    error = FALSE

source(file.path("shared", "init.R"))
doCompounds <- TRUE # curl::has_internet()

```{css code=readLines("styles.css"),echo=FALSE}

# Introduction

In this tutorial you will learn how to perform a simple non-target analysis with `patRoon`. This tutorial is not meant to give a detailed overview of `patRoon`. Instead, it serves as a quick introduction on how to use `patRoon` to setup and perform a full non-target analysis workflow.

The workflow in this tutorial consists of the following steps:

digraph rmarkdown {
graph [ rankdir = LR ]
node [ shape = box,
       fixedsize = true,
       width = 2.2,
       height = 1,
       fontsize = 18,
       fillcolor = darkseagreen1,
       style = filled ]
'New project' -> Features -> Annotation -> Reporting [ arrowhead = vee ]
", height = 100, width = 750)


In this tutorial we will use example data provided within the [patRoonData] package. Please make sure this package is installed (see the [Handbook] for brief installation instructions). The example dataset contains LC-MS data for a standard mixture with known composition ('standard-X') and a blank solvent ('solvent-X'), both in triplicate and measured with positive and negative ionization. While this may not seem like the most exciting data, it does allow to demonstrate the most important functionality of patRoon.

The provided analyses already have been exported to an open format (.mzML) and are ready to use. For your own data it may be necessary to first export your data to mzXML or mzML and perform other data pre-treatment steps such as mass re-calibration. This can be done using the tools from [ProteoWizard] or software from your mass spectrometer vendor. Alternatively, patRoon can do this automatically for your analyses with the convertMSFiles() function. Please see the handbook and reference manual for its usage.

New project

Whenever you start a new non-target analysis it is highly recommended to start this from a fresh project directory. This directory will contain your R processing script(s) and any other output generated during the workflow. Note that this directory does not have to contain the raw MS data files. In fact, keeping these files separate may be handy, for instance, if you want to run multiple non-target analyses on these files or store the analysis files on a shared location.

Starting a new project typically consists of

  1. Creating a new directory (unsurprisingly!)
  2. Changing the active working directory to the project directory (e.g. with setwd()).
  3. Create (or copy) an R processing script.

Note that step 2 is important as any output files (e.g. reports and cached results) are stored to the current working directory by default. Consequently, always take care to ensure that this directory is active, for instance, after restarting R.

Steps 1-3 can be easily performed with the newProject() function. Alternatively, you can of course also perform these steps yourself. Both approaches will be discussed in the next sections.

Automatic project creation

Ensure that RStudio is active and start the new project utility:


NOTE Currently newProject() only works when using RStudio.

A dialog should pop-up (see screenshot below) where you can specify where and how the new project will be generated, which analyses you want to include and define a basic workflow. Based on this input a new project with a template script will be automatically generated.


For this tutorial make the following selections

Manual project creation

For RStudio users it is easiest to simply create a new RStudio project (e.g. File --> New Project). This will create a new directory and ensure that the working directory is set whenever you re-open it. Alternatively, you can do this manually, for instance:

projDir <- "~/myProjectDir"

The next step is to create a new R script. For this tutorial simply copy the script that is shown in the next section to a new .R file.

Template R script

After you ran newProject() the file below will be created. Before running this script, however, we still have to add and modify some of its code. In the next sections you will learn more about each part of the script, make the necessary changes and run its code.


Now that you have generated a new project with a template script it is time to make some minor modifications and run it afterwards. In the next sections each major part of the script (initialization, finding and grouping features, annotation and reporting) will be discussed separately. Each section will briefly discuss the code, what needs to be modified and finally you will run the code. In addition, several functions will be demonstrated that you can use to inspect generated data.


The first part of the script loads patRoon, makes sure the current working directory is set correctly and loads information about the analyses. This part in your script looks more or less like this:


workPath <- "C:/my_project"

# Example data from patRoonData package (triplicate solvent blank + triplicate standard)
anaInfo <- patRoonData::exampleAnalysisInfo("positive")
# negative numeric eval option to disable lines is useless nowadays as it
# visually comments out the code --> guess we need two blocks

anaInfo <- patRoonData::exampleAnalysisInfo("positive")

After you ran this part the analysis information should be stored in the anaInfo variable. This information is important as it will be required for subsequent steps in the workflow. Lets peek at its contents:


As you can see the generated data.frame consists of four columns:

The latter two columns are especially important for data cleanup, which will be discussed later. For now keep in mind that the analyses for the solvents and standards each belong to a different replicate group ("solvent" and "standard") and that the solvents should be used for blank subtraction.

In this tutorial the analysis information was just copied directly from [patRoonData]. The generateAnalysisInfo() function can be used to generate such a table for your own sample analyses. This function scans a given directory for MS data files and automatically fills in the path and analysis columns from this information. In addition, you can pass replicate group and blank information to this function. Example:

generateAnalysisInfo(patRoonData::exampleDataPath(), groups = c(rep("solvent-pos", 3), rep("standard-pos", 3)),
                     blanks = "solvent")

NOTE Of course nothing stops you from creating a data.frame with analysis information manually within R or load the information from a csv file. In fact, when you create a new project with newProject() you can select to generate a separate csv file with analysis information (i.e. by filling in the right information in the analysis tab).

