
##' Converts between ape trees (objects of class \code{phylo}) and
##' forest trees (currently \code{xtree} objects composed of
##' \code{xnode}s.
##' These functions are lossy: converting from ape to forest and back
##' may not preserve edge index numbers, though it will preseve names
##' (and topology, etc).  Converting from forest to ape will lose all
##' data associated with the tree (that is, the \code{data} field
##' associated with each node), and only the labels give a route to
##' re-associating.  Both these may change in future.
##' Note that the preferred way of going from ape phylo to forest tree
##' is \code{forest_tree(phy)}.  Eventually the reverse will be
##' \code{as.phylo(tr)}.  These are the functions used by those
##' functions though.
##' @title Convert Between Forest and Ape Trees
##' @param phy A tree in ape's "phylo" class.
##' @rdname ape
##' @export
forest_from_ape <- function(phy) {
  if (!inherits(phy, "phylo")) {
    stop("Need a 'phylo' object to convert")
  phy   <- reorder(phy, "pruningwise")
  n.tip <- length(phy$tip.label)
  from  <- phy$edge[,1]
  to    <- phy$edge[,2]
  n     <- phy$Nnode + n.tip

  node.label <- phy$node.label
  if (is.null(node.label))
    node.label <- rep.int("", phy$Nnode)
  label  <- c(phy$tip.label, node.label)

  length <- phy$edge.length[match(seq_len(n), phy$edge[,2])]
  if (is.null(length)) {
    length <- rep.int(NA_real_, n)

  order <- c(seq_len(n.tip), unique(from))

  from_ape_internal(order-1L, from-1L, to-1L, label, length)

## Going from forest->ape is hard because without unique node labels
## it's just not going to be possible to relate ape indices to nodes;
## we set up an ape node but have to refer to it again on another pass
## when we do the join (if written in pre/post order traversal).
## Recursively we can hold a node index on hand and work with that.
## I would rather a non-recursive algorithm, but given how this will
## be used I don't really see that it's worth the time right now.
##' @param tree A tree from forest
##' @rdname ape
##' @export
ape_from_forest <- function(tree) {
  obj <- to_ape_internal(tree_ptr(tree))
  edge <- obj$edge
  label <- obj$label
  length <- obj$length
  n.tip <- tree$count_tips()
  n.node <- tree$count_nodes()

  tip.index  <- setdiff(edge[,2], edge[,1])
  node.index <- setdiff(seq_len(n.tip + n.node), tip.index)
  edge[] <- match(edge, c(tip.index, node.index))

  tip.label <- label[match(seq_len(n.tip), edge[,2])]
  i <- if (n.node > 1)
    match((n.tip+2):(n.tip+n.node), edge[,2]) else integer(0)
  node.label <- c(tree$root_node()$label, label[i])

  if (all(is.na(length))) {
    length <- NULL
  if (all(node.label == "")) {
    node.label <- NULL

richfitz/forest documentation built on May 27, 2019, 8:17 a.m.