importFeatureGroupsBrukerPA: Imports feature groups from Bruker ProfileAnalysis

View source: R/feature_groups-bruker.R

importFeatureGroupsBrukerPAR Documentation

Imports feature groups from Bruker ProfileAnalysis


Imports a 'bucket table' produced by Bruker ProfileAnalysis (PA)


  rtWindow = 12,
  mzWindow = 0.005,
  intWindow = 5,
  warn = TRUE



The file path to a exported 'bucket table' ‘.txt’ file from PA.


The features object obtained with findFeaturesBruker.

rtWindow, mzWindow, intWindow

Search window values for retention time (seconds), m/z (Da) and intensity used to find back features within feature groups from PA (+/- the retention/mass/intensity value of a feature).


Warn about missing or duplicate features when relating them back from grouped features.


This function imports data from Bruker ProfileAnalysis. This function is called when calling importFeatureGroups with type="brukerpa".

The 'bucket table' should be exported as ‘.txt’ file. Please note that this function only supports features generated by findFeaturesBruker and it is crucial that DataAnalysis files remain unchanged when features are collected and the bucket table is generated. Furthermore, please note that PA does not retain information about originating features for generated buckets. For this reason, this function tries to find back the original features and care must be taken to correctly specify search parameters (rtWindow, mzWindow, intWindow).


An object of a class which is derived from featureGroups.

The featuresSet method (for sets workflows) returns a featureGroupsSet object.

See Also

importFeatureGroups for more details and other algorithms.

rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 6:11 p.m.