
Defines functions message_respond response_prepare message_prepare run_message_unknown run_message_timeout_get run_message_timeout_set run_message_resume run_message_pause run_message_refresh run_message_info run_message_stop run_message_eval run_message_echo run_message_ping run_message

## Pulled out because otherwise they clutter the place up.
run_message <- function(worker, private, msg) {
  ## TODO: these can be unserialised...
  content <- bin_to_object(msg)
  message_id <- content$id
  cmd <- content$command
  args <- content$args

  worker$log("MESSAGE", cmd)

  ## TODO: worker restart?  Is that even possible?
  res <- switch(cmd,
                PING = run_message_ping(),
                ECHO = run_message_echo(args),
                EVAL = run_message_eval(args),
                STOP = run_message_stop(worker, private, message_id, args),
                INFO = run_message_info(worker, private),
                PAUSE = run_message_pause(worker, private),
                RESUME = run_message_resume(worker, private),
                REFRESH = run_message_refresh(worker),
                TIMEOUT_SET = run_message_timeout_set(worker, private, args),
                TIMEOUT_GET = run_message_timeout_get(worker, private),
                run_message_unknown(cmd, args))

  response <- message_respond(worker, private, message_id, cmd, res)

  command_resets_timer <- c("PING", "ECHO", "EVAL", "INFO", "PAUSE",
                            "RESUME", "REFRESH")
  if (cmd %in% command_resets_timer) {
    private$timer <- NULL


run_message_ping <- function() {

run_message_echo <- function(msg) {

run_message_eval <- function(args) {
  if (is.character(args)) {
    args <- parse(text = args)
  print(try(eval(args, .GlobalEnv)))

run_message_stop <- function(worker, private, message_id, args) {
  message_respond(worker, private, message_id, "STOP", "BYE")
  if (is.null(args)) {
    args <- "BYE"
  stop(rrq_worker_stop_condition(worker, args))

run_message_info <- function(worker, private) {
  info <- worker$info()
  con <- worker$controller$con
  keys <- worker$controller$keys
  con$HSET(keys$worker_info, worker$id, object_to_bin(info))

run_message_refresh <- function(worker) {

run_message_pause <- function(worker, private) {
  if (private$paused) {
  } else {
    private$paused <- TRUE
    con <- worker$controller$con
    keys <- worker$controller$keys
    con$HSET(keys$worker_status, worker$id, WORKER_PAUSED)

run_message_resume <- function(worker, private) {
  if (private$paused) {
    private$paused <- FALSE
    con <- worker$controller$con
    keys <- worker$controller$keys
    con$HSET(keys$worker_status, worker$id, WORKER_IDLE)
  } else {

run_message_timeout_set <- function(worker, private, args) {
  if (is.numeric(args) || is.null(args)) {
    private$timeout_idle <- args %||% Inf
  } else {

run_message_timeout_get <- function(worker, private) {
  if (!is.finite(private$timeout_idle)) {
    c(timeout_idle = Inf, remaining = Inf)
  } else {
    ## NOTE: This is a slightly odd construction; it arises because
    ## the timer is not just suspended between tasks; it is removed
    ## entirely.  So the worker runs a task (deleting the timer),
    ## and the timer will not be restored until after it makes it
    ## through one BLPOP cycle.  So, if a TIMEOUT_GET message is
    ## issued _immediately_ after running a task then there will be
    ## no timer here.
    if (is.null(private$timer)) {
      remaining <- private$timeout_idle
    } else {
      remaining <- private$timer()
    c(timeout_idle = private$timeout_idle, remaining = remaining)

run_message_unknown <- function(cmd, args) {
  msg <- sprintf("Recieved unknown message: [%s]", cmd)
  structure(list(message = msg, command = cmd, args = args),
            class = c("condition"))

message_prepare <- function(id, command, args) {
  object_to_bin(list(id = id, command = command, args = args))

response_prepare <- function(id, command, result) {
  object_to_bin(list(id = id, command = command, result = result))

message_respond <- function(worker, private, message_id, cmd, result) {
  worker$log("RESPONSE", cmd)
  response <- response_prepare(message_id, cmd, result)
  worker$controller$con$HSET(private$key_response, message_id, response)
richfitz/rrq documentation built on July 15, 2024, 8:12 p.m.