
## % Unreplicated correlated evolution

### Set options
##+ echo=FALSE,results=FALSE
opts_chunk$set(tidy=FALSE, fig.height=5)

### Bibliography
##+ echo=FALSE,results=FALSE
refs <- read.bibtex("../refs.bib")

## Most of the likelihood methods in diversitree (and other programs)
## are prone to be mislead by unreplicated associations; for example

## * If a tree has a highly diverse clade with one of the states
##   overrepresented BiSSE may conclude that trait is significantly
##   associated with increased rates of speciation.

## * Given a pair of binary traits, $A$ and $B$, if one clade has
##   mostly species with states $A=1$, $B=1$, while the rest of the
##   tree is mostly $A=0$, $B=0$, discrete
##   `r citep(refs[["Pagel-1994-37"]])` or diversitree's `mkn.multitrait`
##   may conclude there is significant assoociation between these
##   traits (that is, the rate of evolution of one trait depends on
##   the state of the other).

## ML doesn't count the number of instances of transitions, just
## strength of evidence for the alternate models.  These are the sort
## of unreplicated comparisons that the comparative method is meant to
## avoid, and which are used to motivate
## `r citet(refs[["Felsenstein-1985-1"]])`.  This issue was discussed by
## `r citet(refs[["Read-1995-99"]])` but it is not widely appreciated.

## Here, I show a couple of toy examples as to how the problem can
## arise under multistate Markov model and BiSSE, and how
## phylogenetically independent contrasts is not immune to this
## problem (but that it may be easily detectable).

## # Mkn multitrait / `r citet(refs[["Pagel-1994-37"]])` discrete

## First, load diversitree and simulate a pure birth tree (with rate
## .1).
n.spp <- 30
phy <- ladderize(tree.yule(.1, max.taxa=n.spp))

## This will be tree used for all examples

##+ fig.cap="Simulated pure birth tree"
plot(phy, show.node.label=TRUE, no.margin=TRUE, cex=.8)

## nd14 will be our target node; below this point, the clade will
## behave "differently" to the rest of the clade.
target <- "nd14"

## Convert this name to Ape's node index:
idx <- match(target, phy$node.label) + n.spp

## Identify descendant species of this node
desc <- sort(get.descendants(target, phy, tips.only=TRUE))

## Here is our focal group, highlighted in red
##+ fig.cap="Focal group at node 'nd14'"
plot(phy, tip.color=ifelse(1:n.spp %in% desc, "#ef2929", "black"),
nodelabels(node=idx, pch=19, cex=2, col="#ef2929")

## Trait 1 is shared across this group, and with nobody else.
t1 <- as.integer(1:n.spp %in% desc)
names(t1) <- phy$tip.label

## Determine rate coefficients for the evolution of this trait,
## assuming a Mk2 model:
lik1 <- make.mk2(phy, t1)
fit1 <- find.mle(lik1, rep(.1, 2))

## Now, suppose we have two perfectly codistribted traits "a" and "b";
traits <- data.frame(a=t1, b=t1)

## Make a 2-trait likelihood function, assuming that the two traits
## are independent:
lik2 <- make.mkn.multitrait(phy, traits, depth=0)

## And fit this model with ML:
p2 <- rep(coef(fit1), 2)
names(p2) <- NULL
fit2 <- find.mle(lik2, p2)

## We get the same basic coefficients when treating the traits
## separately:
all.equal(coef(fit2)[1:2], coef(fit1), check.attr=FALSE)

## Now, allow correlated evolution by allowing the $q_{01}$ and
## $q_{10}$ parameters to vary according to the state of the other
## trait:
lik3 <- make.mkn.multitrait(phy, traits, depth=1)
p3 <- rep(0, 8)
names(p3) <- argnames(lik3)
p3[argnames(lik2)] <- coef(fit2)

## Fit the model
##+ fit.lik3,cache=TRUE
fit3 <- find.mle(lik3, rep(.1, 8))

## Basically once trait 'a' has shifted from $0\to 1$, we instantaneously
## shift in state 'b'.

## This model is a statistical improvement over the uncorrelated
## model.
anova(fit3, uncorrelated=fit2)

## Likelihood improvement:
dll <- fit3$lnLik - fit2$lnLik

## Simulate 100 traits on the tree with an equal forward/backward
## transition rate of `r`
r <- .02
t2 <- replicate(100,
                sim.character(phy, c(r, r), x=0, model="mk2"),

## And fit these the same way:
f <- function(t2) {
  lik0 <- make.mkn.multitrait(phy, data.frame(a=t1, b=t2), depth=0)
  p0 <- rep(r, 4)
  fit0 <- find.mle(lik0, p0)

  lik1 <- make.mkn.multitrait(phy, data.frame(a=t1, b=t2))
  p1 <- rep(0, 8)
  names(p1) <- argnames(lik1)
  p1[argnames(lik0)] <- coef(fit0)
  fit1 <- find.mle(lik1, p1)

  fit1$lnLik - fit0$lnLik

## This takes a minute or so, so run it in parallel:
##+ fit.random,cache=TRUE
ans <- unlist(mclapply(t2, f))

## Histogram of likelihood improvements, with previous case in red,
## and 5% cut-off in blue:
##+ fig.cap=""
par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, .5, .5))
hist(ans, xlim=range(ans, dll), main="", las=1,
     xlab="Likelihood impovement")
abline(v=dll, col="red")
abline(v=qchisq(1/20, 4, lower=FALSE)/2, col="blue")

## Most of the time, a random character would not be significantly
## associated with our special trait.  But two perfectly co-occurring
## traits have extremely high support for a model that treats their
## evolution as non-independent, even though this is unreplicated.

