generateFormulasGenForm: Generate formula with GenForm

generateFormulasGenFormR Documentation

Generate formula with GenForm


Uses GenForm to generate chemical formula candidates.


generateFormulasGenForm(fGroups, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'featureGroups'
  relMzDev = 5,
  adduct = NULL,
  elements = "CHNOP",
  hetero = TRUE,
  oc = FALSE,
  thrMS = NULL,
  thrMSMS = NULL,
  thrComb = NULL,
  maxCandidates = Inf,
  extraOpts = NULL,
  calculateFeatures = TRUE,
  featThreshold = 0,
  featThresholdAnn = 0.75,
  absAlignMzDev = 0.002,
  MSMode = "both",
  isolatePrec = TRUE,
  timeout = 120,
  topMost = 50,
  batchSize = 8

## S4 method for signature 'featureGroupsSet'
  relMzDev = 5,
  adduct = NULL,
  setThreshold = 0,
  setThresholdAnn = 0,
  setAvgSpecificScores = FALSE



featureGroups object for which formulae should be generated. This should be the same or a subset of the object that was used to create the specified MSPeakLists. In the case of a subset only the remaining feature groups in the subset are considered.

... \setsWF

Further arguments passed to the non-sets workflow method.


An MSPeakLists object that was generated for the supplied fGroups.


Maximum relative deviation between the measured and candidate formula m/z values (in ppm). Sets the ppm command line option.


An adduct object (or something that can be converted to it with as.adduct). Examples: "[M-H]-", "[M+Na]+". If the featureGroups object has adduct annotations then these are used if adducts=NULL.


The adduct argument is not supported for sets workflows, since the adduct annotations will then always be used.


Elements to be considered for formulae calculation. This will heavily affects the number of candidates! Always try to work with a minimal set by excluding elements you don't expect. Sets the el command line option.


Only consider formulae with at least one hetero atom. Sets the het commandline option.


Only consider organic formulae (i.e. with at least one carbon atom). Sets the oc commandline option.

thrMS, thrMSMS, thrComb

Sets the thresholds for the GenForm MS score (isoScore), MS/MS score (MSMSScore) and combined score (combMatch). Sets the thms/thmsms/thcomb command line options, respectively. Set to NULL for no threshold.


If this number of candidates are found then GenForm aborts any further formula calculations. The number of candidates is determined after any formula filters, hence, the properties and 'quality' of the candidates is influenced by options such as oc and thrMS arguments. Note that this is different than topMost, which selects the candidates after GenForm finished. Sets the max command line option. Set to ‘⁠0⁠’ or Inf for no maximum.


An optional character vector with any other command line options that will be passed to GenForm. See the ⁠GenForm options⁠ section for all available command line options.


If TRUE fomulae are first calculated for all features prior to feature group assignment (see ⁠Candidate assignment⁠ in generateFormulas).


If calculateFeatures=TRUE: minimum presence (‘⁠0-1⁠’) of a formula in all features before it is considered as a candidate for a feature group. For instance, featThreshold=0.75 dictates that a formula should be present in at least 75% of the features inside a feature group.


As featThreshold, but only considers features with annotations. For instance, featThresholdAnn=0.75 dictates that a formula should be present in at least 75% of the features with annotations inside a feature group. @param topMost Only keep this number of candidates (per feature group) with highest score.


When the group formula annotation consensus is made from feature annotations, the m/z values of annotated MS/MS fragments may slightly deviate from those of the corresponding group MS/MS peak list. The absAlignMzDev argument specifies the maximum m/z window used to re-align the mass peaks.


Whether formulae should be generated only from MS data ("ms"), MS/MS data ("msms") or both ("both"). Selecting "both" will fall back to formula calculation with only MS data in case no MS/MS data is available.


Settings used for isolation of precursor mass peaks and their isotopes. This isolation is highly important for accurate isotope scoring of candidates, as non-relevant mass peaks will dramatically decrease the score. The value of isolatePrec should either be a list with parameters (see the filter method for MSPeakLists for more details), TRUE for default parameters or FALSE for no isolation (e.g. when you already performed isolation with the filter method). The z parameter (charge) is automatically deduced from the adduct used for annotation (unless isolatePrec=FALSE), hence any custom z setting is ignored.


Maximum time (in seconds) that a GenForm command is allowed to execute. If this time is exceeded a warning is emitted and the command is terminated. See the notes section for more information on the need of timeouts.


Only keep this number of candidates (per feature group) with highest score.


Maximum number of GenForm commands that should be run sequentially in each parallel process. Combining commands with short runtimes (such as GenForm) can significantly increase parallel performance. For more information see executeMultiProcess. Note that this is ignored if patRoon.MP.method="future".

setThreshold \setsWF

Minimum abundance for a candidate among all sets (‘⁠0-1⁠’). For instance, a value of ‘⁠1⁠’ means that the candidate needs to be present in all the set data.

setThresholdAnn \setsWF

As setThreshold, but only taking into account the set data that contain annotations for the feature group of the candidate.

setAvgSpecificScores \setsWF

If TRUE then set specific scorings (e.g. MS/MS match) are also averaged.


