generateComponentsOpenMS: Componentization of adducts, isotopes etc. with OpenMS

generateComponentsOpenMSR Documentation

Componentization of adducts, isotopes etc. with OpenMS


Uses the MetaboliteAdductDecharger utility (see to generate components.


generateComponentsOpenMS(fGroups, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'featureGroups'
  ionization = NULL,
  chargeMin = 1,
  chargeMax = 1,
  chargeSpan = 3,
  qTry = "heuristic",
  potentialAdducts = NULL,
  minRTOverlap = 0.66,
  retWindow = 1,
  absMzDev = 0.005,
  minSize = 2,
  relMinAdductAbundance = 0.75,
  adductConflictsUsePref = TRUE,
  NMConflicts = c("preferential", "mostAbundant", "mostIntense"),
  prefAdducts = c("[M+H]+", "[M-H]-"),
  extraOpts = NULL

## S4 method for signature 'featureGroupsSet'
  ionization = NULL,
  chargeMin = 1,
  chargeMax = 1,
  chargeSpan = 3,
  qTry = "heuristic",
  potentialAdducts = NULL,



featureGroups object for which components should be generated.

... \setsWF

Further arguments passed to the non-sets workflow method.


Which ionization polarity was used to generate the data: should be "positive" or "negative". If the featureGroups object has adduct annotations, and ionization=NULL, the ionization will be detected automatically.


This parameter is not supported for sets workflows, as the ionization will always be detected automatically.

chargeMin, chargeMax

The minimum/maximum charge to consider. Corresponds to the algorithm:MetaboliteFeatureDeconvolution:charge_min/algorithm:MetaboliteFeatureDeconvolution:charge_min options.


The maximum charge span for a single analyte. Corresponds to algorithm:MetaboliteFeatureDeconvolution:charge_span_max.


Sets how charges are determined. Corresponds to algorithm:MetaboliteFeatureDeconvolution:q_try. Valid options are "heuristic" and "all" (the "feature" option from OpenMS is currently not supported).


The adducts to consider. Should be a numeric vector with probabilities for each adduct, e.g. potentialAdducts=c("[M+H]+" = 0.8, "[M+Na]+" = 0.2). Note that the sum of probabilities should always be ‘⁠1⁠’. Furthermore, note that additions of multiple adducts should be controlled by the chargeMin/chargeMax arguments (and not with potentialAdducts), e.g. if chargeMax=2 then both [M+H]+ and [2M+H]2+ may be considered. Please see the algorithm:MetaboliteFeatureDeconvolution:potential_adducts option of MetaboliteAdductDecharger for more details. If NULL then the a default is chosen with defaultOpenMSAdducts (which is not the same as OpenMS).


Should be a list where each entry specifies the potential adducts for a set. Should either be named with the sets names or follow the same order as sets(fGroups). Example: potentialAdducts=list(positive=c("[M+H]+" = 0.8, "[M+Na]+" = 0.2), negative=c("[M-H]-" = 0.8, "[M-H2O-H]-" = 0.2))

minRTOverlap, retWindow

Sets feature retention tolerances when grouping features. Sets the "algorithm:MetaboliteFeatureDeconvolution:retention_max_diff" and algorithm:MetaboliteFeatureDeconvolution:min_rt_overlap options.


Maximum absolute m/z deviation. Sets the algorithm:MetaboliteFeatureDeconvolution:mass_max_diff option


The minimum size of a component. Smaller components than this size will be removed. See note below.


The minimum relative abundance (‘⁠0-1⁠’) that an adduct should be assigned to features within the same feature group. See the ⁠Feature components⁠ section for more details.


If set to TRUE, and not all adduct assigments to the features within a feature group are equal and at least one of those adducts is a preferential adduct (prefAdducts argument), then only the features with (the lowest ranked) preferential adduct are considered. In all other cases or when adductConflictsUsePref=FALSE only features with the most frequently assigned adduct is considered. See the ⁠Feature components⁠ section for more details.


The strategies to employ when not all neutral masses within a component are equal. Valid options are: "preferential", "mostAbundant" and "mostIntense". Multiple strategies are possible, and will be executed in the given order until one succeeds. See the ⁠Feature components⁠ section for more details.


A character vector with one or more preferential adducts. See the ⁠Feature components⁠ section for more details.


Named character vector with extra command line parameters directly passed to MetaboliteAdductDecharger. Set to NULL to ignore.


This function uses OpenMS to generate components. This function is called when calling generateComponents with algorithm="openms".

Features that show highly similar chromatographic elution profiles are grouped, and subsequently annotated with their adducts.


A componentsFeatures derived object.

Feature components

The returned components are based on so called feature components. Unlike other algorithms, components are first made on a feature level (per analysis), instead of for complete feature groups. In the final step the feature components are converted to 'regular' components by employing a consensus approach with the following steps:

  1. If an adduct assigned to a feature only occurs as a minority compared to other adduct assigments within the same feature group, it is considered as an outlier and removed accordingly (controlled by the relMinAdductAbundance argument).

  2. For features within a feature group, only keep their adduct assignment if it occurs as the most frequent or is preferential (controlled by adductConflictsUsePref and prefAdducts arguments).

  3. Components are made by combining the feature groups for which at least one of their features are jointly present in the same feature component.

  4. Conflicts of neutral mass assignments within a component (i.e. not all are the same) are dealt with. Firstly, all feature groups with an unknown neutral mass are split in another component. Then, if conflicts still occur, the feature groups with similar neutral mass (determined by absMzDev argument) are grouped. Depending on the NMConflicts argument, the group with one or more preferential adduct(s) or that is the largest or most intense is selected, whereas others are removed from the component. In case multiple groups contain preferential adducts, and ‘⁠>1⁠’ preferential adducts are available, the group with the adduct that matches first in prefAdducts 'wins'. In case of ties, one of the next strategies in NMConflicts is tried.

  5. If a feature group occurs in multiple components it will be removed completely.

  6. the minSize filter is applied.

Sets workflows

In a sets workflow the componentization is first performed for each set independently. The resulting components are then all combined in a componentsSet object. Note that the components themselves are never merged. The components are renamed to include the set name from which they were generated (e.g. "CMP1" becomes "CMP1-positive").


generateComponentsOpenMS uses multiprocessing to parallelize computations. Please see the parallelization section in the handbook for more details and patRoon options for configuration options.




See Also

generateComponents for more details and other algorithms.

rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 6:11 p.m.