## # BiSSE

## With the tree above, fit a BiSSE model
##+ bisse.ssd,cache=TRUE
lik <- make.bisse(phy, t1, control=list(method="CVODES"))
p <- starting.point.bisse(phy)
fit.ssd <- find.mle(lik, p)

## Fit the state independent model (constrain both speciation and
## extinction rates to not vary with the trait).
##+ bisse.sid,cache=TRUE
lik.sid <- constrain(lik, lambda1 ~ lambda0, mu1 ~ mu0)
fit.sid <- find.mle(lik.sid, p[argnames(lik.sid)])

## There is no significant association between the trait and
## diversification here:
anova(fit.ssd, sid=fit.sid)

## Next, tweak the tree so that the focal clade is apparently
## different.  This is a bit of a pain to do.  First, identify all
## edges descended from that node
i <- phy$edge[,2] %in% sort(get.descendants(target, phy))

##+ fig.cap="Edges descended from focal node"
plot(phy, no.margin=TRUE,
     edge.color=ifelse(i, "#ef2929", "black"),
     tip.color=ifelse(1:n.spp %in% desc, "#ef2929", "black"))     

## Compress these red edges towards the present, and lengthen the stem
## lineage accordingly.  Scale branches by a factor 'p' (must be less
## than 1)
p <- .3

j <- match(idx, phy$edge[,2])
phy2 <- phy
phy2$edge.length[i] <- phy2$edge.length[i] * p
phy2$edge.length[j] <-
  phy$edge.length[j] + branching.times(phy)[target] * (1 - p)

## The modified tree is still ultrametric

## Here is the compressed tree:
##+ fig.cap=""
plot(phy2, no.margin=TRUE,
     edge.color=ifelse(i, "#ef2929", "black"),
     tip.color=ifelse(1:n.spp %in% desc, "#ef2929", "black"))     

## Fit BiSSE models to the tree, first with state-dependent
## diversification
##+ bisse2.sdd,cache=TRUE
lik2 <- make.bisse(phy2, t1, control=list(method="CVODES"))
p <- starting.point.bisse(phy2)
fit2.ssd <- find.mle(lik2, p)

## And without
##+ bisse2.sid,cache=TRUE
lik2.sid <- constrain(lik2, lambda1 ~ lambda0, mu1 ~ mu0)
fit2.sid <- find.mle(lik2.sid, p[argnames(lik2.sid)])

## There is now significant association between the trait and
## diversification, even though this is not replicated!
anova(fit2.ssd, sid=fit2.sid)

## Generalise this a bit to look how the likelihood improvement varies
## with the scaling factor.
g <- function(p) {
  phy2 <- phy
  phy2$edge.length[i] <- phy2$edge.length[i] * p
  phy2$edge.length[j] <-
    phy$edge.length[j] + branching.times(phy)[target] * (1 - p)

  lik2 <- make.bisse(phy2, t1, control=list(method="CVODES"))
  p <- starting.point.bisse(phy2)
  fit2.ssd <- find.mle(lik2, p)

  lik2.sid <- constrain(lik2, lambda1 ~ lambda0, mu1 ~ mu0)
  fit2.sid <- find.mle(lik2.sid, p[argnames(lik2.sid)])
  fit2.ssd$lnLik - fit2.sid$lnLik

## Run this with scaling parameters varying from .1 (extremely
## compressed towards the future) and 1 (unchanged from the original
## tree).
##+ bisse.scale,cache=TRUE
p <- seq(1, .1, length=16)
ans.b <- unlist(mclapply(p, g))

## The improvement in the likelihood increases rapidly as the tree
## deviates more and more from the BD model:
##+ fig.cap="Likelihood improvement vs scaling factor, with critical value at the 5% level indicated with a blue line." 
par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, .5, .5))
plot(ans.b ~ p, las=1, xlab="Scaling factor (1 is unchanged)",
     ylab="Likelihood improvement", type="o", pch=19)
abline(h=qchisq(1/20, 2, lower=FALSE)/2, col="blue")

## However, we can partition the tree and allow rates to vary here.
## First check that this model will fit better without accounting for
## the state-dependent diversification:
lik.bd <- make.bd(phy2)
fit.bd <- find.mle(lik.bd, starting.point.bd(phy2))

## High speciation and extinction rates, compared with the values
## used to simulate the tree (.1):

lik.bd2 <- make.bd.split(phy2, target)
fit.bd2 <- find.mle(lik.bd2, c(.1, 0, .1, 0), method="subplex")

## The base partition (black branches in the figures) have rates
## similar to the simulated values.  The focal clade (red in the
## figures) has strongly elevated rates.

