
Defines functions nltts_diff nLTTstat_exact nLTTstat nltt_diff nltt_diff_exact_norm_brts nltt_diff_exact_brts nltt_diff_exact

Documented in nltt_diff nltt_diff_exact nltt_diff_exact_brts nltt_diff_exact_norm_brts nltts_diff nLTTstat nLTTstat_exact

#' Calculates the exact, difference between the lineage through time
#' curves of tree1 & tree2 (normalized in time and for the number of lineages)
#' @author Thijs Janzen
#' @param tree1 (phylo) First phylogenetic tree
#' @param tree2 (phylo) Second phylogenetic tree
#' @param distance_method (string) absolute, or squared distance?
#' @param ignore_stem (logical) Should the phylogeny its stem be ignored?
#' @param log_transform (logical) Should the number of lineages be
#' log-transformed before normalization?
#' @return (scalar) normalized Lineage-Through-Time difference
#'   between tree1 & tree2
#' @export
nltt_diff_exact <- function(
  distance_method = "abs",
  ignore_stem = TRUE,
  log_transform = FALSE
) {
  nLTT::nltt_diff(tree1, tree2, distance_method, ignore_stem, log_transform)

#' Calculates the exact difference between the nLTT
#' curves of the branching times
#' @inheritParams default_params_doc
#' @author Thijs Janzen and Richèl Bilderbeek
#' @param b_times branching times of the first phylogeny,
#' @param lineages the number of lineages,
#'   usually one to the number of lineages
#' @param b_times2 branching times of the first phylogeny
#' @param lineages2 the number of lineages,
#'   usually one to the number of lineages
#' @param distance_method how the difference between the two nLTTs is summed
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"abs: "}{the absolute distance between the two nLTTs is summed}
#'  \item{"squ: "}{the squared distance between the two nLTTs is summed}
#' }
#' @export
nltt_diff_exact_brts <- function(
  distance_method = "abs",
  time_unit = "since"
) {
    event_times = b_times,
    event_times2 = b_times2,
    time_unit = time_unit

  # Each branching time must have a number of lineages to accompany it
  testit::assert(length(b_times) == length(lineages))
  testit::assert(length(b_times2) == length(lineages2))

  if (time_unit == "ago") {
    # Conformize te b_times for the classic calculation
    b_times <- c(-1.0 * rev(sort(b_times)), 0)
    b_times2 <- c(-1.0 * rev(sort(b_times2)), 0)
    lineages  <- c(lineages, utils::tail(lineages, n = 1))
    lineages2 <- c(lineages2, utils::tail(lineages2, n = 1))

  # Each branching time must have a number of lineages to accompany it
  testit::assert(length(b_times) == length(lineages))
  testit::assert(length(b_times2) == length(lineages2))
  # We calculate with 'since the present' as a time unit
  testit::assert(all(b_times <= 0.0))
  testit::assert(all(b_times2 <= 0.0))
  testit::assert(all(lineages >= 0.0))
  testit::assert(all(lineages2 >= 0.0))

  b_times_n <- 1.0 - b_times / min(b_times) #normalize branching times
  lineages_n <- lineages / max(lineages)  #normalize lineages
  # Normalizations must have worked
  testit::assert(all(b_times_n >= 0.0 & b_times_n <= 1.0))
  testit::assert(all(lineages_n >= 0.0 & lineages_n <= 1.0))

  b_times2_n <- 1 - b_times2 / min(b_times2) #normalize branching times
  lineages2_n <- lineages2 / max(lineages2)  #normalize lineages
  # Normalizations must have worked

    b_times_n = b_times_n,
    lineages_n = lineages_n,
    b_times2_n = b_times2_n,
    lineages2_n = lineages2_n,
    distance_method = distance_method

#' Calculates the exact difference between the nLTT
#' curves of the branching times
#' @author Thijs Janzen and Richèl Bilderbeek
#' @param b_times_n branching times of the first phylogeny
#' @param lineages_n the number of lineages,
#'   usually one to the number of lineages
#' @param b_times2_n branching times of the first phylogeny
#' @param lineages2_n the number of lineages,
#'   usually one to the number of lineages
#' @param distance_method (string) absolute, or squared distance?
#' @export
nltt_diff_exact_norm_brts <- function(
  distance_method) {