NOTE The blanks for the solvent analyses are set to themselves. This will remove any features from the solvents later in the workflow, which is generally fine as we are usually not interested in the blanks anyway.

Find and group features

The first step of a LC-MS non-target analysis workflow is typically the extraction of so called 'features'. While sometimes slightly different definitions are used, a feature can be seen as a single peak within an extracted ion chromatogram. For a complex sample it is not uncommon that hundreds to thousands of features can extracted. Because these large numbers this process is typically automatized nowadays.

To obtain all the features within your dataset the findFeatures function is used. This function requires data on the analysis information (anaInfo variable created earlier) and the desired algorithm that should be used. On top of that there are many more options that can significantly influence the feature finding process, hence, it is important to evaluate results afterwards.

In this tutorial we will use the [OpenMS] software to find features and stick with default parameters:

fList <- findFeatures(anaInfo, "openms", noiseThrInt = 1000, chromSNR = 3, chromFWHM = 5, minFWHM = 1, maxFWHM = 30)

After some processing time (especially for larger datasets), the next step is to group features. During this step, features from different analysis are grouped, optionally after alignment of their retention times. This grouping is necessary because it is common that instrumental errors will result in (slight) variations in both retention time and m/z values which may complicate comparison of features between analyses. The resulting groups are referred to as feature groups and are crucial input for subsequent workflow steps.

To group features the groupFeatures() function is used, which has similar argument requirements as findFeatures() and likewise has many more options to tune the process.

fGroups <- groupFeatures(fList, "openms", rtalign = TRUE)

Data clean-up {#data-cleanup}

The next step is to perform some basic rule based filtering with the filter() function. As its name suggests this function has several ways to filter data. It is a so called generic function and methods exists for various data types, such as the feature groups object that was made in the previous section (stored in the the fGroups variable). Note that in this tutorial the absMinIntensity was increased to 1E5 to simplify the results.

fGroups <- filter(fGroups, preAbsMinIntensity = 100, absMinIntensity = 1E5,
                  relMinReplicateAbundance = 1, maxReplicateIntRSD = 0.75,
                  blankThreshold = 5, removeBlanks = TRUE,
                  retentionRange = NULL, mzRange = NULL)

The following filtering steps will be performed:

The removeBlanks argument tells will remove all blank analyses after filtering. The retentionRange and mzRange arguments are not used here, but could be used to filter out any features outside a give retention or m/z range. There are many more filters: see ?filter() for more information.

As you may have noticed quite a large part of the features are removed as a result of the filtering step. However, using the right settings is a very effective way to separate interesting data from the rest.

The next logical step in a non-target workflow is often to perform further prioritization of data. However, this will not be necessary in this tutorial as our samples are just known standard mixtures.

To simplify processing, we only continue with the first 25 feature groups:

fGroups <- fGroups[, 1:25]

Inspecting results

In order to have a quick peek at the results we can use the default printing method:


Furthermore, the function can be used to have a look at generated feature groups and their intensities (i.e. peak heights) across all analyses:


An overview of group properties is returned by the groupInfo() method:


Finally, we can have a quick look at our data by plotting some nice extracted ion chromatograms (EICs) for all feature groups:

plotChroms(fGroups, colourBy = "fGroups", showFGroupRect = FALSE, showPeakArea = TRUE,
           EICParams = getDefEICParams(topMost = 1), showLegend = FALSE)

Note that we only plot the most intense feature of a feature group here (as set by topMost=1). See the reference docs for many more parameters to these functions (e.g. ?plotChroms).


MS peak lists

After obtaining a good dataset with features of interest we can start moving to find their chemical identity. Before doing so, however, the first step is to extract all relevant MS data that will be used for annotation. The tutorial data was obtained with data-dependent MS/MS, so in the ideal case we can obtain both MS and MS/MS data for each feature group.

The generateMSPeakLists() function will perform this action for us and will generate so called MS peak lists in the process. These lists are basically (averaged) spectra in a tabular form. We will use algorithms from the [mzR] package to do so:

avgPListParams <- getDefAvgPListParams(clusterMzWindow = 0.002)
mslists <- generateMSPeakLists(fGroups, "mzr", maxMSRtWindow = 5, precursorMzWindow = 4,
                              avgFeatParams = avgPListParams, avgFGroupParams = avgPListParams)

Note that we lowered the clusterMzWindow value to 0.002. This window is used during averaging to cluster similar m/z values together. In general the better the resolution of your MS instrument, the lower the value can be set.