## This improvement is significant;
anova(fit.bd2, unsplit=fit.bd)

## Split BiSSE likelihood function
lik.bs <- make.bisse.split(phy2, t1, target)

## Constrain trait evolution over the whole tree:
lik.bs.sdd <- constrain(lik.bs, q01.2 ~ q01.1, q10.2 ~ q10.1,
                        mu1.1 ~ mu0.1, mu1.2 ~ mu0.2)
## (I also disallowed state-dependent extinction as that causes
## problems trying to explain the pattern of trait evolution)

## And make a version with no state-dependent diversification:
lik.bs.sid <- constrain(lik.bs.sdd,
                        lambda1.1 ~ lambda0.1,
                        lambda1.2 ~ lambda0.2)

## The state-independent version has 6 parameters; two speciation
## rates (one per partition), two extinction rates, and two character
## transition rates.

## Starting point, based on the birth-death fit:
p.sid <- rep(0, 6)
names(p.sid) <- argnames(lik.bs.sid)
p.sid[sub("\\.", "0.", names(coef(fit.bd2)))] <- coef(fit.bd2)
p.sid[c("q01.1", "q10.1")] <- .1

##+ bisse.split.sid, cache=TRUE
fit.bs.sid <- find.mle(lik.bs.sid, p.sid)

## The coefficients here look like the birth-death case, with low
## rates of $0\to 1$ transition, and no reverse ($1\to 0$)
## transitions.

## Expand this point to allow for state-dependent diversification:
p.sdd <- coef(fit.bs.sid, TRUE)[argnames(lik.bs.sdd)]

##+ bisse.split.sdd, cache=TRUE
fit.bs.sdd <- find.mle(lik.bs.sdd, p.sdd)

## This is now not significant (though the improvement in likelihood
## is greater than I would have thought).
anova(fit.bs.sdd, sid=fit.bs.sid)

## I think what is going on here is that currently the stem leading to
## the focal group is included in that group.  However, the (fake)
## diversification shift happens rather closer to the node.  So that
## aspect of the tree still needs explaining.

## # Continuous traits and phylogenetically independent contrasts

## This is the sort of thing that
## `r citet(refs[["Felsenstein-1985-1"]])` warns against,
## but still causes a problem with continous traits, if Brownian
## motion is not a suitable model.
x <- sim.character(phy, .1)
y <- sim.character(phy, .1)

##+ fig.cap="Random (Brownian) traits, with focal clade in red"
plot(x, y, col=ifelse(1:n.spp %in% desc, "#ef2929", "black"),
     pch=19, las=1)

## Compute phylogenetically independent contrast with ape's `pic`
## function.:
x.pic <- pic(x, phy)
y.pic <- pic(y, phy)

## and run a correlation test (regression through the origin gives
## essentially the same result).
cor.test(x.pic, y.pic)

## Now, replace the values of the focal clade with new trait values,
## offset by some amount, but evolved under BM with the same rate.
## First, clip out the subtree corresponding to the focal clade:
desc <- sort(get.descendants(target, phy, tips.only=TRUE))
phy.sub <- drop.tip(phy, phy$tip.label[-desc])

## These were the state values at the target node from the original
## simulation:
x0 <- attr(x, "node.state")[target]
y0 <- attr(y, "node.state")[target]

## Offset these values by 3 and continue the simulation, replacing the
## values in the `x` and `y` vectors
x[desc] <- sim.character(phy.sub, .1, x0=x0+3)
y[desc] <- sim.character(phy.sub, .1, x0=y0+3)

##+ fig.cap="Random (Brownian) traits, after perturbing focal clade"
plot(x, y, col=ifelse(1:n.spp %in% desc, "#ef2929", "black"),
     pch=19, las=1)

## Recompute the independent contrasts:
x.pic <- pic(x, phy)
y.pic <- pic(y, phy)

## Do a correlation test (again, regression through the origin gives
## essentially the same answer).
cor.test(x.pic, y.pic)
## This is actually quite significant; not much less so than the
## correlation of the raw data.
cor.test(x, y)

## Plotting the contrasts, there is a fairly clear outlier.
##+ fig.cap="Independent contrasts in the distorted tree"
par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, .5, .5))
plot(x.pic, y.pic, las=1, pch=19)
## This is the node that is the parent of the focal clade and another
## smaller group.

## While similarly mislead, at least independent contrasts provide a
## simple way of *identifying* the misleading nodes.

## # Bibliography
##+ echo=FALSE,results="asis"

## ## Document details

## Document compiled on `r as.character(Sys.time(), usetz=TRUE)`
## With R version `r R.version$string`
## and diversitree version `r packageVersion("diversitree")`.
## Original source: [unreplicated.R](unreplicated.R)

## [examples](..), [diversitree home](../..)
richfitz/diversitree documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 8:57 p.m.