  # Are equally sized?
  testit::assert(length(b_times_n) == length(lineages_n))
  testit::assert(length(b_times2_n) == length(lineages2_n))
  # Are non-trivial?
  testit::assert(length(b_times_n) > 0)
  testit::assert(length(lineages_n) > 0)
  testit::assert(length(b_times2_n) > 0)
  testit::assert(length(lineages2_n) > 0)
  # Start with zeroes? Not necessarily
  testit::assert(b_times_n[1] >= 0.0)
  testit::assert(lineages_n[1] >= 0.0)
  testit::assert(b_times2_n[1] >= 0.0)
  testit::assert(lineages2_n[1] >= 0.0)
  # Ends with ones
  testit::assert(utils::tail(b_times_n, n = 1) == 1.0)
  testit::assert(utils::tail(lineages_n, n = 1) == 1.0)
  testit::assert(utils::tail(b_times2_n, n = 1) == 1.0)
  testit::assert(utils::tail(lineages2_n, n = 1) == 1.0)
  # Are in range?
  testit::assert(all(b_times_n >= 0.0 & b_times_n <= 1.0))
  testit::assert(all(lineages_n >= 0.0 & lineages_n <= 1.0))
  testit::assert(all(b_times2_n >= 0.0 & b_times2_n <= 1.0))
  testit::assert(all(lineages2_n >= 0.0 & lineages2_n <= 1.0))
  # Are sorted?
  testit::assert(all(sort(b_times_n) == b_times_n))
  testit::assert(all(sort(lineages_n) == lineages_n))
  testit::assert(all(sort(b_times2_n) == b_times2_n))
  testit::assert(all(sort(lineages2_n) == lineages2_n))

  # Make a list of all branching times, and remove duplicates
  # TODO: Use more effecient merge, as both ranges are sorted
  all_b_times <- unique(sort(c(b_times_n, b_times2_n)))

  diff <- 0.0
  #iterate through all branching times
  for (k in 2:length(all_b_times)) {
      tim <- all_b_times[k]
      #find the index of the first branching time
      #that is up to the focal branching time
      index1 <- max(which(b_times_n < tim))
      index2 <- max(which(b_times2_n < tim))  #same for the other tree

      #find the number of lineages at time "tim" for tree 1
      lins1 <- lineages_n[max(index1, 1)]
      #find the number of lineages at time "tim" for tree 2
      lins2 <- lineages2_n[max(index2, 1)]

      #the amount of time that this difference persisted
      dt <- all_b_times[k] - all_b_times[k - 1]
      if (distance_method == "abs") {
        diff <- diff + dt * abs(lins1 - lins2)     #update the difference
      if (distance_method == "squ")  {
        diff <- diff + dt * (lins1 - lins2) * (lins1 - lins2)

#' Calculates the exact difference between the lineage through time curves of
#' tree1 & tree2 (normalized in time and for the number of lineages)
#' @author Thijs Janzen
#' @param tree1 (phylo) First phylogenetic tree
#' @param tree2 (phylo) Second phylogenetic tree
#' @param distance_method (string) absolute, or squared distance?
#' @param ignore_stem logical    Should the phylogeny its stem be ignored?
#' @param log_transform (logical) Should the number of lineages be
#' log-transformed before normalization?
#' @return (scalar) normalized Lineage-Through-Time difference
#'   between tree1 & tree2
#' @seealso use \code{\link{nltts_diff}} to compare a collection of
#'   phylogenies to one focal/reference tree
#' @export
nltt_diff <- function(
 tree1, tree2, distance_method = "abs", ignore_stem = TRUE,
 log_transform = FALSE) {

  if (!ape::is.binary(tree1) || !ape::is.binary(tree2)) {
    stop("phylogenies must both be binary")

  if (any(ape::branching.times(tree1) < 0.0)) {
    stop("tree1 cannot have negative branching times")
  if (any(ape::branching.times(tree2) < 0.0)) {
    stop("tree2 cannot have negative branching times")

  #branching times of tree1, including the present time (0)
  b_times <- c(-1.0 * rev(sort(ape::branching.times(tree1))), 0)
  if (!ignore_stem) {
    stem_length1 <- ifelse(is.null(tree1$root.edge), 0.0, tree1$root.edge)
    b_times <- c(b_times[1] - stem_length1, b_times)
    testit::assert(all(b_times <= 0.0))

  # Same for other tree
  b_times2 <- c(-1 * rev(sort(ape::branching.times(tree2))), 0)
  options(scipen = 6)
  if (!ignore_stem) {
    stem_length2 <- ifelse(is.null(tree2$root.edge), 0.0, tree2$root.edge)
    b_times2 <- c(b_times2[1] - stem_length2, b_times2)
    testit::assert(all(b_times2 <= 0.0))

