elev &
                                   stations_df$elev <= upper_elev)
  # If a subset was generated and is of zero length, return notification that
  # no stations were found
  if (!is.null(lower_elev) | !is.null(upper_elev)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 0){
      stop("No stations were identified from this search")
  # If a subset was generated and is of single length, then a match has occurred
  # Need to assign the subset as 'target_station' in the global environment and
  # return a notification that a match was found
  if (!is.null(lower_elev) | !is.null(upper_elev)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) == 1){

      print(paste("The following station was identified and set ",
                   "as the target station: wmo ",
                  stations_df.subset$wmo, ", wban ", stations_df.subset$wban,
                   " (", stations_df.subset$station_name, ")", sep = ''))
  # If a subset was generated that contains >100 records, return a notification
  # stating the number of stations found (but don't return a df object)
  # If the generated subset contains 2-100 records, return 'stations_df.subset' 
  if (!is.null(lower_elev) | !is.null(upper_elev)){
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) > 100){
      print(paste("A total of ", nrow(stations_df.subset),
                   " stations were identified from this search",
                   sep = ''))
    if (nrow(stations_df.subset) > 1 & nrow(stations_df.subset) <= 100){
rich-iannone/aetheRa documentation built on May 27, 2019, 7:58 a.m.