This function uses genform to generate formula candidates. This function is called when calling generateFormulas with algorithm="genform".

When MS/MS data is available it will be used to score candidate formulae by presence of 'fitting' fragments.


A formulas object containing all generated formulae.

GenForm options

Below is a list of options (generated by running GenForm without commandline options) which can be set by the extraOpts parameter.

Formula calculation from MS and MS/MS data as described in
Meringer et al (2011) MATCH Commun Math Comput Chem 65: 259-290
Usage: GenForm ms=<filename> [msms=<filename>] [out=<filename>]
        [exist[=mv]] [m=<number>] [ion=-e|+e|-H|+H|+Na] [cha=<number>]
        [ppm=<number>] [msmv=ndp|nsse|nsae] [acc=<number>] [rej=<number>]
        [thms=<number>] [thmsms=<number>] [thcomb=<number>]
        [sort[=ppm|msmv|msmsmv|combmv]] [el=<elements> [oc]] [ff=<fuzzy formula>]
        [vsp[=<even|odd>]] [vsm2mv[=<value>]] [vsm2ap2[=<value>]] [hcf] [kfer[=ex]]
        [wm[=lin|sqrt|log]] [wi[=lin|sqrt|log]] [exp=<number>] [oei]
        [dbeexc=<number>] [ivsm2mv=<number>] [vsm2ap2=<number>]
        [oms[=<filename>]] [omsms[=<filename>]] [oclean[=<filename>]]
        [analyze [loss] [intens]] [dbe] [cm] [pc] [sc] [max]
        ms      : filename of MS data (*.txt)
        msms    : filename of MS/MS data (*.txt)
        out     : output generated formulas
        exist   : allow only molecular formulas for that at least one
                  structural formula exists;overrides vsp, vsm2mv, vsm2ap2;
                  argument mv enables multiple valencies for P and S
        m       : experimental molecular mass (default: mass of MS basepeak)
        ion     : type of ion measured (default: M+H)
        ppm     : accuracy of measurement in parts per million (default: 5)
        msmv    : MS match value based on normalized dot product, normalized
                  sum of squared or absolute errors (default: nsae)
        acc     : allowed deviation for full acceptance of MS/MS peak in ppm
                  (default: 2)
        rej     : allowed deviation for total rejection of MS/MS peak in ppm
                  (default: 4)
        thms    : threshold for the MS match value
        thmsms  : threshold for the MS/MS match value
        thcomb  : threshold for the combined match value
        sort    : sort generated formulas according to mass deviation in ppm,
                  MS match value, MS/MS match value or combined match value
        el      : used chemical elements (default: CHBrClFINOPSSi)
        oc      : only organic compounds, i.e. with at least one C atom
        ff      : overwrites el and oc and uses fuzzy formula for limits of
                  element multiplicities
        het     : formulas must have at least one hetero atom
        vsp     : valency sum parity (even for graphical formulas)
        vsm2mv  : lower bound for valency sum - 2 * maximum valency
                  (>=0 for graphical formulas)
        vsm2ap2 : lower bound for valency sum - 2 * number of atoms + 2
                  (>=0 for graphical connected formulas)
        hcf     : apply Heuerding-Clerc filter
        kfer    : apply Kind-Fiehn element ratio (extended) ranges
        wm      : m/z weighting for MS/MS match value
        wi      : intensity weighting for MS/MS match value
        exp     : exponent used, when wi is set to log
        oei     : allow odd electron ions for explaining MS/MS peaks
        dbeexc  : excess of double bond equivalent for ions
        ivsm2mv : lower bound for valency sum - 2 * maximum valency
                  for fragment ions
        ivsm2ap2: lower bound for valency sum - 2 * number of atoms + 2
                  for fragment ions
        oms     : write scaled MS peaks to output
        omsms   : write weighted MS/MS peaks to output
        oclean  : write explained MS/MS peaks to output
        analyze : write explanations for MS/MS peaks to output
        loss    : for analyzing MS/MS peaks write losses instead of fragments
        intens  : write intensities of MS/MS peaks to output
        dbe     : write double bond equivalents to output
        cm      : write calculated ion masses to output
        pc      : output match values in percent
        sc      : strip calculated isotope distributions
        noref   : hide the reference information
        max     : maximum number of final candidates (0 is no limit)


generateFormulasGenForm uses multiprocessing to parallelize computations. Please see the parallelization section in the handbook for more details and patRoon options for configuration options.

When futures are used for parallel processing (patRoon.MP.method="future"), calculations with GenForm are done with batch mode disabled (see batchSize argument), which generally limit overall performance.


This function always sets the exist and oei GenForm command line options.

Formula calculation with GenForm may produce an excessive number of candidates for high m/z values (e.g. above 600) and/or many elemental combinations (set by elements). In this scenario formula calculation may need a very long time. Timeouts are used to avoid excessive computational times by terminating long running commands (set by the timeout argument).




See Also

generateFormulas for more details and other algorithms.

rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 6:11 p.m.