  # the number of lineages per branching time
  first_n_lineages1 <- ifelse(ignore_stem, 2, 1)
  n_taxa1 <- length(tree1$tip.label)
  lineages <- c(first_n_lineages1:n_taxa1, n_taxa1)
  if (log_transform == TRUE) {
    testit::assert(min(lineages) > 0)
    lineages <- log(lineages)
  # Each branching time must have a number of lineages to accompany it
  testit::assert(length(b_times) == length(lineages))

  # the number of lineages per branching time
  first_n_lineages2 <- ifelse(ignore_stem, 2, 1)
  n_taxa2 <- length(tree2$tip.label)
  lineages2 <- c(first_n_lineages2:n_taxa2, n_taxa2)
  if (log_transform == TRUE) {
    testit::assert(min(lineages2) > 0)
    lineages2 <- log(lineages2)
  # Each branching time must have a number of lineages to accompany it
  testit::assert(length(b_times2) == length(lineages2))

    b_times = b_times,
    lineages = lineages,
    b_times2 = b_times2,
    lineages2 = lineages2,
    distance_method = distance_method

# @brief Wrapper to calculate the nLTT statistic
# @date Last modified: 2015-21-04
# @author Thijs Janzen
# @since 2015-21-04, version 1.1
# @param    tree1                  phylo      First phylogenetic tree
# @param    tree2                  phylo      Second phylogenetic tree
# @param    distance_method        string     Method to calculate the
#                                             difference, either absolute,
#                                             or squared
# @return                          scalar     normalized Lineage-Through-Time
#                                             difference between tree1 & tree2
#' This function takes two ultrametric phylogenetic trees,
#'   calculates the normalized Lineage-Through-Time statistic for both trees
#'   and then calculates the difference between the two statistics.
#' @title Calculate the difference between two normalized
#'   Lineage-Through-Time curves, given two phylogenetic trees.
#' @usage nLTTstat(tree1, tree2, distance_method = "abs", ignore_stem = TRUE,
#'                log_transform = FALSE)
#' @param tree1 an object of class \code{"phylo"}
#' @param tree2 an object of class \code{"phylo"}
#' @param distance_method Chosen measurement of distance between
#'   the two nLTT curves, options are (case sensitive):\cr
#'   - "abs": use the absolute distance\cr
#'   - "squ": use the squared distance;\cr
#' @param ignore_stem a boolean whether to ignore the stem length
#' @param log_transform a boolean wether to log-transform the number of
#'    lineages before normalization
#' @return The difference between the two nLTT statistics
#' @author Thijs Janzen
#' @examples
#'   data(exampleTrees)
#'   nltt_plot(exampleTrees[[1]])
#'   nltt_lines(exampleTrees[[2]], lty=2)
#'   nLTTstat(
#'     exampleTrees[[1]], exampleTrees[[2]],
#'     distance_method = "abs", ignore_stem = TRUE)
#' @export
nLTTstat <- function(# nolint keep function name non-all-lowercase,
                     #  due to backwards compatibility
  distance_method = "abs",
  ignore_stem = TRUE,
  log_transform = FALSE
) {
  if (!inherits(tree1, "phylo")) {
    # Just checking
    stop("nLTTstat: ",
      "tree1 must be of class 'phylo', ",
      "but was of type '", class(tree1), "' instead")
  if (!inherits(tree2, "phylo")) {
    # Just checking
    stop("nLTTstat: ",
      "tree2 must be of class 'phylo', ",
      "but was of type '", class(tree2), "' instead")

  if (distance_method != "abs" && distance_method != "squ") {
    stop("nLTTstat: distance method unknown")

  if (!is.logical(ignore_stem)) {
    stop("nLTTstat: ignore_stem must be logical")

  nLTT::nltt_diff(tree1, tree2, distance_method, ignore_stem, log_transform)

