
#' @param set \setsWF The name of the set.
#' @param sets \setsWF A \code{character} with name(s) of the sets to keep (or remove if \code{negate=TRUE}). Note: if
#'   \code{updateConsensus=FALSE} then the \code{setCoverage} column of the annotation results is not updated.
#' @param updateConsensus \setsWF If \code{TRUE} then the annonation consensus among set results is updated. See the
#'   \verb{Sets workflows} section for more details.
#' @param perSet,mirror \setsWF If \code{perSet=TRUE} then the set specific mass peaks are annotated separately.
#'   Furthermore, if \code{mirror=TRUE} (and there are two sets in the object) then a mirror plot is generated.
#' @param setThreshold,setThresholdAnn \setsWF Thresholds used to create the annotation set consensus. See
#'   \code{\link{<%=generator%>}}.
#' @param setAvgSpecificScores \setsWF If \code{TRUE} then set specific annotation scores (\emph{e.g.} MS/MS and
#'   isotopic pattern match scores) are averaged for the set consensus. See \code{\link{<%=generator%>}}.
#' @param filterSets \setsWF Controls how algorithms concensus abundance filters are applied. See the \verb{Sets
#'   workflows} section below.
#' @slot setThreshold,setThresholdAnn,setAvgSpecificScores \setsWF A copy of the equally named arguments that were
#'   passed when this object was created by \code{\link{<%=generator%>}}.
#' @slot origFGNames \setsWF The original (order of) names of the \code{\link{featureGroups}} object that was used to
#'   create this object.
#' @section Sets workflows: \setsWFClass{<%=class%>}{<%=parent%>}
#'   \setsWFNewMethodsSO{<%=classUnset%>}{Only the annotation results that are present in the specified set are kept
#'   (based on the set consensus, see below for implications).}
#'   \setsWFChangedMethods{
#'   \item \code{filter} and the subset operator (\code{[}) Can be used to select data that is only present for selected
#'   sets. Depending on the \code{updateConsenus}, both either operate on set consensus or original data (see below for
#'   implications).
#'   \item \code{annotatedPeakList} Returns a combined annotation table with all sets.
#'   \item \code{plotSpectrum} Is able to highlight set specific mass peaks (\code{perSet} and \code{mirror} arguments).
#'   \item \code{consensus} Creates the algorithm consensus based on the original annotation data (see below for
#'   implications). Then, like the sets workflow method for \code{\link{<%=generator%>}}, a consensus is made for all
#'   sets, which can be controlled with the \code{setThreshold} and \code{setThresholdAnn} arguments. The candidate
#'   coverage among the different algorithms is calculated for each set (\emph{e.g.} \code{coverage-positive} column)
#'   and for all sets (\code{coverage} column), which is based on the presence of a candidate in all the algorithms from
#'   all sets data. The \code{consensus} method for sets workflow data supports the \code{filterSets} argument. This
#'   controls how the algorithm consensus abundance filters (\code{absMinAbundance}/\code{relMinAbundance}) are applied:
#'   if \code{filterSets=TRUE} then the minimum of all \code{coverage} set specific columns is used to obtain the
#'   algorithm abundance. Otherwise the overall \code{coverage} column is used. For instance, consider a consensus
#'   object to be generated from two objects generated by different algorithms (\emph{e.g.} \command{SIRIUS} and
#'   \command{<%=consAlgo2%>}), which both have a positive and negative set. Then, if a candidate occurs with both
#'   algorithms for the positive mode set, but only with the first algorithm in the negative mode set,
#'   \code{relMinAbundance=1} will remove the candidate if \code{filterSets=TRUE} (because the minimum relative
#'   algorithm abundance is \samp{0.5}), while \code{filterSets=FALSE} will not remove the candidate (because based on
#'   all sets data the candidate occurs in both algorithms).
#'   <%= if (exists("extraMethods")) extraMethods %>
#'   }
#'   Two types of annotation data are stored in a \code{<%=class%>} object: \enumerate{
#'   \item Annotations that are produced from a consensus between set results (see \code{<%=generator%>}).
#'   \item The 'original' annotation data per set, prior to when the set consensus was made. This includes candidates
#'   that were filtered out because of the thresholds set by \code{setThreshold} and \code{setThresholdAnn}. However,
#'   when \code{filter} or subsetting (\code{[}) operations are performed, the original data is also updated.
#'   }
#'   In most cases the first data is used. However, in a few cases the original annotation data is used (as indicated
#'   above), for instance, to re-create the set consensus. It is important to realize that the original annotation data
#'   may have \emph{additional} candidates, and a newly created set consensus may therefore have 'new' candidates. For
#'   instance, when the object consists of the sets \code{"positive"} and \code{"negative"} and \code{setThreshold=1}
#'   was used to create it, then \code{<%=exObj%>[, sets = "positive", updateConsensus = TRUE]} may now have additional
#'   candidates, \emph{i.e.} those that were not present in the \code{"negative"} set and were previously removed due to
#'   the consensus threshold filter.
rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:32 p.m.