Similar to feature groups the filter() generic function can be used to clean up the peak lists afterwards:

mslists <- filter(mslists, relMSMSIntThr = 0.02, topMSMSPeaks = 10)

Here, all MS/MS mass peaks with intensities below 2% are removed and from the remaining peaks no more than the ten most intense are retained.

Formula calculation

Using the data from the MS peak lists generated during the previous step we can generate a list of formula candidates for each feature group which is based on measured m/z values, isotopic patterns and presence of MS/MS fragments. In this tutorial we will use this data as an extra hint to score candidate chemical structures generated during the next step. The command below will use [GenForm] to perform this step. Again running this code may take some time.

formulas <- generateFormulas(fGroups, mslists, "genform", relMzDev = 5, adduct = "[M+H]+", elements = "CHNOPSCl",
                             oc = FALSE, calculateFeatures = TRUE, featThresholdAnn = 0.75)

Note that you need to change the elements parameter to this function to make sure that formulae with sulfur and chloride (S/Cl) are also accepted. It is highly recommended to limit the elements (by default it is just C, H, N, O and P) as this can significantly reduce processing time and improbable formula candidates. In this tutorial we already knew which compounds to expect so the choice was easy, but often a good guess can be made in advance.

NOTE The generateFormulas() function returns an object that contains formula candidates assigned for each feature group. In the above call the calculateFeatures argument is set to TRUE: by doing so formulae are first calculated for individual features within a feature group. These results are then used to generate a consensus candidate formula list for the complete feature group. During this process any outliers (defined by featThresholdAnn) are automatically removed. In contrast, setting calculateFeatures to FALSE will calculate formulae directly for feature groups (by using MS peak lists that have been averaged for the whole group). This will be significantly faster, but might produce (slightly) less accurate results.

Compound identification

Now it is time to actually see what compounds we may be dealing with. In this tutorial we will use [MetFrag] to come up with a list of possible candidates structures for each feature group. Before we can start you have to make sure that MetFrag and the PubChemLite library can be found by patRoon. Please see the [Handbook] for installation instructions.

Then generateCompounds() is used to execute MetFrag and generate the compounds.

compounds <- generateCompounds(fGroups, mslists, "metfrag", method = "CL",
                               dbRelMzDev = 5, fragRelMzDev = 5, fragAbsMzDev = 0.002,
                               adduct = "[M+H]+", database = "pubchemlite", maxCandidatesToStop = 2500)

While generateCompounds() is running a list of candidate compound structures will be downloaded for every feature group and ranked according to various scoring parameters.

See ?generateCompounds() for more information on possible databases and many other parameters that can be set.

NOTE This is often one of the most time consuming steps during the workflow. For this reason you should always take care to prioritize your data before running this function!

Finally we use the addFormulaScoring() function to improve ranking of candidates by incorporating the formula calculation data from the previous step.

compounds <- addFormulaScoring(compounds, formulas, updateScore = TRUE)
compounds <- NULL

Inspecting results

Similar as feature groups we can quickly peek at some results:

compounds[, 1:7] # only show first columns for clarity[, 1:5] # only show first columns for clarity
plotSpectrum(mslists, "M186_R293_1568", MSLevel = 2)
plotSpectrum(formulas, 1, "M109_R192_157", MSPeakLists = mslists)
plotSpectrum(compounds, 1, "M120_R268_288", mslists, plotStruct = TRUE)


The last step of the workflow is typically to report all the data. The report() function combines all workflow data in an easy to use interactive HTML document.

report(fGroups, MSPeakLists = mslists, formulas = formulas, compounds = compounds,
       components = NULL, settingsFile = "report.yml", openReport = TRUE)

NOTE If you did not use newProject() and created the project manually then you first need to generate a new report settings file:

genReportSettingsFile() # only run this if the project was created manually without  newProject() 

The output of report() can be viewed here.

Note that these functions can be called at any time during the workflow. This may be especially useful if you want evaluate results during optimization or exploring the various algorithms and their parameters. In this case you can simply cherry pick the data that you want to report, for instance:

# only report feature groups (i.e. the bare minimum)

# report formulas. Note that MSPeakLists (mslists variable) are required for formula/compound reporting
report(fGroups, MSPeakLists = mslists, formulas = formulas)
# do the actual reporting here

# ugly work around for nested rmarkdown call made by report; based on
tempF <- tempfile(); tempScript <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
save(fGroups, formulas, compounds, mslists, file = tempF)
options("patRoon.cache.fileName" = "%s")
report(fGroups, path = "../docs/examples", formulas = formulas, compounds = compounds,
       components = NULL, MSPeakLists = mslists, openReport = FALSE, parallel = FALSE)
', gsub("\\", "/", getwd(), fixed = TRUE), gsub("\\", "/", tempF, fixed = TRUE), getOption("patRoon.cache.fileName")), con = tempScript)
# devtools::clean_source(tempScript, quiet = TRUE)
callr::rscript(tempScript, show = FALSE)

Final script

In the previous sections the different parts of the processing script were discussed and where necessary modified. As a reference, the final script look similar ot this:

rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:32 p.m.