# @brief Wrapper to calculate the nLTT statistic - exact version
# @date Last modified: 2016-26-04
# @author Thijs Janzen
# @since 2016-26-04, version 1.2
# @param    tree1                  phylo      First phylogenetic tree
# @param    tree2                  phylo      Second phylogenetic tree
# @param    distance_method        string     Method to calculate the
#                                             difference, either absolute,
#                                             or squared
# @param    ignore_stem            logical    Should the phylogeny its stem be
#                                             ignored?
# @return                          scalar     normalized Lineage-Through-Time
#                                             difference between tree1 & tree2
#' Calculate the exact difference between
#'   two normalized Lineage-Through-Time curves, given two phylogenetic trees.
#' @description This function takes two ultrametric phylogenetic trees,
#'   calculates the normalized Lineage-Through-Time statistic
#'   for both trees and then calculates the exact difference
#'   between the two statistics.
#'   Whereas the function \code{nLTTstat} uses an approximation
#'   to calculate the difference (which is faster for large trees),
#'   the function \code{nLTTstat_exact} calculates the exact difference,
#'   and should generally be preferred.
#'   Although the estimates are highly similar,
#'   \code{nLTTstat_exact} tends to return slightly higher values.
#' @usage
#'   nLTTstat_exact(tree1, tree2, distance_method = "abs",
#'                  ignore_stem = TRUE, log_transform = FALSE)
#' @param tree1 an object of class \code{"phylo"}
#' @param tree2 an object of class \code{"phylo"}
#' @param distance_method
#'   Chosen measurement of distance between the two nLTT curves,
#'   options are (case sensitive):\cr
#'   - "abs": use the absolute distance.\cr
#'   - "squ": use the squared distance
#' @param ignore_stem a boolean whether to ignore the stem length
#' @param log_transform a boolean wether to log-transform the number of
#'    lineages before normalization
#' @return The exact difference between the two nLTT statistics
#' @author Thijs Janzen
#' @examples
#'   data(exampleTrees)
#'   nltt_plot(exampleTrees[[1]])
#'   nltt_lines(exampleTrees[[2]], lty = 2)
#'   nLTTstat_exact(
#'     exampleTrees[[1]],
#'     exampleTrees[[2]],
#'     distance_method = "abs",
#'     ignore_stem = TRUE
#'   )
#' @export
nLTTstat_exact <- function(# nolint keep function name non-all-lowercase,
                           #  due to backwards compatibility
  distance_method = "abs",
  ignore_stem = TRUE,
  log_transform = FALSE
) {
  if (!inherits(tree1, "phylo")) {
    # Just checking
    stop("nLTTstat_exact: tree1 must be of class 'phylo', ",
      "but was of type '", class(tree1), "' instead")
  if (!inherits(tree2, "phylo")) {
    # Just checking
    stop("nLTTstat_exact: tree2 must be of class 'phylo', ",
      "but was of type '", class(tree2), "' instead")
  if (distance_method != "abs" && distance_method != "squ") {
    stop("nLTTstat_exact: distance method unknown")
  if (!is.logical(ignore_stem)) {
    stop("nLTTstat_exact: ignore_stem must be logical")
  nLTT::nltt_diff_exact(tree1, tree2, distance_method, ignore_stem,

#' Calculates the nLTT statistic between each phylogeny in
#' a collection compared to a same focal/reference tree
#' @inheritParams nltt_diff_exact
#' @param tree One phylogenetic tree
#' @param trees A collection of one or more phylogenetic trees
#' @return the nLTT statistic values, as a numeric vector of
#'   the same length as \code{trees}
#' @seealso use \code{\link{nltt_diff}} to compare two
#'   phylogenies
#' @examples
#'   tree <- ape::rcoal(4)
#'   trees <- c(ape::rcoal(4), ape::rcoal(4))
#'   nltts <- nltts_diff(tree, trees)
#' @author Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek
#' @export
nltts_diff <- function(
  distance_method = "abs",
  ignore_stem = TRUE,
  log_transform = FALSE
) {
  if (!inherits(tree, "phylo")) {
    stop("'tree' must be of type 'phylo'")
  if (!inherits(trees, "multiPhylo")) {
    stop("'trees' must be of type 'multiPhylo'")
  if (!distance_method %in% c("abs", "squ")) {
    stop("'distance_method' must be either 'abs' or 'squ'")
  if (!ignore_stem %in% c(TRUE, FALSE)) {
    stop("'ignore_stem' must be either TRUE or FALSE")

  nltts <- rep(NULL, length(trees))
  for (i in seq_along(trees)) {
    nltts[i] <- nltt_diff(
      tree1 = tree,
      tree2 = trees[[i]],
      distance_method = distance_method,
      ignore_stem = ignore_stem,
      log_transform = log_transform
richelbilderbeek/nLTT documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 8 a.m.